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Game Ranked Castlevania animated series Mafia - Game Thread

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Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Where did I say or imply those things, Charlie Brown?

I'm asking for clarity on whether this was the answer to Ultra's question or not.


Leprous Monarch
Where did I say or imply those things, Charlie Brown?

I'm asking for clarity on whether this was the answer to Ultra's question or not.
Ultra's asking a question he knows town doesn't have an answer to, it's meaningless. There are a bunch of reasons nibel could be alive. All I know is I have an innocent result on him


Where did I say or imply those things, Charlie Brown?

I'm asking for clarity on whether this was the answer to Ultra's question or not.

He doesn't have an answer, he just told you

Which he should have just admitted in the first place instead of reaching under the cushions for explanations that make no sense

Ironically if Hime bus drove Nibel that means whatever result he has is illegitimate anyway
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