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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


rugrat can be scum, not even really sure what hes doing atm tbh
Is this just code for you’re going to label me as scum for no reason?
intro felt very fighty and indignant which is pretty townie imo
One of last comments in the thread were talking about Fuji’s indignance.

So on one hand you’re going to insinuate my play is poor but on the other hand you’re going to copy my points?


For the record I’ve never once scum read Yoho. Yesterday was because a lynch is better than no lynch. Today was because I’m a loose cannon
People are town reading this lol? It makes no sense

He voted me despite polar being the leading wagon and saying he’s pretty sure polar is scum (so why not push it when you have the support???)

He then after voting me and saying I’m being opportunistic (which is fun because if anybody was being opportunistic, it was him) switched and voted yoho

Then someone mentions him scum reading yoho and he said he’s not and his explanation for voting is that he’s “a loose cannon”.

Which is a LIE btw. Earlier he listed a scum team of 3 players and yoho was on it. But if you take him at face value, that’s twice he decided to actively vote away from a scum read. Ofc, it’s bollocks because he doesn’t believe anything he’s saying

Sounds like he has a rep for being erratic? Problem with that is, his “erraticism” in this game isn’t believable in the slightest. “Haha look at me I’m being a loose canon. So crazy”


You mean his being all over the place? He was like that last game yeah but he was like that from the start of the game lol.

I feel like he could be mimicking the chaotic playstyle he was using last game after he was called out by on not being like that this game.
This guy gets it


I think every time I’ve drawn scum I’ve been identified and killed on day 1. It’s absurd and it’s not bad luck at this point that’s for sure
You were also identified as scum day 1 here too, so doesn’t help your argument


People are town reading this lol? It makes no sense

He voted me despite polar being the leading wagon and saying he’s pretty sure polar is scum (so why not push it when you have the support???)

He then after voting me and saying I’m being opportunistic (which is fun because if anybody was being opportunistic, it was him) switched and voted yoho

Then someone mentions him scum reading yoho and he said he’s not and his explanation for voting is that he’s “a loose cannon”.

Which is a LIE btw. Earlier he listed a scum team of 3 players and yoho was on it. But if you take him at face value, that’s twice he decided to actively vote away from a scum read. Ofc, it’s bollocks because he doesn’t believe anything he’s saying

Sounds like he has a rep for being erratic? Problem with that is, his “erraticism” in this game isn’t believable in the slightest. “Haha look at me I’m being a loose canon. So crazy”
The last bit is kinda important because while I've been coming around to his play, I can't help but feel it's only come after I posted my concern with his play so he could have adjusted to appease


I think I'm second most sus of rugrat so don't love that he's pushing for whicker too it's messing my world view up a bit



Vote Count 1 Day 2

Rugrat: Polar > Whicker
Poyser: Whicker
Whicker: Polar > Poyser > Yoho > Poyser
RDK: Whicker
Nibel: Polar Bear
Polar Bear: Nibel > Rugrat
Gad: Nibel
Gram: Poyser
Fuji: Yoho
Yoho: Psychic > Rugrat
Orca: Rugrat
Hime: Poyser
Psychic: Whicker

Whicker: 4
Poyser: 3
Rugrat: 3
Yoho/Nibel/Polar Bear: 1

With 13 players remaining it takes 7 to reach majority. ~35 hours remain​
Happy to get claims from whicker and rugrat anyhow

I'm not really seeing a solid reason to push poyser but that might just be because he's pocketing me with his whicker push :whathekong


Yes, the first vote on a wagon im pushing is opportunistic
I think it's obvious I was pushing this and am the leading poster so him suggesting it was opportunistic for you to join me isn't a wild assertion for him to make


I think it's obvious I was pushing this and am the leading poster so him suggesting it was opportunistic for you to join me isn't a wild assertion for him to make
Well it was because it doesn’t make sense. I did agree with your read of him…. Yesterday. Then I opened day by voting for him after saying I was sus of him yesterday. Also fairly sure I was the leading poster at the time lol. I’m not really sure how you see my play around him and think “opportunistic”. Where was the opportunism?


What's your read on gram @Poyser
Nothing he’s posted so far makes me think he is scum, can’t say I have anything stronger than that lol but if I had to say, I’d lean town. I think if he’s scum and decided to push me then he’d likely be a bit more proactive about it. He’s not been very strong or convincing and it’d be leaving himself pretty open for a comeback


Well it was because it doesn’t make sense. I did agree with your read of him…. Yesterday. Then I opened day by voting for him after saying I was sus of him yesterday. Also fairly sure I was the leading poster at the time lol. I’m not really sure how you see my play around him and think “opportunistic”. Where was the opportunism?
Because he knows I have a decent amount if pull, relatively, and will have seen you join my push on him


Because he knows I have a decent amount if pull, relatively, and will have seen you join my push on him
Joining a push isn’t opportunistic tho, that how you get any lynch done. Being opportunistic would have been me voting polar after the results and thread turned against him, for example. Pushing someone I’m suspecting isn’t even slightly opportunistic, that’s the point I’m making. It’s a narrative he’s used to justify voting me which isn’t based in reality


Like, if you said you didn’t like Whicker and voted and then some other people expressed agreement and I voted then fair enough, but pretty sure I was the first one to highlight the point you made and say I agree, and voted

I also then unvoted him because I realised we didn’t have long left of day and needed to consolidate so again, I don’t see where opportunism comes into it


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
And I’m not stumped I’m quite sure Polar is scummy scum this game
I don't think I like how you claim sheeping, shading, and don't back out up properly as to why you get this feeling. Feels odd