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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member

@Crimson Dragoon look what I stumbled on

@Crimson Dragoon look what I stumbled on

It's surprising how little people use Heaven's Lost Property as a VS. series despite how busted it is... when you get outside of how massively ecchi it is.


V.I.P. Member
So Monado II Shulk just scales downward from Bionis/Mechonis and Zanza then?

yeah I'm starting to see why that thread is a stomp :tupac

Monado II scales at least to the Mechonis as controlled by Egil since blocking the Yaldabaoth's sword also physically stops the Mechonis' sword.

Which puts him at least at Country level due to the sword literally being the size of a small country :skully


Man of Atom

Meanwhile in the actual games

I love how they keep bringing up that Nuclear Weapons are a huge deal but then ignore the obvious context that the reason why Nuclear Weapons are so OP?

It's because due to the nickname Nuclear Weapons have, they are automatically tied... to the Judeo-Christian/Abrahamic God. Really speaks volumes in a series where Human Cognition is king, people can't piece that shit together and think that it means nothing when one of the more well known names for Nuclear Weapons is "God's Wrath".

Well that's a fallacy because stubborn people who refuse to be convinced will never yield even if they're wrong.

So Spacebattles in a nutshell? :risigif Or should I leave it to the Frieren believers who honestly put WAY too much stock in her shit and can believe she can box with people beyond her?

If the outcome of a debate was soley in the hands of one party because they refuse to concede it wouldn't be much of a debate, would it?

Which is exactly what is happening in this thread with you and the other Frieren believers giving the most retarded reasons why she would win that basically goes all in with fanfiction writing?

The lack of a poll means nothing. The purpose of a debate is to reach a consensus on an outcome so insisting it remain open ended puts the purpose into question.

Actually believes this shit is a "debate"

This isn't a debate, this is basically just throwing out actual evidence to then pretend piercing through a decently sized rock is somehow enough to defeat Sauron and Palpatine instantly.

If you go back and look at previous posts you'll see a lot of the pro-Frieren posts have 20+ likes which sounds an awful lot like voting to me.

When in the hell does THAT mean anything? I have seen people get 20+ votes over some of the most insane garbage I have ever seen in my life over there, especially when you have no way of giving negative feedback because you guys are too chickenshit for that.

I don't want to dissuade you from debate, I'm asking you to see the writing on the wall.

That the SB Frieren Fandom has officially reached the level of SB RWBY, SB KnY, SB JJK and SB Worm of ultimately bending everything they can to get an undeserved win? Because that's what this has become now...
Frieren really doesn't deserve this shit...

lol I said I wouldn't respond to you, but you keep bringing it up so I'm breaking. The onus is on you to prove that it is, because common sense dictates that it isn't.

Neither have you fuckers! All I have seen throughout that entire topic is "lol Frieren stomps", "lol Frieren has deflector shields that can just happen to stop Force Lightning and her Zoltraak can go around attacks despite Force Lightning being AOE" and other such absolute trash that makes me want to vomit. We even heard that Frieren can just kill Sauron despite his mindfuck would end her instantly, no debate why that would be the case, just act like that everyone else is slower than her and "win".

Force Lightning is obvious magic because it doesn't behave at all like real lightning does during propagation, but at the end of the day when it hits its intended target it still makes them crackle and burn. We both agree on this because otherwise you wouldn't have provided invalid mathematical calculations (lol).

I love hearing this shit so much because it's always JUST Lightning(Light) that gets this scrutiny, never Fire, Wind, Water, anything that violates the shit out of physics or the other Laws, just Lightning and Light which always show how fake SB is when it comes to the "Magic" shit(I can guarantee if this was MHA and there was a Lightning/Light Quirk user, they wouldn't be trying to downplay that shit at all).

Do you have the proof that Force Lightning isn't real Lightning? Because most places don't bother going with "Propogation" and other nonsense because no shit, authors don't know what the hell comes IN a Lightning Bolt, doesn't change the fact for them, it can be a true Lightning bolt otherwise(Especially since materials and otherwise state it is genuine Electricity being shot through them and The Force controls all things...)

Saying something isn't true... isn't a debate. You need to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt it's not meant to be "real" Lightning and there are shows and stuff that differentiate the two... but Star Wars ain't it(Especially when TFU2 exists and Galen enhances his already BS Force Lightning... with ACTUAL LIGHTNING to fry Vader).

If his 14 petawatts of power (your calculation) suddenly transforms into 14 petajoules of thermal energy in the same room as him, you're going to need to show me the feats where he magically stops the gases around his target and which are filling the room from superheating and turning him and all surroundings into plasma.

This is literally what I fucking mean :maury you can't say this stupid ass shit but then suddenly act like Frieren herself shouldn't be affected by this same logic because she's a fucking Wizard herself?! "Why doesn't the laws of physics work here if it's real Lightning?" I wonder why if a character uses a Fire attack that can effortlessly melt humans, why doesn't the entire area literally get turned into a lava pit? I wonder why these sort of questions never pop up but it ONLY does when it becomes convenient to dismiss Lightning and Light feats?

My understanding of @Geek Girl Naruru's statement is that it's an agglutinate super-Palpatine, in which case he stomps solo lol unless the win condition is actually first to kill the opposing team.

EDIT: And to be clear, I think she would kill him first because

The hilarious part of the "Palpatine In Character" deal is... that's it's not even true using just the Prequel Canon:

Where is that "He loves to talk and own the room" energy? Oh right, all Palpatine does is set the stage that gives him a reason to kill them and then "suddenly" become weak enough for Anakin to fully fall by screwing over Windu. Otherwise he's literally ready to go to the point even the 4 Jedi Masters wait for HIM to make the first move(And they STILL get blindsided to shit despite that and yes, it's in the Novelization, it's not meant to be a gaff there)

Literal first move of the fight is Palpatine telling him that he underestimated him and blasted him to shit with Force Lightning...

Again, when is Palpatine "talking up a storm and toying with his enemies" at here?
So he literally kills 3 Jedi Masters in seconds, only screws around with Mace because he wanted to set the stage for Anakin to fall and is only surprised and flees because he doesn't like his chances with Yoda and otherwise tries to murder him every chance he gets...
And suddenly, he toys with all of his enemies every time? He didn't even toy with Luke, he explicitly wanted to prolong his suffering and death because he was PISSED Luke blew his plans to shit, that was the only real time he ever "toyed with anyone".

I'm still on the fence about how peak Sauron performs against Frieren. Everything about 'might' in the LotR setting is so similar to 'the narrative will shape such that you win' that it's hard to say anything, really. Gets even worse once you go back before the Third Age. Honestly dunno why people even include Sauron and the like in versus battles.

1. He can shatter Mountains and lift Archipelagos
2. He can mindfuck Frieren to death considering her existential issues
3. His death literally destroyed Mordor which is the size of a Country at bare minimum

Frieren would be dead against Sauron in any form.
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