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Clearly Defining Certain Terms

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Man of Atom
In order for new users to understand how we operate around here as well as set clearly defining shit for the future, we are going to list our scaling system here and then clearly list what those terms mean so that there will be no confusion on it and no one can attempt to use terms incorrectly and potentially succeed at it.
1. Below Street Level
2. Street Level
3. Wall/Tree Level
4. Small Building Level
5. Building Level
5. Large Building Level
6. City Block Level
7. Town Level
8. City/Mountain Level
9. Island Level
10. Country Level
11. Continent Level
12. Moon Level
13. Planet Level
14. Star Level
15. Solar System Level
16. Small Galaxy Level
17. Galaxy Level
18. Large Galaxy Level
19. Multi-Galaxy Level
All Self explanatory
20. Universe Level: Destroying a structure at least the size of the observable universe. Must have more than one statement saying that what was destroyed is universe sized
20-A. Universe+: Destroying a universe of infinite size
21. Multiverse Level: Destroy 2 or more universes at the same time. Universes can be any distance apart
21-A. Multiverse+: Destroying an infinite amount of universes at the same time
22. Megaverse Level: Destroying 2 or more multiverses at the same time. Multiverses can be any distance apart
22-A. Megaverse+: Destroying an infinite number of Multiverses at the same time.
24. Omniverse Level: Blanket Term used to cover anything beyond Megaversal.

Now be aware that just listing things in numbers does not help people new to the hobby nor actually set a clear definition for what that level of DC is. Biggatons is not the be all end especially when calling can be really iffy sometimes and can lead to a lot of arguing in circles. Some of these terms are self-explanatory while others have subcategories that can also be listed here as well. Once all is said and done, I will take the results from this thread and stick it to the main OBD area that way no one can claim they didn't see it or weren't aware
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Slightly Above Average
Hey, I have a good idea. If nobody else wants to define the terms, I will just define them myself so that nobody can disagree with my opinion on them anymore :mhm
Will try to mostly go by what I have seen, even if I don't think all standards make sense.

1 to 19: Just go with biggatons. Too many factors to consider.
Universe level: Destroying a structure at least the size of the observable universe. Dimensions referred to as universes are assumed to be of such size unless proven otherwise (in which case they don't qualify for universe level).
Dimensions that mirror the real life world are also assumed to be universe sized.
The populated main dimensions primarily featured in a series qualify if they have stars and otherwise work with the real-life cosmology of planets and solar systems, unless contradicted.
Universe level+: Destroying a universe of infinite size or a universe along with several universe-sized dimensions. (If somebody wants to include the void separating dimensions and different quality of destruction stuff please do, but I don't get it so I won't)

On the difference between universe-sized dimensions and universes: A dimension/realm is assumed to be a universe if they are called a universe, mirror the real life world or are populated main dimensions primarily featured in a series qualify if they have stars and otherwise work with the real-life cosmology of planets and solar systems, provided there is nothing contradicting them being universe-sized.

Multiverse level: Destroy 2 or more universes of the same set.
Multiverse level+: Destroy infinite universes of the same set.
Megaverse level: Destroy at least 2 sets of at least 2 universes.
Megaverse level+: Destroy infinite sets of at least 2 universes.
Omniverse level: Destroy at least 2 sets of at least 2 sets of at least 2 universes.

Don't think I have ever seen Multi-Megaverse level used 🤔


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
there's no reason to use "multi megaversal" it just deviates from the pattern of the other tiers, which run from 2 to infinity

now the question is

where do we go after omniversal :mjpls

I've never liked the term in general since by definition it's supposed to encompass everything


Slightly Above Average
where do we go after omniversal :mjpls
I would say nowhere. Everything higher than omniversal is just omniversal to a higher extent and should be dealt with by comparing feats directly.

Honestly, we should do that for everything after Multiversal+

Dead Lock

Banned Member
What he said, there is nothing "beyond omniversal" since it is just a blanket term to describe everything that's beyond megaversal, no matter how much one character may supersede that definition compared to the next, you have to compare their feats directly.


Man of Atom
Hey, I have a good idea. If nobody else wants to define the terms, I will just define them myself so that nobody can disagree with my opinion on them anymore :mhm
Will try to mostly go by what I have seen, even if I don't think all standards make sense.

1 to 19: Just go with biggatons. Too many factors to consider.
im fine with this
Universe level: Destroying a structure at least the size of the observable universe. Dimensions referred to as universes are assumed to be of such size unless proven otherwise (in which case they don't qualify for universe level).
No thats backwards, we don't assume they are universe sized unless there's sufficient evidence to prove that they are. A statement saying that they are cant be the entire bit of evidence to prove something is universal in size.
But otherwise yes, Destroying something the size of our universe would clearly classify you as universal
Dimensions that mirror the real life world are also assumed to be universe sized.
This is another no
The populated main dimensions primarily featured in a series qualify if they have stars and otherwise work with the real-life cosmology of planets and solar systems, unless contradicted.
This is a hard no as we end up with Universe level Kaguya and no one is gonna believe that shit
Universe level+: Destroying a universe of infinite size or a universe along with several universe-sized dimensions. (If somebody wants to include the void separating dimensions and different quality of destruction stuff please do, but I don't get it so I won't)
For Universe+ I say it needs to be destroying an infinite sized universe along with all of its time and all of its space. which would obviously include past, present, and future as well as any dimensions tied to that universe. It needs to be both of these things in order to be +
Multiverse level: Destroy 2 or more universes of the same set.
Its not 2 or more universes of the same set its 2 or more universes at the same time to be multiverse level
Multiverse level+: Destroy infinite universes of the same set.
Multiverse Level + would be doing above except to an infinite set of universes at the same time.
Megaverse level: Destroy at least 2 sets of at least 2 universes.
Megaverse is just destroying 2 or more Multiverses at the same time
Megaverse level+: Destroy infinite sets of at least 2 universes.
Same as Multiversal + but with Multiverses
Omniverse level: Destroy at least 2 sets of at least 2 sets of at least 2 universes.
Omniverse Level is destroying everything, you know, since Omni means all

This is how I think it should be broken down anyway.
Universe level: Destroying a structure at least the size of the observable universe. Dimensions referred to as universes are assumed to be of such size unless proven otherwise (in which case they don't qualify for universe level).
Dimensions that mirror the real life world are also assumed to be universe sized.

That's not even remotely how Universal works my man...
By that logic, The Fate Universe would be Multiversal with a single Timeline ALONE. That's beginning to reach to absurd levels real fast.

Universe level+: Destroying a universe of infinite size or a universe along with several universe-sized dimensions. (If somebody wants to include the void separating dimensions and different quality of destruction stuff please do, but I don't get it so I won't)

That's also not how that works. You explicitly aim for destroying the Universe and it's empty space that surrounds or goes past it. Basically you would destroy more than what's in the Universe but outside of it.

Multiverse level: Destroy 2 or more universes of the same set.
Multiverse level+: Destroy infinite universes of the same set.
Megaverse level: Destroy at least 2 sets of at least 2 universes.
Megaverse level+: Destroy infinite sets of at least 2 universes.
Omniverse level: Destroy at least 2 sets of at least 2 sets of at least 2 universes.

What's with the VSB Terminology, that's not hwo that works.

Dead Lock

Banned Member
Omniverse Level is destroying everything, you know, since Omni means all

This is how I think it should be broken down anyway.
Except destroying everything is not equal in any two different cosmologies', most the time.

If your verse already has an infinite number of infinite multiverses, then still has shit that exceeds beyond/on top of that and characters who can affect the cosmology as a whole? Then you qualify for omniversal.

That could just be semantics I'm arguing on your part, but sometimes I feel like people mix up Marvel's definition and usage of omniverse, then the OBD's usage of omniverse level. Where' as one is describing its specific cosmology in its entirety and the other is a measuring stick of the same name for what comes after megaversal+.


Man of Atom
Except destroying everything is not equal in any two different cosmologies', most the time.

If your verse already has an infinite number of infinite multiverses, then still has shit that exceeds beyond/on top of that and characters who can affect the cosmology as a whole? Then you qualify for omniversal.

That could just be semantics I'm arguing on your part, but sometimes I feel like people mix up Marvel's definition and usage of omniverse, then the OBD's usage of omniverse level. Where' as one is describing its specific cosmology in its entirety and the other is a measuring stick of the same name for what comes after megaversal+.
Oh obviously, there are varying levels of Omniversal, I guess I should phrase it as destroying the totality of your verse as long as its more than a multiverse I guess

Dead Lock

Banned Member
I'm not super anal about it needing to be exact, i can fill in the blanks myself. Granted, i was a lurker for a long time so i got accustomed to the terms and how they apply.


Slightly Above Average
No thats backwards, we don't assume they are universe sized unless there's sufficient evidence to prove that they are. A statement saying that they are cant be the entire bit of evidence to prove something is universal in size.
But otherwise yes, Destroying something the size of our universe would clearly classify you as universal
So destroying something called a universe isn't universe level unless there additional is proof that thing is universe-sized? What kind of proof are we talking about here? Most fictions won't specify what the radius of the universe is, so I don't think we can expect that.

This is another no
Why not? If something is supposed to have real life cosmology destroying it would be universe level, no?

This is a hard no as we end up with Universe level Kaguya and no one is gonna believe that shit
Actually, we wouldn't, as Kaguya's dimension isn't a populated main dimension. I was thinking of stuff like Isekai worlds or so that have proven to have planets orbiting suns and stuff.

For Universe+ I say it needs to be destroying an infinite sized universe along with all of its time and all of its space. which would obviously include past, present, and future as well as any dimensions tied to that universe. It needs to be both of these things in order to be +
Why would time be relevant, though? Never took us to rank timeline destruction higher than universe destruction like VSB.

And in our prior debate we didn't really require infinite universe to be shown. Why make it a requirement now?

Its not 2 or more universes of the same set its 2 or more universes at the same time to be multiverse level
Yeah, at the same time goes without saying. When I say same set, I mean that the universes don't lie in different multiverses. Just that a term like set/group works better, as many fictions don't explicitly call it different multiverses.

Multiverse Level + would be doing above except to an infinite set of universes at the same time.
That's fine. Honestly, "at the same time" can be added to any tier.

Megaverse is just destroying 2 or more Multiverses at the same time
That's what I wrote. Just that using the word "Multiverse" in the definition would require us to first define what a Multiverse is. And a Multiverse is a set/group/collection of universes, so....

That's not even remotely how Universal works my man...
By that logic, The Fate Universe would be Multiversal with a single Timeline ALONE. That's beginning to reach to absurd levels real fast.
That definition is for the baseline of universe level. Being above it doesn't make you multiverse level lol

Also, if you have a problem make an alternative suggestion.

That's also not how that works. You explicitly aim for destroying the Universe and it's empty space that surrounds or goes past it. Basically you would destroy more than what's in the Universe but outside of it.
So destroying the universe and additionally something that is not within the universe?

What's with the VSB Terminology, that's not hwo that works.
Look at Mr. Paranoid over here getting triggered over the word "set" lol

Set is a synonym for group or collection.
"A set of things is a number of things that belong together or that are thought of as a group." - random dictionary definition I dug up.

So if a multiverse isn't a number of universes together as a group and a megaverse isn't a number of multiverses together as a group, then what are they in your opinion?

Dead Lock

Banned Member
And in our prior debate we didn't really require infinite universe to be shown. Why make it a requirement now?
For as long as I've lurked the obd and have been posting, the requirements for universal+ have always been destroying a universe composed of infinite space.

Having to destroy it in the past, present and future doesn't really matter to me as long as a character is shown destroying an infinite universe regardless.


Bakugou died for your lmao's
V.I.P. Member
Omniversal is kind of a dumb term that really never actually works since pretty much every series brings creation and everything with it back most of the time feats are just Megaversal but I get it since most creator being like the Source, TOAA etc are said to create everything


Bakugou died for your lmao's
V.I.P. Member
Most of the time?

So then you understand that there are feats in excess of megaversal, then can accept why we utilize Omniversal as a term? Good.
No I say most of the time because I've not read every fiction and seems like a waste of a term we'd put on like 3-5 characters maybe just seems dumb

Dead Lock

Banned Member
No I say most of the time because I've not read every fiction and seems like a waste of a term we'd put on like 3-5 characters maybe just seems dumb
"Waste of a term" you speak as if we're paying for this shit by the letter. Marvel alone has multiple characters who scale to what we would describe and quantify as omniversal, (Abraxas, lifebringer Galactus, ME, MM, IG users. Etc.) not to mention other strong series where the amount of characters that fit into that category just pile up.

You can call it dumb all you want, debating stuff at this level is inherently dumb and cringe, but it serves a purpose. What do you want to do? Suggest a new system? Same shit new coat of paint.
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