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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

I think SB will ignore the new event where Orion destroyed an island. Even someone like Fergus Lily is capable of destroying a country, and his adult version can destroy a continent.

SB prefer Feat over scaling is too stupid.

You are wrong, Orion didn't destroy an Island:

Tametomo's and Orion's after effects from their NP Clash destroyed 3 Islands and permanently fucked up the weather of a fourth. And it was specifically the aftereffects as a huge chunk of Tametomo's Arrow otherwise went back to the same course towards the Wandering Sea/Storm Border.

It's even more hilarious given the fact that it also proved Da Vinci's words in Sea Monsters Crisis as an Anti-Army NP can easily wipe out an Archipelago which is what the current Event takes place on as well.

This shit isn't even anger anymore, it's just weariness at how much dumber Spacebattles can be and continue rewarding people deliberately doing shit like this that what they are arguing against explained thoroughly at:

"Goetia has no reason not to be serious from Solomon's Arrival onwards"
Completely ignores that he DID and was going all out to kill Solomon in an extremely sadistic fashion and then was DYING from when Ars Nova activated because somehow these dumbasses didn't even try looking up what Ars Nova even DOES and why that meant Goetia was vulnerable

Ars Nova
The Time of Parting has Come, He is the One who Lets Go of the World
Rank: D
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum target: 1 person
Ars Nova.
The First Noble Phantasm. A Noble Phantasm that belongs not to Goetia, but to the true King Solomon (Dr. Roman).
The exploits that he had fulfilled until now, the miracles that he had accomplished until now, the magic that he had achieved until now; it is a poem of parting that lets go of it all.
Upon the invocation of this Noble Phantasm, Solomon returns back to the heavens the graces that he had received from God, losing his eye that gazes at the world.
The result is the death of King Solomon. And conversely, the disintegration of the 72 demon gods.

It can be said to be the safety device that Solomon had prepared for the sake of destroying "magic", should the time in a distant future comes when it becomes an evil for human.
...When this Noble Phantasm is employed, Solomon would vanish from even the Throne of Heroes.

Solomon's complete evanescence implies not of erasure of all traces of Solomon, but rather that that everything that he must do now had been completed.
...Each and every living existences have things they had left undone as their time is concluded and ended. No matter how flawless they had live their life, they would always leave behind a "remnant".
Those "remnants" will then be carried over by the people that will continue even further, bringing to forth the path of human history.

A complete evanescence means an ascenscion from this very path.
To accomplish every task one is granted with, a state of existence where one no longer has any matter undone.

There is no longer any need to defeat him, nor the need to rely on him.
No longer will anyone ask of him,
no longer will anyone bear the burden of his death,
no longer will anyone ask for his help, for his accomplishment.

That is what it means to disappear even from the Throne of Heroes.
To be released from the duty of life, to have completed all the task one is burdened with in this universe.
The messiah is the sole being among the mankind to have attained enlightenment, but the coward had attained and arrived on a "destination" of a different bearing.

Huh, it's like Solomon using Ars Nova, which makes him give back the Gifts God has given him back to God... which included creating the very being that is Goetia... meant that Goetia was fucking DYING after he used it or something.

I also love how Imaginary then goes "They was damaging Goetia with their speed" when they was cutting him, they was not actually hurting him at all until after that point but yeah, let's just forget he was fucking around the entire time too...

And then they state that Solomon's corpse is a fraction of Goetia's might... when the entire deal was that Goetia needed Solomon's GENUINE BODY to access his Noble Phantasms until he didn't need it anymore and that Solomon's body is the reason why the Temple of Time exists...
Like this is just reaching levels of extreme downplay that is making me want to hurl.

King of 🌽

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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I love how they bring up the movie when I distinctly recall them doing fuck and all damage to Goetia in that fight :tupac



I know Imaginary is dumb but this is beginning to reach critical levels...
The main is stating that Solomon was a threat to Goetia... when that was not the case at all and if anything, Goetia was literally beat his ass in both mediums JUST TO VENT THAT SOLOMON BASICALLY FUCKED OVER HUMANITY WITHOUT HELPING IT:

It's only because Solomon had Ars Nova and Goetia's lack of knowledge that lead to Solomon and Chaldea's win.

He then brings up Goetia's actual body is on the Throne and... no, Goetia's actual body was within Solomon's ACTUAL CORPSE! We fucking see this in both the Movie and the Game!
All of this is effortlessly disproven just by actually watching the media.

And then he states that Living Solomon cannot be equal to Living Gilgamesh... despite Solomon literally being boosted by God's gifts, the same God whose simple ass gift to Samson was stated to be superior to multiple Japanese Gods going all in at the same time, can't be equal to Gilgamesh?!
You fucking shitting me?

I love how they bring up the movie when I distinctly recall them doing fuck and all damage to Goetia in that fight :tupac

It was and if Youtube actually had that scene, you can easily find it. Goetia only "fought them" so he can try and convince them of his plan and let him win and when he failed, he desummoned them as casually as he was fighting them.
The even only had a chance in the 2nd round because of Ars Nova, that's it(And they didn't even kill Goetia, Ars Nova just finished him off)


Yes, because Goetia wasn't trying to kill them at all, you dunces. He literally tried to convince them, practically ate the damage they did(And even attacked with the energy coming from his stump before reforming a new arm) and then basically just desummoned them all no problem.

And secondly, the Servants was killing his Pillars no problem? I remember differently like Fujimaru's first summons required 2-4 Servants just to kill Flauros and that didn't even work because he regen'd 5 seconds later and that all of the Servants who did kill off the Pillars? Ishtar, Scathath and other High Tier Servants who basically are at that level, if not stronger.
And why did it matter when they was only being destroyed that easily after Ars Nova happened?


I think SB will ignore the new event where Orion destroyed an island. Even someone like Fergus Lily is capable of destroying a country, and his adult version can destroy a continent.

SB prefer Feat over scaling is too stupid.
In that thread Nursery Rhyme lists destruction feats from Fate and Fergus Lily is included. But he dismiss it as outlier or something along those lines. Ironically he list a lot of destruction feats. And still say country destroying is not mid-ends for Servant. And SB does care about scaling they use scaling a lot, its only when Fate get into the picture they don't.
@King of time I posted the correct link, you dunce, you are somehow posting the wrong link thinking I posted it wrong.

Go to bed man.

Wow, someone who actually paid attention to the plot and was able to basically dispel the stupidity, literally took multiple pages for that to happen(That and people believing "Well Nero cut off his arm and Goetia had to dodge a few attacks, he's weak all along") rather than doing what we've been saying as well as any other actual fan would say.

Yeah, I'm gonna stop doing this for today because I know I haven't been that active here but SB and their retardation with Fate and their wank with Empty Void pisses me off something fierce.

XX's NP etherspace yet lawful is an anti-unit NP that operates by generating a Event horizon and can pop a planet by accident.

Rhongomyniad literally does exactly that at Camelot, both in the game and in the movie...
It's even stated that The Lion King created a Space-Time Emission and an Event Horizon herself that encompassed the entire Planet(And we know that Singularities covered the entire Planet since Shinjuku in earnest and the Movies and Anime explicitly go with that as well).

It's part of the joke that this overworked office worker has that much firepower.

MHX literally has Excalibur, MHXA has the fucking Infinity Gauntlet and Calamity Jane has the ability to force a weakpoint on something, even Ishtar Ashtart. The irony is that only MHXA has something that's genuinely beyond Servant capability...

Also Space Ishtar, the sentient galaxy, is in Chaldea who's NP is an Anti-star NP which would let her casually murder every threat Chaldea ever faces bar maybe ORT at full power as stellar saint graphs are considered beyond Chaldea's wheelhouse.

It's kinda funny because if anything, Space Ishtar explicitly stated when MHX basically destroyed Maana, she didn't even need to go as far as she did because the Servantverse could have handled it fine and why do I say that?

Once you start bringing servantverse characters into account, big bads being galaxy busters in later lostbelts as they get noted as having the strongest saint graphs on record, in a system that has a sentient galaxy on record.

Because there is literally a Servantverse vs. Chaldea/PHH battle that happened a few months ago:

And yes, it is genuinely taken seriously and no Servantverse Servants was well beyond their counterparts(It's even funnier considering if anything, that would mean even the literal grunts would be stronger than PHH Servants and that's not true at all.) Everyone may be a Servant but not everyone there are gods among men or far stronger than their counterparts, hell some seem even more limited than their PHH selves. If anything, the only reason why MHX and MHXX seem stronger than Saber Artoria and Lancer Artoria is only due to how more freeform they are with abusing their powers and the scope they operate in...

But both of those don't work because Excalibur IS on that level and so is Rhongomyniad in PHH, thanks LB7.
The funny is that she also appeared in Temple of Solomon to help Guda fight against Goetia and his demon.

And yet people still denied Servantverse is non canon to main story and can't be scaled to Main Servant (PHH and Lostbelt).

I mean the literal Event we are doing right now has Space Calamity Jane be integral in help dealing with Tametomo's Arrow alongside Billy The Kid...

This is also the same Event that has Okada Izou as a primary character...
This also ignores that the GudaGuda Cast has been in the Canon Events for awhile now...

Again, I think this comes from people going full stupid over the timeline shenanigans in Cosmos In The Lostbelt(Which I do blame Nasu and Co. though to be fair as Part 1 really did follow through on the year plotline and so did EoR... but you can say they also planned it out far better in comparison to Cosmos) and people who took Nasu's words too literally(Which is an insane number of people to be frank).

Like yes, the Servantverse isn't the end point for any known work and the GudaGudaverse is it's own Universe, Nasu already put down that down since Arthur Proto's appearance that it really doesn't matter(and in most cases, it doesn't even more than that) as he only did it in Guda's case because Himiko is too tied up to Amaterasu and that's only something he wants to do... whenever the fuck that is.
So ultimately, it's fucking pointless since all that means is that Himiko is Proto-Arthur in this case and every other Guda character is precisely the same unless shown explicitly otherwise.


Remind me of this

TheWorld insisting Servantverse is a joke a not a canon/serious event
The funny is that she also appeared in Temple of Solomon to help Guda fight against Goetia and his demon.

And yet people still denied Servantverse is non canon to main story and can't be scaled to Main Servant (PHH and Lostbelt).

And then this


So he insist what is canon and not and he say this

*This also is irrelevant in the context of a VsDebate too, since it's inherently the OP that decides what information goes and what doesn't.

When OP already say this:
For Fate characters are usable Anime, Manga, Game and Light Novel feats

So no matter what is the argument whether they are canon or not, its not headcanon, and Servantverse can be used because it exist in the game.