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  1. Xadlin

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    man i miss doing DB threds on SB they do whatever they can to downplay that adn it rank up so muhc salt
  2. Xadlin

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    astaro, imma be honest with you: your stick figures are way better then suggs work, since its original. and i mean in that you actually use your imagination for coming up with poses, posture, lenght of arms, how big the head is, any featues like hair or hats are all part of that. suggs just copies other shit. sure there is talent in copying but its more talent in actually trying to copy it so no one can find the difference. here is some example i made on a whim. here is suggs original art of proffessor Capricorn or whatever his name is: Here is my tracing of his traced art: and finally, here is actual take on it, sloppy but still, my take on suggs art by only using it as a reference. no tracing allowed: so yeah, tracing is stealing and lazy. I tried to never do tracing for OBD brawl, cause that would be dishonest . sometimes i had to cut corners, but i tried to do as much original work as i could. it might not be the best, but its genuine and honest.
  3. Xadlin

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    what gets me is the quality: its like me when i was in grade school, putting a page on the window and then put a white paper on top, to copy and draw copy it, to get the "closest" to its original form. like my drawings atm have a distinct cartoony style, but as you said, suggs just straight up copy its right on. I'll draw a compartions later today
  4. Xadlin

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition -Not sure how it's fanfiction? Suggsverse is an original work and SCP is public domain.
  5. Xadlin

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    will always defend effort, no matter whom does it. seeing someone try to steal someones else effort is a crime, no matter what. also cause we are OBD nakama :ryuaww