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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

Polar Bear

Sus list :


Looks like I'm still living rent free in your head



Slightly town :

Orca - the guy is wishing for interactions, don't hate how the guy is playing so far

Null :

Aurelian - not enough coming from him
Whicker - don't remember anything from him tbh
Gad - just here to make jokes
Polar Bear - he's just in null right now but I have a weird vibe about him
Poyser - I don't know if I should put the guy in scums or in townies, he's active but I know he's strong enough to act like this as scum

slightly scum :

Rugrat - the way he comes just to leave a drop and go gives me a bad vibe
Yoho - I have the feeling the guy is struggling to give us decent activity from him
Psyhic - didn't like the OMGUS thing about Polar Bear and the "are we voting Yoho" while there was almost 24h remaining
Interesting how you don't mention the player who thinks you aren't town at all if your MO compared to past games is anything go by when your scum


Oh for sure not lmao, that's not really the point tho
nah u cant really have it both ways
u cant say scum wouldnt reaction test bc it would actually do shit and then use it as a reason for y she wouldnt be scum when her reaction test led to nothing and it was pretty predictable that it would lead to nothing too

she did it on a guy who already had some sus on him and was being a bit defensive


I think Orca is town. I liked his multi post ping. I like what I see from Hime.

Idk what else I think at this point

Polar Bear

I have the fifth most post here , how am I struggling?
Bc of this ⬇️
Howdy everyone

How is everyone this fine day

🤔 I should play Zelda one day

Sleep Well

Good morning

😢 what Yoho do

Hmm this is pretty slow paced Game

Not a good idea

Because I'm town

I'm an innocent man

Prove that I'm not

Fair rebuttal

Are you sure this is the path you want to go down?

Heavens no i'm a pacifist, just saying I'm not the way


nah u cant really have it both ways
u cant say scum wouldnt reaction test bc it would actually do shit and then use it as a reason for y she wouldnt be scum when her reaction test led to nothing and it was pretty predictable that it would lead to nothing too

she did it on a guy who already had some sus on him and was being a bit defensive
Feel like I need a kaleidoscope to read this post

That's not what I said at all and has never been my point

I asked if you think reaction testing is in her wheelhouse as scum because it's not for a lot of people

Do you disagree with this?


A Simple Man
Its a crime to not have really any game related thoughts

My sixth sense tells me Rugrat is 70% chance of being scum

So far not much to go on, I do find it interesting that Psychic was trying to hook onto me for really no reason and when no one bit pivoted to Gad

I've had at least 2 which is quite a lot for me this early if you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask