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OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

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Threshold of Armageddon
Vincent is the best FF7 character


Genesis and Vincent are both my nigguz

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Potions (Final Fantasy XIII) - "Potions are effectively rendered redundant the second characters gain access to the medic role. Even with the Doctor's code, there's simply no reason to use them over simply switching roles."

The hell there isn't! :whatisthis

Doctor's Code (which you get at the end of chapter 2 just before you get magic) + Potions gives you 300hp for the entire team for a single potion, for NO ATB cost and without needing to waste time switching paradigms, allowing you to stay on the offense and finish fights quicker. On the contrary, this combination effectively makes MEDIC redundant until HP levels start to rise by a lot into the multi-thousands, which isn't until like Chapter NINE, of THIRTEEN.

Yes potions (even with the Doctor's Code) are eventually power crept into uselessness in Final Fantasy XIII, but nowhere near as quickly as he suggests. Especially in comparison to something like the regular potions of Final Fantasy X, wherein they unironically ARE completely useless from the second Yuna joins the team early game, even more so when you can very easily get 99 hi-potions in Luca from the Al Bhed Machina (doesn't even take long to do).

Between this and Daze in the "useless spells" list, dude really needs to either play XIII again or stop bringing it up because he makes a fool of himself every time he does.


V.I.P. Member
looks at my post...Oh shit sorry, it was actually XIII that they said was the worst which I disagreed with, not XII.
:skully i liked XIII-2, i'm a really big fan of being able to capture monsters it always make it extra fun for me, in FFX-2 it also made me enjoy the game much more

Character wise its mostly Caius tbh, not only a cool villain he can turn himself into fucking bahamut :maybe
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