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Ranked Baki Mafia

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Well aurelian needed to be grilled a bit anyway.

But so does xeno, jinri, nibel and even Hayumi (who definitely cannot be scum).

Gonna read back on the magic push. I'm probably not voting that today but I gotta connect with Craig somehow.


no. tell me what you would make of nibel flipping town. would that make me and gram more or less likely to be scum?
I already did so you can fuck off. You can scroll up to my earlier posts, you lazy baldy. And the other fact remains you two have provided zero interactions, engagements or process to try and solve Xenos, Nibel, Bachi, Jinri, Hayumi, etc...You've hyper tunneled with Gram in trying to undermine my credibility and Magic's, and stay out of the fallout of Nibel's wagon if they get flipped.


Well aurelian needed to be grilled a bit anyway.

But so does xeno, jinri, nibel and even Hayumi (who definitely cannot be scum).

Gonna read back on the magic push. I'm probably not voting that today but I gotta connect with Craig somehow.

Why can’t Hayumi be scum?

I don’t necessarily think they are but you have no idea how they play and last I checked there’s no definitive info on them?



Reel him in lads, he’s done


Leprous Monarch
just answer me. do you think me and gram are teamed with nibel or not?


Leprous Monarch
A pointless question to ask when you already know my answer.
I literally don't. You said me and gram had TMI about nibel and wanted to fight her lynch to prevent town from solving frinckles. that could mean literally anything.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Their both dirty busers and Fricknles wagon fizzled out because stronger reads of town on them vs Nibels by the end of day 1
No babe that does not answer my question even slightly

Do you think this early on that scum would bus a teammate for cred when they have a plethora of other options to mislynch town today?

Why or why not?

Unless this wagon is highly controlled and they're absolutely certain Nibel is unlikely to gain any real traction, why would they buss a teammate this early on when several avenues can be taken advantage of?
Why risk Nibel at all?


Yeah my wagon was not pure lmao
Of course it wasn't. I would've preferred day 1 not end in a no lynch and a townie get modkilled but its what it is. Either way I don't see both you and Nibel both being town, so its gonna have to be resolved one way or another.


It did answer your question.
I've been scum with Craig and Gram in a few games, both will happily bus a teammate if they believe its necessary. Nibels has had next to no presence since the votes mounted on them.


Leprous Monarch
It did answer your question.
I've been scum with Craig and Gram in a few games, both will happily bus a teammate if they believe its necessary. Nibels has had next to no presence since the votes mounted on them.
k so you think we're scum with nibel.

what if she flips town? are me and gram still scum?
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