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  1. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    ftfy :mjpls shitilly
  2. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    you know admitting that your stonewalling just makes you look like a bad troll dude.... its not funny at all.
  3. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    still just stonewalling.
  4. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    for one, we only know that them being released could cause a phenomenon like angel fall, not angel fall itself we don't know wtf would happen like I keep saying. And second, doesn't change the fact she's weak enough to get killed easily like she herself says.
  5. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    ...this man does not read She's worried about herself.
  6. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    Because she lost the power to defend against either. literally one line after
  7. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    Jesus Christ, its still speculation. We don't actually know what would happen if said barrier doesn't exist so you are just arguing hypotheticals.
  8. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    Yeah, I think Pax is just stonewalling cause he's pissy no one is accepting his universal phase beings headcanon
  9. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    Look you know there's this thing called context right? The TMG's statements are direct statements supported by them scaling above othinus. The Calamities statements is speculation from Othinus who's saying "this could happen" and have no actual feats or scaling supporting they could do it. There's a big difference.
  10. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    Bro, did Gabriel destroy the universe in OT4 or OT21? No? Okay, phase beings don't destroy the universe by entering it. complete Gabriel at the end of OT22 also didn't destroy the universe too.
  11. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    That's the thing. Archangels don't scale to Aleister at all! Literally right after Mathers summons them in his fight with Aleister, Aleister oneshots them. So Fiamma being > Archangels doesn't matter since that still doesn't give them any actual universal feats.
  12. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    :why im done :easythere
  13. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    Except not. TMG's tell us what they'll do if they don't handicap themselves, there's no or this could happen.
  14. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    because the distortion of the four worlds hasn't been fixed yet? Except for the end of OT22 gabriel has always been summoned incomplete, no reason to think Mather's summons are complete. Both of which never happen, you are arguing a hypothetical as though it were a feat. Did Othinus say that it could happen. Yes Did it actually happen. No There is no way to know how actually strong the calamities are compared to the archangels. or how multiple solar system+ lvl beings can somehow have enough power to destroy the universe. By actual feats and not hypothetical statements the archangels are only solar system+ in power.
  15. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    They don't... all we know is that from Othinus's words the presence of multiple calamities in the universe would destroy the universe and phases like she did or simply distort the world and cause an effect like angel fall. Nothing there states they would survive, and nothing definitively says they'd even destroy the universe and also again we can't quantify what the fuck presence is so we don't know how many calamities it would take to actually destroy the universe. I said that each archangel is probably equal to one calamity, not that one archangel is equal to all the calamities. OT 4 shows that the presence of one archangel in the universe would not destroy it or even the planet, and Mathers summoning all four of them is said only strained the planet to its breaking point, there presence didn't actually destroy the planet, them actually destroying the planet would require there spells, they couldn't do so with there mere presence. nothing makes them universal at best you can...
  16. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    There's a huge difference between solar system+ and universal. What feats does Invisible Thing even have? From what I remember there's scaring Fiamma, and destroying Alice's Gryphon. The other two times it appears it's destroyed by Othinus and Aiwass. It's basically just above fiamma. That's it.
  17. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    How you read more of these books than I do yet never seem to actually read amazes me.
  18. Cryso Agori

    Fiamma of the virgin right gets a visitor

    yes, because it didn't work on IT, the book even says that HR was starting to fail because Fiamma was trying to output a level of power he didn't have. HR fails