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3 Normal Humans run a Gauntlet


Man of Atom
Speaking of

I was thinking about making a thread specifically because a lot of our terms are still not really defined correctly. There should be a page on the wiki the tells people what we mean by certain things and what the criteria for them are

For example we should make it clear what the difference between: No Selling, Tanking, Enduring, and Surviving are so that we dont have this whole nonsense happen again


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
almost every obd wiki term, need to be remade again, we must explain/define many terms again

cuz we change terms/definitions, faster than a marvel/dc comic retcon :mjlol


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Ah so not convoluted just goofy

Well apparently there was an exact number given but i dont know how legit it is since its coming from reddit which uses the wiki

so you just use 1/10th of that
which makes her railgun 75 times more powerful than lightning
and it only takes around 100 to 200 milliampere to kill someone
so its 22500000 to 11250000 times more lethal

No information on heat however.

If the wiki information is legit then yeah shits strong

Also I shouldn't be looking this stuff up for you guys.
The specific number given in OT3 (and pretty much every other volume) is stated to a billion volts, yeah.

Although given her feats that number should probably be much higher.


Man of Atom
almost every obd wiki term, need to be remade again, we must explain/define many terms again

cuz we change terms/definitions, faster than a marvel/dc comic retcon :mjlol
OBD: The Flash
Marvel and DC: Quicksilver

The specific number given in OT3 (and pretty much every other volume) is stated to a billion volts, yeah.

Although given her feats that number should probably be much higher.
The issue with that is lightning is just fucking weird. It can pass through people and leave them unconcious but with no damage despite being 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun because your touching the ground


It can boil your ass like a gumbo because you next to a window.


V.I.P. Member
I actually had this discussion with someone else a couple of days ago and uh..

He does actually get hit.
Avoided a direct hit most likely. Nothings confirmed he did and the rest of the novel has Touma avoiding Accel since it meant instant death
Touma's fists even specifically clash with Accelerator's wings and the punches he lands do damage (with both of his hands, obviously).

And it was in OT20, not OT22. My bad.
Fist, not fists

Obviously referring to the fist holding Imagine Breaker which can touch those wings no problem


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
For the sake of simplicity I'd just say he doesn't scale "fully" to the wings, even if he did directly get hit by them (I'll re-read the fight to make sure I'm getting this right)

Even assuming 0.1% of the energy/force produced by the wings (which can't be fully negated by Imagine Breaker) gets through to Touma's arm still nets pretty insane numbers, so it's still a pretty good feat I'd say


Man of Atom
You don't have to like it, fact of the matter is, matter survived. To do that requires some moderate fraction of its power is endured shrugs
I meant I dont like how people say he "tanked" it and then use that to say he can tank nuke level fire power despite his ass getting absolutely fucked.


V.I.P. Member
I meant I dont like how people say he "tanked" it and then use that to say he can tank nuke level fire power despite his ass getting absolutely fucked.
Nuke is a wide range. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were mowed down by 10-15 kilotons, that’s pocket change here. The Rose is barely sub-gigaton IIRC.


V.I.P. Member
The the three normal humans known as Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, Shirou Emiya, and Kamijou Touma are running a gauntlet of verses to show others what Normal Humans really look like. The Gauntlet is as follows but isnt in any particular order

1. Demon Slayer
They all clear, comfortably
2. Bakiverse
3. ChainsawMan
Know fuck all about the verse
4. Berserk
Only thing they really have that approaches the power needed to win here is Skull Knight's spatial bullshit. They're too slow and too weak otherwise.
They really have nothing to offer here
Not fast enough to make Unlimited Void matter, the the only spatial power potentially worth a damn is world slash and its generic spatial cutting. Haven't really thought about the limits of comedy asshole's power, but as it stands, its offensive utility seemed underutilized if nothing else.
Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel Shirou (No Time Limit)
Out of universe the distinction really doesn't matter. Fate Route he can produce Caliburn and replicate Artoria's physical stats because of it (letting him briefly trade with Herakles and Gilgamesh before the strain on his muscles catches up with how far beyond his limit he's being pushed). UBW route UBW's sword projectiles hold parity with GoB and his bullshit mimic powers let him, again, trade physicals with people like Gilgamesh and EMIYA. HF is basically him reaching rough parity with EMIYA at his height vs Artoria Alter.


Man of Atom
My vague awareness of MGS feats is that he can though?

Don't remember anything pushing above kilotons? :hm
I don't believe he can take them casually. I 100% do not agree with giving him durability to the nuke because he didnt no sell it, he didnt tank it, hell he didnt even endure the blast with some injuries. He was essentially a roasted mashmellow

Out of universe the distinction really doesn't matter. Fate Route he can produce Caliburn and replicate Artoria's physical stats because of it (letting him briefly trade with Herakles and Gilgamesh before the strain on his muscles catches up with how far beyond his limit he's being pushed). UBW route UBW's sword projectiles hold parity with GoB and his bullshit mimic powers let him, again, trade physicals with people like Gilgamesh and EMIYA. HF is basically him reaching rough parity with EMIYA at his height vs Artoria Alter.
Table Flip GIF

Dont know why i listend to Astaro about this


V.I.P. Member
I don't believe he can take them casually. I 100% do not agree with giving him durability to the nuke because he didnt no sell it, he didnt tank it, hell he didnt even endure the blast with some injuries. He was essentially a roasted mashmellow
Let me be plain, that’s still orders of magnitude beyond Armstrong

The gulf is the equivalent to the air of a person's cough landing on someone vs the person striking someone with a strong punch full force. I’m probably underselling it.
Table Flip GIF

Dont know why i listend to Astaro about this


Man of Atom
Let me be plain, that’s still orders of magnitude beyond Armstrong

The gulf is the equivalent to the air of a person's cough landing on someone vs the person striking someone with a strong punch full force. I’m probably underselling it.

Regardless my point is that people claim he tanked something he clearly didnt