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Game Ranked Castlevania animated series Mafia - Game Thread

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Leprous Monarch
Yeah I think bachi's claim is shit. his case building is woeful too. just throwing against the wall wanting to stick.

hime still spewing shit as well and has no genuine thoughts. Really struggling to go back-to-back. Surprised she hasn't repped out due to stress.
What's shit about bachis claim? This feels like you took this position for the sake of it


Leprous Monarch
Bachi protecting a power role makes our exchange earlier make a bit more sense tho not sure why he claimed for gad and not me/ultra/Watson lol


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Vote count 2 Of Day 2

Orca: Ultra
Ultra:: Doflamihawk > Unvote > Doflamihawk > Bacchi
OLU: Dofla > Lethal
Tempest: Doflamihawk > Bachi
Gaddammit: Doflamihawk
Hime: Nibel > Lethal > Nibel
Lethal: Hime
Doflamihawk: Ultra
Dr.Watson: Doflamihawk
Tweet: Fujishiro
Bacchi: Ultra > Tempest
Gaddamnit: Tweet
Fujishiro: Lethal
Luka: Lethal

Lethal: 3
Bachi: 3
Ultra: 2
Tempest/Tweet/Fujishiro/Hime/Nibel: 1

Votes for the duel

Tweet: Doflamihawk
Ultra: Rugrat
Nibel: Rugrat
OneLastUsername: Doflamihawk > Rugrat
Bacchi: Doflamihawk > Rugrat
Hime: Doflamihawk
Gaddamnit: Rugrat
Tempest: Rugrat
Dr. Watson: Rugrat

Rugrat: 7
Doflamihawk: 2


1. @The Orca
4. @Chairman Nibel
5. @Hans Tweetenberg
7. @Gaddamnit
8. @Lethal
9. @Ultra
10. @hime
11. @One Last Username
12. @Luka
13. @Rugrat
14. @Tempest
15. @Fujishiro
16. @Jesse Pinkman replaced by @Dr. Watson
17. @Bachi
18. @DoflaMihawk

Vote Lynch Fuji

Cool, then you'll claim while under more pressure

Vote lynch Bachi

Vote Lynch Bachi

Vote lynch Tweet

Vote Tweet
wont mind getting a claim from Tweet, my read on him is around null-towny but cant rly make a case on him

Vote lynch Tweety

Like when? Off the top of your head.

Most people seem to suspect him almost every game.

I also suspected him earlier so it's not like I don't see what your point is rather I'd like to know what your baseline is


Vote lynch Tweet

I'm going to call a bluff here early, because I believe it'll be most effective - I think tweet's reaction to his wagon comes off as posturing, possibly breadcrumbing that he has a decent role and he's going to claim Magic's or something.

Vote lynch Fuji

Actually fuck this let's get his claim

Eh we don't have too much time before EoD to be playing these games

Vote lynch Lethal

Vote Lethal

Think that getting more claims now its counterproductive.

Vote lynch Ultra

Doflas claim, Bachis claim, Tweets claim, Fujis claim, Himes claim, etc.
How many fucking claims do u want in one day???
I think ur being opportunistic as hell
Orca: Ultra
Ultra:: Doflamihawk > Unvote > Doflamihawk > Bacchi > Tweet > Tweet > Fuji > Lethal
OLU: Dofla > Lethal
Tempest: Doflamihawk > Bachi
Hime: Nibel > Lethal > Nibel > Ultra
Lethal: Hime
Doflamihawk: Ultra
Dr.Watson: Doflamihawk > Bachi >
Tweet: Fujishiro
Bacchi: Ultra > Tempest > Tweet > Lethal
Gaddamnit: Tweet > Bachi > Tweet
Fujishiro: Lethal
Luka: Lethal
Nibel: Fuji

Lethal: 6
Ultra: 3
Fuji: 2
Hime/Bachi/Tweet: 1

8 to hammer.

Votes for the duel

Tweet: Doflamihawk
Ultra: Rugrat
Nibel: Rugrat
OneLastUsername: Doflamihawk > Rugrat
Bacchi: Doflamihawk > Rugrat
Hime: Doflamihawk
Gaddamnit: Rugrat
Tempest: Rugrat
Dr. Watson: Rugrat

Rugrat: 7
Doflamihawk: 2

@Lord Melkor .

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
The Orca - Had him as town earlier but can't remember why so might as well put back to null until I remember
Chairman Nibel - Obvtown Nibel this is not
Lethal - Could swing either way and probably has to flip sooner rather than later so we can make progress
Ultra - I can't help but find his play overly opportunistic, flip could go either way but if he's town I think he's leading us nowhere rn so wouldn't mind flipping either way
One Last Username
Luka - I'm routinely skipping his posts by now so can't rly tell what developments have taken place here
Rugrat - Still hasn't done anything worth mentioning so all I got to judge him on is Xadlins play
Fujishiro - Isn't doing shit and even his attempts to look like his carefree towny self look phoned in
Dr. Watson - Can't say I'm reading her posts
DoflaMihawk - I think the developments around the duel point towards Dofla being town. Nobody should have much of a reason to think Rugrat is town, yet somehow a lot of people have found a way to vote for him to win the duel almost nonchalantly. Idk how this could happen, given everybody and their dogs had Xadlin as scum
Sincerely how the fuck are we going to play any game together when you keep doing this?


- Hime started the case with a completely fabricated case on Lethal (I think he’s town)

- Tweet was suggesting that we could my duel as a measure of a way we could judge my alignment - which is fair enough. But my issue is that I was supposedly his number 1 scum read, so he was always lynching me either way.

- Ratchet (who I’m 99% sure is town) said his legacy was ensuring that Ultra was lynched. Ultra was also my main suspect yesterday, but I’m happier with his content today.
I just looked at magics last posts and saw him saying stuff abt voting lethal and voting him as well
No one needs to vote their town reads in a plurality lynch game so I assumed he was scum reading the guy
I'm not sure y im scum for "fabricating a case" rather than town for a lazy and bad iso
Furthermore u just hosted a game where I was scum, u should know I'm extremely careful abt what positions I take and making sure I have a solid case on players before pushing them as scum so I look good even when they flip not-mafia


I just looked at magics last posts and saw him saying stuff abt voting lethal and voting him as well
No one needs to vote their town reads in a plurality lynch game so I assumed he was scum reading the guy
I'm not sure y im scum for "fabricating a case" rather than town for a lazy and bad iso
Furthermore u just hosted a game where I was scum, u should know I'm extremely careful abt what positions I take and making sure I have a solid case on players before pushing them as scum so I look good even when they flip not-mafia

U right, you're probably town for making such an ass read on dofla seconds before he flips scum


No I asked WHY
u better have a good answer bc im much much better at reading him than u

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