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Who is the strongest character that Nakhash (Star Wars) can beat in To Aru?


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
So do Magic Gods

Unless he’s Multiversal to at least the billions of worlds degree, hard stops at Othinus

nevermind the Magic Gods above her literally infinitely stronger than her
To this day I still don't understand what they did differently that makes them stronger than her lol
it’s also not disputed for any actual reason, it’s just a combination of laziness and people not liking the series. At this point there’s a million quotes floating around backing it up regardless of if I like the series or not. The hobby shouldn’t judge things based on that

I'm gonna offer my 2 cents here and be genuine when it comes to my take on this:

The reason it's not taken besides the "millions of quotes backing it up" isn't just because of apathy, laziness and not liking the show... but the fact that To Aru is only now being recently covered and the problem is that it's in an LN format with only a Manga as a further push towards it.

It's not like there is just hatred towards the To Aru series, we have had plenty of times where people just pushed whole ass series and characters up because of basically them piecemealing us stuff without any context(Diebuster? Genis? CCC?). I fully remember folks had conniptions when it came to Fate because of CCC's existence for the longest time(How many times I hear IWD tell me that personally and why it gave Fate a black eye for years).
Like the issue as a whole isn't that no one wants to check it but you have 2 people who constantly goes apeshit about it despite it not even in the proving stages yet and we should just accept it for "how it is" rather than making sure "it's genuinely proven beyond a shadow of a doubt".
Last thing I doubt people want to see is just using the way a statement is framed to basically push series into absolutely ludicrous degrees because "it's how it is" rather than "proven beyond a shadow of a doubt".


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
so what I'm hearing is more people are going to have to read the series to verify things



V.I.P. Member
Alright. Ask away whatever questions you have. Already posted some scans for my claims but I got some more to avoid “piecemealing with no context”


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
I'm gonna offer my 2 cents here and be genuine when it comes to my take on this:

The reason it's not taken besides the "millions of quotes backing it up" isn't just because of apathy, laziness and not liking the show... but the fact that To Aru is only now being recently covered and the problem is that it's in an LN format with only a Manga as a further push towards it.

It's not like there is just hatred towards the To Aru series, we have had plenty of times where people just pushed whole ass series and characters up because of basically them piecemealing us stuff without any context(Diebuster? Genis? CCC?). I fully remember folks had conniptions when it came to Fate because of CCC's existence for the longest time(How many times I hear IWD tell me that personally and why it gave Fate a black eye for years).
Like the issue as a whole isn't that no one wants to check it but you have 2 people who constantly goes apeshit about it despite it not even in the proving stages yet and we should just accept it for "how it is" rather than making sure "it's genuinely proven beyond a shadow of a doubt".
Last thing I doubt people want to see is just using the way a statement is framed to basically push series into absolutely ludicrous degrees because "it's how it is" rather than "proven beyond a shadow of a doubt".
I’m not saying this is incorrect but you know as well as I that Rev in specific poisoned the well a bit wrt ToAru relations on here. It made people extremely skeptical to an insane degree that they aren’t with other series. Goldenboy posted a thread like two years ago compiling quotes backing up the multiversal stuff and just got told “wait till the respect thread is done then we’ll talk” ??? why? No other series here is handled that way.

Yes, everything needs to be presented with proper context and due diligence, but we cant act like it’s not being treated differently. Castlevania got accepted at multiversal for far less (and I don’t even disagree with that!)
I’m not saying this is incorrect but you know as well as I that Rev in specific poisoned the well a bit wrt ToAru relations on here. It made people extremely skeptical to an insane degree that they aren’t with other series. Goldenboy posted a thread like two years ago compiling quotes backing up the multiversal stuff and just got told “wait till the respect thread is done then we’ll talk” ??? why? No other series here is handled that way.

I mean Fate was? I'm not sure if you actually look back on the FV Nasuverse Page but last time I checked, people did not accept that shit lock, stock and barrel:

And you can ask some of the OGs here how they felt about how far Extra/CCC poisoned the well until FGO came in and clarified a bunch of shit in real time combined with the cavalcade of Anime/Manga/Games and other adaptations helping clarifying that shit.

Let's also not pretend that Rev is the ONLY ONE currently poisoning the To Aru well or is it the only series to be "handled that way"(Overlord? Fairy Tail? JJK and the constant back and forth on Infinity?).

Yes, everything needs to be presented with proper context and due diligence, but we cant act like it’s not being treated differently. Castlevania got accepted at multiversal for far less (and I don’t even disagree with that!)

Because Atem showed us not just quotes directly from the game itself but full on pictures from the game itself confirming those very things. It's the same deal with Shadow Hearts, something I can equally back up due to me playing all 3 games.
You can ask everyone else what their problems are with To Aru but I'll be real when I say this:
The Manga helps clarify some things but it doesn't help clarify everything and it's not helped by Kamachi deciding to one up Nasu in terms of being an archaic fuck for certain words and wanting to make everything far more complicated than it is. Which ends up with things just sounding ridiculous, not at all what the feat is seemingly meant to be or just overall feels like Kamachi is going into his own ass.

The irony is that I have talked to Blade about To Aru plenty of times and his take towards it is actually more fair than what we currently have for it and for what I would say for it to be frank.


V.I.P. Member


Yep, kinda crappy blind spot to have when a series's placement is in question and pretty much the only people who are knowledgeable about it have 0 credibility .

You either look over the material they bring to the table and take their word for it that the context behind that shit is not all kinds of obfuscated for wanking reasons .... or...

Somebody takes the hit and actually goes to work , which obviously , no one wants to do or...

You could just look to other places that already had these discussions and you compare notes between what you have and what they have ...something which has obvious caveats.

Not much you can do otherwise.

It's similar to the problem we've had with calcs being done by peeps with no credibility which no one bothered to check either because nobody cared or because of illiteracy and while i argued against letting calcs pass just cause they were done, it's a bigger problem when it concerns the series in its entirety and i agree that you can't keep the series in limbo .


V.I.P. Member
“I have 0 credibility”

And yet still no one asking me for clarification or how to prove my case. Shit no one even bothered reading what I already provided. Just cheap poisoning the well tactics

Never change, OBD
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V.I.P. Member
No one is asking you for clarifications because you have 0 credibility .

One directly follows the other. It's not hard.
Now explain what I’ve ever said about the series that has no credibility behind it


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
haven't I posted the respective quotes before as well?

what did I do to not have any credibility :wow


No idea.

I was speaking in a general sense , not relegating it to a specific case/series.

You could be a NoAru scholar, but i wouldn't exactly be inclined to buy whatever you're selling just based on your word . But that's just me .

Fortunately for you in this case, like me and Galaxy said, it's just a blind spot we're having and since we don't want to bother and since there seem to be no better alternatives , we won't have a choice but take your word for it.


V.I.P. Member
“You have no credibility!”

“Okay, what have I done that has no credibility?”

“I don’t know, you just don’t.”

Fucking 12 year old shit

You can't just post quotes, context matters as well.

Exactly. I'll be frank, the number of quotes I see Astaro and Paxton peddle is beyond out of context and reaches into the realm of "What the fuck are they talking about?"

There's a damn good reason I practically post entire scenes when I bring in stuff from Fate or Bleach or whatever because Context is key... not whatever this is:

"Give it up, Dad." The baby spoke through the trumpet toy in her mouth.
"Great Demon Coronzon has gained a physical vessel, so she cannot be defeated by the current generation of Imagine Breaker which only works on the occult.
There is no other way.
This is what I was preserved for.
This is not a simple coincidence.
Someone intentionally saved me for this purpose. Isn't it a little selfish to assume you would get what you want without giving anything in return?"
"I was wrong to let my guard down once I was saved. And it is true I should have been lost one hundred years ago. It is thanks to Aiwass's use of me that I had this opportunity to see the world and learn what it means to create human bonds. I was fortunate to get what I did."

The fact I needed Cryso to even tell me what the context of this whole thing is(That Imagine Breaker isn't inherent in Touma and was explicitly passed down as various items) never occurred to me nor to anyone else who saw this in the Circus Thread not a single bit.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
"The current generation of Imagine Breaker" obviously implies that there were previous generations of it which manifested differently

idk how that's hard to figure out lol

the quote is self-explanatory

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Exactly. I'll be frank, the number of quotes I see Astaro and Paxton peddle is beyond out of context and reaches into the realm of "What the fuck are they talking about?"

There's a damn good reason I practically post entire scenes when I bring in stuff from Fate or Bleach or whatever because Context is key... not whatever this is:

The fact I needed Cryso to even tell me what the context of this whole thing is(That Imagine Breaker isn't inherent in Touma and was explicitly passed down as various items) never occurred to me nor to anyone else who saw this in the Circus Thread not a single bit.
Honestly I don't even know why Pax posted that.

Like I guess he's trying to say that Touma's doesn't just negate supernatural stuff... but Touma's IB only negates supernatural stuff. Izayoi from what I heard doesn't use magical energy or shit, its nanomachines, you have to go for non-canon shit for touma to negate that kinda stuff.