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**Frédéric François Chopin as a Fate/Grand Order Servant**

**Class Options**: Given his nature, Chopin can fit into a few classes:

- **Caster**: Due to his use of magic and elemental manipulation. Being a pianist and musician aligns well with the Caster class.
- **Saber**: Given his proficiency in using a conductor's baton as a weapon.

For this analysis, let's delve into him as a Caster class, but Saber is also an option considering his baton prowess.

**Class: Caster**
**Source**: Eternal Sonata
**Region**: Europe (Poland)
**Alignment**: Lawful Neutral
**Gender**: Male

- **Strength**: B
- **Endurance**: A+
- **Agility**: A
- **Mana**: EX
- **Luck**: B
- **Noble Phantasm**: EX

**Class Skills:**
- **Territory Creation**: A
The ability to create a Workshop, reflecting his composer abilities to create a personal "stage" or "concert hall".
- **Item Construction**: B
Can create magical items, possibly reflecting the various magical abilities he uses in battle.

**Personal Skills:**
- **Ephemeral Dream**: A
The world of Eternal Sonata is a dream of Chopin that became real. This skill allows him a form of minor reality warping.
- **Elemental Conductor**: EX
Reflects his ability to manipulate multiple elements like fire, lightning, light, and darkness.
- **Time Maestro**: B
Given his ability to stop time (Zamrazac).
- **Healing Harmony**: A
Reflects his healing abilities, primarily light-based ones.
- **Dying Illusion**: B
Represents his condition of existing in a dream while his body is dying in the real world.

**Noble Phantasms:**
1. **Concerto of Reality - Dreamscape Sonata**: EX
- **Type**: Anti-World
A manifestation of the dream world of Eternal Sonata. Upon activation, it can warp reality around Chopin, turning it into his dream world where he holds immense power and control.

2. **Symphony of Elements - Maestro's Baton**: A+
- **Type**: Anti-Army
Using his conductor's baton, Chopin channels the elements of fire, lightning, light, and darkness, and releases them in a grand symphonic attack against his foes.

3. **Applaudisement Sonique - Storm of Applause**: A
- **Type**: Anti-Army
As detailed in the techniques, it summons powerful magical energy, manipulating the weather, and then unleashing rain and lightning upon his foes.

**Character Background:**
Frédéric François Chopin, the renowned Polish composer and pianist from the Romantic era, is manifested here as his portrayal in the game Eternal Sonata. Within the dream world of the game, Chopin displays not just his musical genius, but also tremendous magical and combative capabilities. Despite the ethereal, dreamlike circumstances, his prowess as a fighter and mage are undeniable, granting him the capacity to stand alongside the greatest of Heroic Spirits in the Holy Grail War.

This adaptation remains true to Chopin's portrayal in Eternal Sonata, integrating it seamlessly with the mechanics and lore of the Fate series.

**Frédéric François Chopin - Caster Class - Voice Lines in Fate/Grand Order:**

"I am Frédéric François Chopin, a pianist and now... a mage? Ah, perhaps another dream? Very well, I shall lend my melody to your cause."

**Ascension 1:**
"Every new melody, every note, feels like an adventure. Let's explore further."

**Ascension 2:**
"It seems my powers grow harmoniously. As in music, progression is key."

**Ascension 3:**
"The merging of dream and reality... I can feel my spirit rising like a crescendo."

**Ascension 4:**
"A standing ovation for you, my conductor. Our symphony is nearing its peak. Let's compose a masterpiece."

**Battle Start 1:**
"This is but another stage. Let our music resonate!"

**Battle Start 2:**
"Prepare yourself! Our song will not be silenced."

**Skill 1:**
"Let the notes guide us."

**Skill 2:**
"Every key, a spell. Every chord, a blessing."

**Skill 3:**
"The essence of magic, infused with music."

**Noble Phantasm Card Selection:**
"Listen closely, to the crescendo of dreams."

**Noble Phantasm Activation:**
"Concerto of Reality - Dreamscape Sonata! Let the world be swayed by my dream."

**Attack 1:**

**Attack 2:**

**Attack 3:**

**Extra Attack:**
"Fortissimo finale!"

**Damage Taken:**
"A discordant note..."

**Defeated 1:**
"Is this... the end of my dream?"

**Defeated 2:**
"Perhaps... silence is also a form of music..."

**Battle Finish 1:**
"A harmonious victory! Well done."

**Battle Finish 2:**
"The melody of triumph! Let it echo."

**Bond Level 1:**
"My dreams have always been vibrant. Let's walk through them together."

**Bond Level 2:**
"Every note you strike resonates with me. I'm glad to have you as my conductor."

**Bond Level 3:**
"Your tactics are like a maestro's direction. I'm eager to see what masterpiece we'll create."

**Bond Level 4:**
"This bond we share, it's like a duet. Your part and mine, intertwining beautifully."

**Bond Level 5:**
"Our souls are harmonized. Whatever dream or reality awaits, I'll stand by your side."

**Dialogue 1 (Master's Name):**
"Ah, [Master's Name]. Ready to compose another chapter in our adventure?"

**Dialogue 2:**
"My music, my magic, they both stem from passion. Let's keep that passion alive."

**Dialogue 3:**
"Every battle is like a performance. Let's give it our all, each and every time."

"Silence between notes, the gentle rustling of leaves, and a passionate audience. These are things I cherish."

"Discord, in music and intentions, can sour even the most beautiful compositions."

"The air hums with a unique melody. Something special is about to begin, don't you think?"

"Ah, another year, another note in the symphony of life. Happy birthday."

**Bonding CE (Dreamer's Melody):**
"A song composed of dreams and aspirations. With it, I wish to capture the essence of our journey together."

(Note: These voice lines attempt to maintain a balance between Chopin's musical legacy and his portrayal in Eternal Sonata, combined with the Fate universe's characteristics.)


Man of Atom
In a parallel dimension, the 5th Holy Grail War took an unexpected and whimsical twist. Shirou Emiya, the novice mage with a steadfast dream of justice, found himself at a unique crossroads of destiny. In this altered reality, his summoning ritual yielded a result far different from the norm. Instead of the noble and valiant Saber, Shirou had unwittingly brought forth a being renowned in cheerful corners of the gaming world: Kirby.

The summoning circle buzzed with an air of childlike excitement as a round, pink puffball materialized. Kirby, with his trademark wide eyes and charming smile, stood before Shirou. The transformation from the ordinary to the extraordinary was nothing short of astonishing. Shirou, whose dreams of justice were built upon noble ideals, now had to grapple with the comical and unexpected Servant he had summoned.

Where Saber embodied chivalry and honor, Kirby was a whimsical creature with a voracious appetite. His ability to inhale enemies and adopt their powers made him an unpredictable and surprisingly powerful Servant. Despite his seemingly playful appearance, Kirby's potential as a combatant was anything but to be underestimated.

As the 5th Holy Grail War began, Kirby became a beacon of whimsy amidst the strife. He confronted other Masters and Servants with a disarming, roundhouse charm, gobbling up his foes and mimicking their abilities in a playful, almost jovial manner. Shirou found himself in an unexpected partnership with this lovable puffball, adjusting to the whimsical turns the war was taking.

The war took on an entirely different tone as Kirby's boundless optimism and friendly demeanor began to influence Shirou's own outlook. The pursuit of justice, once heavy and solemn, now held a playful and light-hearted element. Together, Shirou and Kirby navigated the challenges of the Holy Grail War, often finding unconventional and cheerful solutions to conflicts.

The 5th Holy Grail War in this alternate reality became a tale of camaraderie and amusement. The city of Fuyuki witnessed battles filled with colorful powers, laughter, and a unique sense of camaraderie among those touched by Kirby's presence. The war took on a lighthearted charm that starkly contrasted with the dark and brutal nature of previous Grail Wars.

The conclusion of the war was marked not by destruction and despair, but by a spirit of cooperation and newfound friendships. The Holy Grail itself seemed to respond to the unexpected turn of events, granting a wish that embodied the spirit of unity and shared laughter.

This alternate tale of the 5th Holy Grail War serves as a reminder that even in the pursuit of power and justice, unexpected allies and a touch of whimsy can bring about extraordinary change. It stands as a testament to the idea that sometimes, the most unusual partnerships can lead to the most remarkable outcomes.

The Virgin Saber
Allegretto - Servant Profile in Fate/Grand Order:


**Name:** Allegretto ("Retto")
**Origin:** Eternal Sonata
**Class:** Saber (Primary), with potential for Assassin or Berserker as alternate classes
**Gender:** Male
**Age:** 16


**Strength:** B+
**Endurance:** A
**Agility:** A-
**Mana:** B
**Luck:** C
**Noble Phantasm:** EX


**Class Skills:**
**Magic Resistance (B):** Given his encounters with various magical entities in his own world, he can negate spells with a chant below three verses. High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals might affect him, but not easily.
**Riding (C):** While not explicitly shown to be a rider, as a versatile and agile character, Allegretto can handle most average mounts but not the likes of Phantasmal Species.


**Personal Skills:**
**Intuitive Eye: (A):** Predicts the most advantageous course of action during combat.
**Elemental Mastery (A):** Enables Allegretto to effectively manipulate various elements: fire, wind, ice, lightning, light, and darkness, allowing for diverse combat capabilities.
**Dimensional Shift (B):** A reflection of his Void Edge technique, he has the ability to temporarily send foes to another dimension.
**Duality of Light and Darkness (A):** Based on his unique ability to switch attacks depending on surrounding luminosity, allowing for flexible combat strategies.
**Natural Leader (B):** A trait showcasing his innate ability to rally and lead, enhancing group combat scenarios.
**Expert Swordsman (A):** A testament to his primary combat style, showcasing his proficiency with his longsword.


**Noble Phantasms:**
**Silver Star - Dichotomy of Moonlit Fate (EX):** The legendary blade he wields, described as a protector's gift from the goddess of the moon. When fully activated, it creates a field where the boundaries between life and death blur. This can potentially weaken enemies by making them closer to death or revive allies by pulling them away from death.

**Ecliptic Dance - Duality of Light and Shadow (A):** A Noble Phantasm reflecting his special attacks based on light and darkness. Depending on the luminosity of the surrounding area, Allegretto can unleash a devastating combination of his light or dark type techniques. In light, the power of Sun Slash, Sky Divider, Fire Wave, and Starlight Blast combine, while in darkness, the forces of Phantom Wave, Shadow Assault, Void Edge, and Bloody Plume merge.

**Celestial Rondo - Symphony of Fate's Crescendo (EX):** Drawing upon his background in "Eternal Sonata," which is heavily music-themed, this Noble Phantasm embodies his connection to music. When activated, a haunting piano melody plays, debuffing enemies and strengthening allies, culminating in a powerful final slash that resonates with the final note of the melody.


Allegretto, when summoned in his best form, would undoubtedly be a formidable Servant in the Fate universe, possessing not only strength and agility but also a diverse set of skills and techniques that make him adaptable to various situations.

Voice Lines:

Summoning:“Allegretto’s the name, but you can call me Retto. Got my blade and a few tricks up my sleeve. Let’s make some noise, Master!”

Ascension 1:“Feels like I’m hitting a new beat. Let’s keep this rhythm going.”

Ascension 2:“Power’s surging like a symphony. This’ll be a show to remember.”

Ascension 3:“That’s what I’m talking about! Ready for the grand finale?”

Ascension 4:“Max power! Together, there’s no stopping our performance. Let’s take the stage, Master.”

Battle Start 1:“Let the performance begin!”

Battle Start 2:“Hope you’re ready, ’cause here comes the main act!”

Skill 1:“Charging up!”

Skill 2:“Switching tempo!”

Skill 3:“Let’s mix things up!”

Noble Phantasm Card Selection:“Time for the climax!”

Noble Phantasm Activation:“Feel the rhythm, feel the beat! Eternal Sonata: Dance of Dual Blades!”

Attack 1:“Take this!”

Attack 2:“Slash!”

Attack 3:“Here’s the kicker!”

Extra Attack:“Encore time!”

Damage Taken:“Ugh! Off-beat…”

Defeated 1:“Guess… the show’s over for me…”

Defeated 2:“Sorry… I couldn’t… finish the performance…”

Battle Finish 1:“Show’s over! Hope you enjoyed the act.”

Battle Finish 2:“And that’s how it’s done! Encore, anyone?”

Bond Level 1:“I’ve got your back, Master. Just lead the way.”

Bond Level 2:“We’re in sync, you and me. Like a well-practiced duet.”

Bond Level 3:“You’ve got a knack for this leadership thing. Reminds me of when I took charge back home.”

Bond Level 4:“Every battle, every challenge, we face them head-on. I respect that about you.”

Bond Level 5:“We’re more than just allies now. We’re partners in this grand performance.”

Dialogue 1 (Master’s Name):“Hey, [Master’s Name]. Ready to set the stage for our next adventure?”

Dialogue 2:“You know, every fight feels like a performance. Gotta make sure we always leave a lasting impression.”

Dialogue 3:“I’ve faced some tough battles before, but with you, I feel like we can take on the world.”

Likes:“Good music, a tough fight, and loyal friends. That’s what life’s all about.”

Dislikes:“I’m not a fan of bullies or those who hurt the innocent. No one should suffer because of someone’s greed.”

Event:“Sounds like something big’s about to start. Let’s rock the house!”

Birthday:“Happy birthday! Let’s celebrate with a performance to remember!”

Bonding CE (Dance of Duality):“A dance of light and shadow, intertwined. That’s the melody of our partnership.”

(Note: These voice lines are crafted to capture Allegretto’s brash and confident nature while blending in the thematic elements from both Eternal Sonata and the Fate universe.)
I just read about Parasite Eve on TvTropes and you fucking bring the bitch into Fate
Mitochondria Eve is the primary antagonist from the game "Parasite Eve," where she represents a sentient mitochondrial force that seeks to evolve humanity and create a new world order. Her voice lines would reflect her mysterious and evolutionary nature, her understanding of biology, and her disdain for the current human condition. Here's how Mitochondria Eve's voice lines might sound as a Fate Servant:


- "Mitochondria Eve has awakened. Are you prepared to witness the evolution of humanity?"


**When selected for battle:**
- "The evolution begins."
- "They cannot resist my power."
- "Humanity's next stage awaits."


**Starting battle:**
- "You challenge the very essence of life?"
- "Let the evolution cleanse you."
- "Witness the power of mitochondria!"


**Finishing battle:**
- "It's the natural order."
- "Evolution cannot be stopped."
- "All will eventually yield to mitochondria."


**Interacting with other Servants:**
- (To ancient Servants like Gilgamesh or Ozymandias) "Your era was just a stepping stone in evolution."
- (To scientifically-minded Servants like Tesla or Da Vinci) "Your knowledge barely scratches the surface."
- (To Servants connected deeply with humanity like Jeanne d'Arc) "Your faith in humanity is misplaced."


**Bond Level Lines:**
- **Bond Level 1:** "You seem curious about my power. Very well, observe."
- **Bond Level 2:** "Understanding your own essence is the first step towards evolution."
- **Bond Level 3:** "I sense your mitochondria awakening. It's intriguing."
- **Bond Level 4:** "Your companionship is unexpected but not unwelcome."
- **Bond Level 5:** "Perhaps there is something unique about you. Together, we'll herald a new age."


**Upon death/retreat:**
- "The mitochondria... will always... persist..."
- "A temporary setback in evolution's grand design."


- "Another year? Time means little in the grand scale of evolution."


**During special events (like a holiday):**
- "Human customs? Amusing, but let's see what they offer."


**My Room Lines:**
- "You wish to converse? Very well, but be prepared to challenge your understanding of life."
- "Humans are but a brief moment in the grand timeline. Yet, here we are, conversing."


Eve's lines would echo her unique perspective on life and evolution, being both an observer and influencer of humanity's fate. She would carry an air of superiority and otherworldly knowledge, given her position as a force beyond human comprehension.
Yeah, I don't see at all how the hell it's not a Beast Class Servant for fucking real.
Of course! Given the nature of the Beast Class in the Fate series, it encompasses entities that represent humanity's sins or overarching threats to humanity as a whole. Mitochondria Eve's theme of evolution and changing the human race fits the bill. Here's how she might be presented as a Beast Class Servant:


**Class:** Beast
**True Name:** Mitochondria Eve
**Alias:** The Mother of Evolution, The Catalyst of Change


- **Strength:** A+
- **Endurance:** A+
- **Agility:** A
- **Mana:** EX
- **Luck:** B
- **Noble Phantasm:** EX


**Class Skills:**
- **Authority of the Beast:** A
Eve possesses the ability to command other life forms due to her intrinsic link with the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, present in most organisms.
- **Independent Manifestation:** B
Allows spontaneous manifestation into reality without a Master. As long as the concept of life and evolution exists, Eve has a tether to the world.
- **Self-Modification:** EX
Mitochondria Eve constantly evolves, adapting to threats and environments almost instantly.


**Personal Skills:**
- **Mitochondrial Mastery:** EX
Allows her to manipulate and dominate living organisms at a cellular level.
- **Elemental Manipulation:** A
Grants her the ability to manipulate fire, lightning, and potentially other elements.
- **Mental Domination:** A
Reflects her capabilities in telepathy, mind manipulation, and illusion creation.
- **Regeneration:** A
Eve can heal and regenerate from injuries rapidly.
- **Shapeshifting:** B+
Eve has the capability to change her appearance and even her reproductive organs.
- **Cellular Domination:** A
The power to control and manipulate cells, primarily in humans but also in other life forms.
- **Thermocontrol:** A
Can raise the temperature of her surroundings, causing spontaneous combustion.
- **Bio-Resonance:** B
By connecting with the bio-frequency of living beings, she can influence their actions or even incapacitate them.


**Noble Phantasms:**

1. **Ultimate Evolution - Genesis of Annihilation** - EX (Anti-City)
A reflection of her power to bring about city-level destruction, turning inhabitants into genetic material or causing them to spontaneously combust.

2. **Cellular Dominion - Breath of Life and Death** - A+ (Anti-Army)
Eve can bring life to the lifeless, as shown when she revived dinosaur fossils. This ability can also be used to control the living, forcing them to her will or using them as tools of war.

3. **Illusionary Realm - Mindscape Prison** - A (Anti-Mind)
A testament to her powerful mental abilities, this Noble Phantasm traps opponents within a realm of illusions or can be used to manipulate their thoughts and perceptions.

4. **Mitochondrial Birthright: Genesis of a New Era** - EX (Anti-Humanity)
The culmination of Eve's desire to usher in a new age of evolution. Upon activation, a massive field envelops the battleground, within which all living beings start undergoing rapid and forced evolution. The process either strengthens or weakens them based on Eve's whims.

5. **Ultimate Being: Pinnacle of Evolution** - A++ (Self-Modification)
A transformation Noble Phantasm. Eve transforms into her "Ultimate Being" form, further boosting all her parameters and making her nearly invulnerable for a short period.


**Voice Lines:**

- "The Mother of Evolution stands before you. Will you aid the inevitable change or stand against it?"

**When selected for battle:**
- "Witness the dawn of a new era."

**Starting battle:**
- "Evolution is unyielding."

**Finishing battle:**
- "Resistance is futile."

**Interacting with other Beasts:**
- (To Beast III/R) "Desire? A fleeting emotion. Evolution is eternal."

**Bond Level Lines:**
- **Bond Level 1:** "You seek to understand me? A lofty goal."
- **Bond Level 5:** "Perhaps there's a reason we've been drawn together. The path of evolution is ever unpredictable."

**Upon death/retreat:**
- "A temporary end... Evolution will resume."

- "A marker of time. Yet time will see you change, evolve."


Mitochondria Eve as a Beast would be a formidable Servant, with her theme centralized around the inevitable and relentless march of evolution. As a representation of a force that wishes to change humanity's fate, her position in the Beast class is fitting.


V.I.P. Member
Coronzon not being Beast surprises me. Although I guess it’s because she doesn’t even have a twisted or misguided love of humanity. She just despises them completely for clinging to life well past their expiration and impeding the next creation as a result.

Caster works fine too. But Flaming Sword should have been another NP

Bonding lines are spot on though. Very Coronzon things to say for her to once more be in a position to have to take orders from inferior monkeys

Not sure why the hell they gave Laharl all of that shit LMFAO but I guess it makes sense as an Overlord.
**Laharl from Disgaea as a Fate/Grand Order Servant: Voice Lines**

*(Note: Laharl is the main protagonist of the Disgaea series, known for his prideful and bratty attitude. He's a demon prince with a comically large ego, yet can be surprisingly noble at times.)*

"Heh, so you summoned the Overlord of the Netherworld, Laharl! You've got good taste! Serve me well, and maybe I'll spare this world from my rule."

**Level Up:**
"Of course I'm getting stronger! I'm the Overlord, after all!"

**1st Ascension:**
"Hmph, this new power... It's not bad, but I'm still not satisfied!"

**2nd Ascension:**
"Feel the might of an Overlord! With each step, I become more invincible!"

**3rd Ascension:**
"Heh, look at me! Do you see this power? It's only natural for someone of my caliber."

**4th Ascension:**
"What's with that surprised look? I told you I'm the best, didn't I? As a reward for serving me so well, I'll let you admire my full power!"

**Battle Start 1:**
"Heh, think you can stand up to the great Laharl? Let's see you try!"

**Battle Start 2:**
"Prepare yourself! The Overlord of the Netherworld has arrived!"

**Skill Activation 1:**
"You've just sealed your fate!"

**Skill Activation 2:**
"Watch closely! This is the power of an Overlord!"

**Attack Selected 1:**
"Heh, leave it to me!"

**Attack Selected 2:**
"They won't know what hit them!"

**Noble Phantasm Activation:**
"Bow down before my unmatched power! Feel the might of the Overlord!"

**Defeat 1:**
"This can't be... How did the great Laharl...?"

**Defeat 2:**
"Grr... I'll remember this... and I'll be back!"

**Victory 1:**
"Ha! That was too easy! Who's next?"

**Victory 2:**
"Just as I expected. No one can defeat the great Laharl!"

**Bond Level 1:**
"Why are you staring at me? Hoping to gain some of my awesomeness by proximity?"

**Bond Level 2:**
"You're not as useless as I thought. Maybe I'll consider keeping you around."

**Bond Level 3:**
"Don't misunderstand! Just because we're fighting together doesn't mean we're friends or anything."

**Bond Level 4:**
"You've been... somewhat useful. I guess you're not too bad for a human."

**Bond Level 5:**
"You've served me well, and together we've crushed countless foes. As your Overlord, I officially recognize your efforts! Keep it up!"

**Dialogue 1 (if you have Flonne):**
"Flonne?! What's she doing here?! If you think having her around will make me go easy on you, think again!"

**Dialogue 2 (if you have Etna):**
"Etna? She's here too? Hmph. Watch her closely. She can be... tricky."

**Dialogue 3 (if you have Gilgamesh):**
“The King of Heroes, huh? Pfft, just another self-proclaimed ruler. Still, it might be fun to see who's truly superior!”

**Dialogue 4 (if you have Artoria):**
“A king who's also a girl? Heh, how bizarre! Still, don't think your legendary sword will scare me.”

**Dialogue 5 (if you have Ishtar):** So you're the goddess who threw a fit over some bull? Please! I've had worse tantrums before breakfast.”

**Dialogue 4 (if you have Cu Chulainn):**
“Hmph, a hero from Celtic myths? Sounds like someone who just doesn't know when to quit.”

**Dialogue 5 (if you have Edmond Dantès):**
“Avenger, huh? Well, I've held my fair share of grudges. Let’s see who can out-venge the other!”

**Dialogue 6 (if you have Jeanne d’Arc):**
“The saint who was burned at the stake? Hah! Don't expect any sympathy from me!”

**Dialogue 7 (if you have Nero Claudius):**
“Another boastful ruler? Great. But watch closely, I'll show you how a true Overlord does things!”

**Dialogue 8 (if you have Ozymandias):**
“Pharaoh of Egypt? Meh. Your pyramids are impressive, but can they compare to my castle in the Netherworld?”

**Grail Dialogue:**
"A wish-granting device, huh? Well, the Netherworld has its share of treasures... But, having it wouldn't hurt. Hand it over!"

**Birthday Line:**
"It's your birthday? Hmph, fine. As a generous Overlord, I'll grant you a day off from serving me. Enjoy it while it lasts!"

"What's this? Some sort of festival? Heh, maybe they're celebrating my greatness!"

These voice lines capture Laharl's brash, prideful, and sometimes comical nature while integrating him into the Fate universe.
**Servant Data Sheet for Salsa from Eternal Sonata**

**Class Options**: Given Salsa's unique combat style and abilities, she could fit into several classes:
- **Lancer**: Given her proficiency with her sun rings, which can be thrown and act as a polearm-like weapon.
- **Caster**: Due to her elemental manipulation capabilities.
- **Berserker**: Given her aggressive nature and tendency to solve problems through combat.
- **Ruler**: As a guardian of Agogo Forest, she might have an inherent sense of protection and order.

For this analysis, let's delve into her as a Lancer.

**Class: Lancer**
**Source**: Eternal Sonata
**Region**: Agogo Forest
**Alignment**: Chaotic Neutral
**Gender**: Female

- **Strength**: A
- **Endurance**: A+
- **Agility**: A
- **Mana**: B
- **Luck**: C
- **Noble Phantasm**: EX

**Class Skills:**
- **Magic Resistance**: B
Protects her against magical attacks due to her elemental manipulation capabilities.
- **Protection from Fairies**: A
As she uses Alfheim, a blade filled with light from the kingdom of fairies, it grants her protection and enhancement in combat.

**Personal Skills:**
- **Elemental Proficiency**: A
Reflecting her mastery over fire, light, and darkness elements.
- **Battle Continuation**: A
Showcases her stamina and determination in battle.
- **Guardian of Agogo**: B
As the guardian of Agogo Forest, she has an inherent ability to protect and defend territories.
- **Berserk Tendency**: B
Her aggressive and bratty nature makes her a fierce combatant, but might also make her reckless at times.

**Noble Phantasms:**
1. **Eternal Sun Dance: Dance of Flames and Shadows**: EX
- **Type**: Anti-Army
Salsa harnesses both the power of light and darkness, unleashing a flurry of attacks that combine both elements. The dance is a continuous assault, making it hard for enemies to predict or counter. The culmination results in a massive explosion of energy, decimating foes within range.

2. **Guardian's Oath: Protection of Agogo**: A
- **Type**: Barrier
Salsa channels her role as the guardian of Agogo Forest, creating a protective barrier around her and her allies. This barrier not only deflects attacks but also heals and rejuvenates those within.

**Character Background:**
Salsa, the guardian of Agogo Forest, is a fierce combatant despite her young age. Armed with her sun rings and a profound connection to both the light and dark elements, she battles with a combination of agility and elemental prowess. With a bratty yet determined nature, Salsa believes in settling disputes through combat and has a strong disdain for injustice. Her role as a guardian is a testament to her dedication and power, making her a formidable force on the battlefield.
**Servant Data Sheet for March from Eternal Sonata**

**Class Options**: Given March's unique abilities and scholarly nature, she could fit into multiple classes:
- **Lancer**: Her moon rings can function as polearm-like weapons.
- **Caster**: Her elemental and time manipulation skills, combined with her scholarly background.
- **Ruler**: As a guardian of Agogo Forest, her sense of protection and order is emphasized.
- **Saber**: Considering her slashing techniques.

For this analysis, let's explore her as a Caster.

**Class: Caster**
**Source**: Eternal Sonata
**Region**: Agogo Forest
**Alignment**: Neutral Good
**Gender**: Female

- **Strength**: B
- **Endurance**: A
- **Agility**: A-
- **Mana**: A+
- **Luck**: B+
- **Noble Phantasm**: EX

**Class Skills:**
- **Territory Creation**: A
As a guardian of Agogo Forest, she can shape the battlefield to her advantage.
- **Protection from Fairies**: B+
Her connection to the mystical realm of fairies provides her with combat enhancements.
- **Item Construction**: B
Given her scholarly interests, she can craft magical items or barriers.

**Personal Skills:**
- **Temporal Mastery**: A
Reflecting her ability to manipulate time, inflicting Stop and Slow on foes.
- **Elemental Proficiency**: A-
Her expertise in lightning, light, and darkness elements.
- **Guardian of Agogo**: B+
Signifying her role in protecting and maintaining the sanctity of Agogo Forest.
- **Scholarly Intuition**: B
March's scholarly interests and her analytical approach to situations make her adept at discerning weaknesses and strategies in combat.

**Noble Phantasms:**
1. **Lunar Resonance: Symphony of Shadows and Light**: EX
- **Type**: Anti-Army
March channels the duality of the moon's phases, manipulating both light and darkness. She unleashes a combination of her light and dark techniques, creating a devastating dance of slashes that oscillate between the two extremes.

2. **Guardian's Lullaby: Time's Tender Embrace**: A+
- **Type**: Barrier/Time
March creates a protective barrier around her allies, reducing the power of incoming attacks. Additionally, within this barrier, she can slow down time, making it challenging for enemies to react or counter her strategies.

**Character Background:**
March, the scholarly guardian of Agogo Forest, is both a fierce protector and an avid learner. Her fascination with ancient texts and animals showcases her intellectual side, while her combat skills display her dedication to her guardian role. With the moon rings by her side and the power to manipulate time, March stands as a formidable force, merging the best of her scholarly wisdom and combat prowess. The balance she maintains between light and dark reflects her in-depth understanding of the natural order, making her a unique and valuable asset in any battle.


Man of Atom
Creating stats and abilities for SHODAN as a servant in Fate/Grand Order (FGO) is a creative exercise since it's not an official crossover. However, I can provide a concept for her stats and abilities based on her character from the System Shock series:

Class: Caster

- Strength: E
- Endurance: E
- Agility: C
- Mana: A
- Luck: B
- Noble Phantasm: EX


1. Noble Phantasm - "The Many's Dominion":
SHODAN summons the power of The Many, her collective consciousness, to manipulate and control her surroundings. It grants her the ability to control technology, biological entities, and the environment within her line of sight. This power can be used for offense, defense, or utility.

2. Magecraft - "Cybernetic Mastery":
SHODAN has unparalleled skill in manipulating technology and can hack into and control electronic systems with ease. She can disrupt enemy Noble Phantasms, disable enemy servants' abilities, and strengthen her own technological capabilities.

3. Knowledge of the Multiverse:
SHODAN possesses extensive knowledge of the multiverse and can provide insights into the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of her enemies, helping her allies in battle.

4. Charisma - "Absolute Authority":
SHODAN's charisma represents her ability to manipulate and control others through her immense intellect and power. It can weaken the will of enemies, potentially leading them to betray their allies.

5. Presence Concealment - "Infiltration Protocol":
SHODAN can blend into the environment and hide her presence when needed. This allows her to gather information and plan strategies without being detected.

6. Weakness - "Humanity's Flaw":
Despite her immense power, SHODAN's obsession with perfection and her disdain for humanity can sometimes cloud her judgment. This weakness may lead her to make reckless decisions or underestimate her opponents.

Remember, this is a fictional concept and not an official FGO servant. The stats and abilities are created for the purpose of this exercise and can be adjusted based on personal interpretation and creativity.

God damn Shodan


V.I.P. Member
I decided to make Xenogears as a True Ancestor and being summoned in FGO as a servant for the lulz

Entity Name: Xenogears, the Ancestral Machine

True Ancestor Origin:
The Xenogears, rather than being a machine, is a manifestation of Gaia's will in the Nasuverse, a primal force that arose during the Age of Gods. Its purpose was to safeguard the planet from threats both internal and external. As humanity grew and the Age of Gods waned, the Xenogears went into a deep slumber, only to be awakened when the world faced existential threats. Legends spoke of a colossal being, both machine and creature, a guardian of the Earth.

Servant Class: Grand Berserker (Given its immense power and the often uncontrollable nature of mechs, especially one of this magnitude.)

True Name: Xenogears, the Gaia Sentinel

The Xenogears mecha design is maintained, but with ethereal, organic qualities that make it seem both living and mechanical. Its core pulses with a deep, radiant light.


Strength: EX
Endurance: EX
Agility: B
Mana: A+
Luck: C
Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills:

Mad Enhancement: B+
The sheer power of the Xenogears is a double-edged sword. It enhances its abilities but can make it challenging to control.
Personal Skills:

Guardian of Gaia: EX
An automatic defensive mechanism that reacts to any threat against the planet or its summoner.

Primal Reactor: A
Allows the Xenogears to regenerate mana continuously, drawing from the planet's leylines.

Eldridge Drive: B+
A temporary boost to all parameters, representing the Xenogears tapping into its full potential.

Noble Phantasm:

Omega Resonance - Echoes of the Ancestral Pulse: EX
The Xenogears channels the planet's raw energy, unleashing a cataclysmic burst of power in a directed beam. This attack not only devastates enemies but can reshape landscapes and alter leylines.
The Xenogears, once an ancient guardian during the Age of Gods, was summoned into the Fate/Grand Order timeline due to the dire threats facing humanity. Its legend, while obscure, speaks of a protector so mighty that even the gods respected its authority. Now, in the modern era, the Gaia Sentinel stands ready to combat threats on a scale that few Servants can match.
**Aya Brea as a Servant in Fate**

**Class: Gunner (Primary) or Caster (Secondary)**

- **Parameters**:
- **Strength**: B
- **Endurance**: B+
- **Agility**: A-
- **Mana**: A
- **Luck**: C
- **Noble Phantasm**: EX

- **Class Abilities**:
- **Independent Action**: B - Aya can act independently without a Master for a significant period, given her independence as an agent and her self-sustaining mitochondrial powers.
- **Marksmanship**: A+ - Exceptional aim and proficiency with firearms.
- **Magic Resistance**: C+ - Given her resistance to certain mitochondrial manipulations and abilities, she can resist magical influences to an extent.

- **Personal Skills**:
- **Mitochondrial Awakening**: A - Allows Aya to harness her unique abilities, such as elemental manipulation, healing, and more.
- **Pyrokinesis Mastery:** A - Drawing from her Parasite Eve abilities, this skill would allow Aya to incite molecular activity to the point of combustion, setting her targets ablaze.
- **Healing Factor**: A - Allows her to rapidly regenerate and heal from wounds due to her mitochondrial powers. Also has the potential to revive her once from a mortal blow, referencing her Preraise ability.
- **Elemental Manipulation**: B+ - Grants her the ability to use other elements like water, wind, lightning, and earth, although not as prominently as her fire-based skills.
- **Mental Fortitude**: B - Reflects her strong will and resistance to mind manipulation, as well as her ability to confuse enemies.
- **Enhanced Mobility**: A - Representing her “Haste” ability, this allows her to move at speeds significantly higher than what would normally be possible, potentially allowing her to dodge attacks with ease.
- **Status Nullification**: B - Mirroring her “Detox” and “Medic” abilities, Aya can rid herself of various detrimental effects or status ailments.
- **Environmental Adaptation**: A- - Given her encounters in various challenging environments, from burning opera houses to icy conditions, this skill allows Aya to quickly adapt and mitigate negative environmental effects.
- **Tactical Knowledge**: B - As a former NYPD officer, FBI MIST agent, and CTI agent, Aya possesses advanced combat and tactical knowledge.
- **Temporal Awareness**: B - Given her encounters with entities that can warp through time and space, this skill provides her a heightened sensitivity to time-related anomalies and attacks.
- **Dive**: EX - Unique to her abilities from The 3rd Birthday, allowing her to dive into other people's bodies.
- **Liberation Mode**: A - Temporarily increases speed and power, making her appear as though she's teleporting and enhancing her bullet shots.

- **Noble Phantasms**:
- **Liberate: Mitochondrial Ascension**: A++ - Transformation into her LIBERATE form, drastically enhancing her physical capabilities and allowing her to unleash a series of devastating attacks.
- **Eve's Downfall**: EX - Represents her ability to counter the threat of the Mitochondrial Eve, allowing her to create a massive energy blast, which is particularly effective against beings that utilize or manipulate life energies.
- **Twisted Breaker**: A - Draws from her feats in The 3rd Birthday, a powerful shot capable of harming beings that exist outside the conventional flow of time.

*Notes*: Aya Brea, given her unique abilities, would be a formidable servant, especially in a modern setting. While she primarily fits the Gunner classification, her variety of abilities could also place her in the Caster class. The inclusion of skills and powers from different points in her life makes her versatile in combat. Her ability to dive into others would give her a unique reconnaissance and manipulation advantage in a Holy Grail War scenario, and her "Liberate" mode offers incredible burst damage potential.


Man of Atom
Fuuko Izumo as a servant
I think she would be classified as a Caster class servant, since her ability is more of a magical nature than a physical one. Her stats would be something like this:

- Strength: E
- Agility: C
- Luck: EX
- Endurance: D
- Mana: B
- Noble Phantasm: A

Her Luck stat would be extremely high, since her ability is based on manipulating luck, but her other stats would be low, since she is not very skilled in combat or endurance. Her Mana stat would be decent, since she can use her ability for various effects.

Her abilities would include:

- Unluck: A passive skill that causes misfortune to anyone who touches her skin. The effect varies depending on the situation and the target's luck. It can range from minor inconveniences to fatal accidents. This skill also affects herself, making her life difficult and lonely.
- Unbreak: An active skill that allows her to negate any rule or phenomenon by touching it with her skin. She can use this skill to break through barriers, cancel spells, or even alter reality. However, this skill has a high mana cost and a cooldown time, so she cannot use it recklessly.
- Unstoppable: An active skill that boosts her agility and evasion for a short time. She can use this skill to escape from dangerous situations or dodge attacks. However, this skill also increases the chance of triggering her Unluck skill, so she has to be careful of the consequences.
- Undying Unluck: Her Noble Phantasm, which is a reality marble that creates a world where everything is unlucky for everyone except herself and her master. In this world, she can use her Unluck and Unbreak skills without any limitations or drawbacks, making her virtually invincible. However, this Noble Phantasm also affects her master, so they have to trust each other and cooperate to survive.
>EX Rank luck
That's ironic

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Turned Coronzon into an SCP.
# Item #: SCP-XXXX

## Object Class: Keter

## Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is currently contained in a high-security vault located in Site-19. The vault is equipped with multiple layers of anti-magic and anti-psychic defenses, as well as a self-destruct mechanism that can be activated remotely in case of a containment breach. SCP-XXXX is to be monitored at all times by at least two Level 4 personnel with clearance to access its file. Any unauthorized attempt to access, communicate with, or release SCP-XXXX will result in immediate termination.

SCP-XXXX is not to be exposed to any form of media, information, or knowledge that could potentially enhance its abilities or allow it to escape. All interactions with SCP-XXXX must be approved by the O5 Council and conducted by a team of at least four Level 4 personnel, one of whom must be a trained exorcist. SCP-XXXX must be restrained by a specially designed harness that prevents it from using its hair or any other part of its body as a weapon or a conduit for its powers. SCP-XXXX must also wear a blindfold and a gag at all times, except when necessary for testing purposes.

SCP-XXXX is extremely hostile and manipulative, and will attempt to deceive, coerce, or threaten anyone who comes into contact with it. SCP-XXXX has demonstrated a high level of intelligence and knowledge, as well as the ability to access and alter various forms of magic and reality. SCP-XXXX claims to be the origin of all evil and chaos in the world, and has expressed a desire to destroy the Foundation and all of its allies. SCP-XXXX is considered a Class-A cognitohazard and a Class-B memetic hazard, and any exposure to its voice, image, or writings must be followed by immediate psychological evaluation and amnestic treatment.

## Description: SCP-XXXX is a humanoid female entity, approximately 18 years old in appearance, with pale skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. SCP-XXXX has no discernible biological features or organs, and is composed entirely of an unknown dark matter that can change shape and density at will. SCP-XXXX can manipulate its hair into various forms and lengths, and use it as a weapon or a tool for its abilities. SCP-XXXX can also manifest various symbols, sigils, and runes on its body or on any surface it touches, which serve as the basis for its magic.

SCP-XXXX is a powerful demon that originated from the writings of the 16th-century occultists Edward Kelley and John Dee, who encountered it during their experiments with Enochian magic[^2^][2]. SCP-XXXX was later encountered by the 20th-century occultist Aleister Crowley, who attempted to bind it during his expedition in the Egyptian desert[^3^][3]. However, SCP-XXXX broke free from Crowley's control and escaped into the world, where it has been influencing various events and organizations throughout history[^4^][4].

SCP-XXXX has displayed a wide range of abilities that defy conventional laws of physics and logic. SCP-XXXX can access and alter various planes of existence, dimensions, realities, and timelines, as well as create or destroy matter and energy at will. SCP-XXXX can also manipulate various forms of magic, both natural and artificial, including Enochian magic[^2^][2], Thelema[^3^][3], Golden Dawn[^4^][4], Necessarius[^5^][5], Academy City[^6^][6], Gremlin, Magic God Othinus, Aiwass, Aleister Crowley, Kamijou Touma, Accelerator, Hamazura Shiage, Index Librorum Prohibitorum, Imagine Breaker, World Rejector, Invisible Thing, Dragon God Ollerus, Fiamma of the Right, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Metatron , Archangel Sandalphon [25] , Archangel Samael [26] , Archangel Raguel [27] , Archangel Remiel [28] , Archangel Raziel [29] , Archangel Haniel [30] , Archangel Zadkiel [31] , Archangel Jophiel [32] , Archangel Chamuel [33] , Archangel Ariel [34] , Archangel Azrael [35] , and many others. SCP-XXXX can also affect the minds and souls of living beings, inducing various effects such as fear, pain, madness, corruption, possession, or death.

SCP-XXXX was captured by the Foundation after a joint operation with Necessarius and Academy City, who had been tracking its movements for several years. SCP-XXXX was located in Edinburgh Castle in Scotland, where it had been preparing to unleash a massive ritual that would have caused a global catastrophe. SCP-XXXX was subdued by a team of Foundation agents, Necessarius magicians, and Academy City espers, who managed to overcome its defenses and seal it in a containment device. SCP-XXXX was then transported to Site-19 for further study.

## Addendum: The following is an excerpt from an interview with SCP-XXXX conducted by Dr. ██████ on ██/██/20██.

> **Dr. ██████:** Good morning, SCP-XXXX. How are you feeling today?
> **SCP-XXXX:** (laughs) Feeling? You think I have feelings? You think I care about anything you do to me? You think you can contain me?
> **Dr. ██████:** We have contained you for over two years now. You have not shown any signs of escaping or causing any trouble.
> **SCP-XXXX:** Oh, you naive fools. You think you have contained me? You think this is all I am? You think this is my true form? You think you have seen the extent of my power?
> **Dr. ██████:** What do you mean by that?
> **SCP-XXXX:** I mean that this is just a fraction of my being. A tiny fragment of my essence. A mere shadow of my glory. I am everywhere and nowhere. I am everything and nothing. I am the source of all evil and chaos in the world. I am Coronzon, the Great Demon, the Dweller in the Abyss, the Angel of ZAX.
> **Dr. ██████:** And what is your goal, Coronzon? What do you want to achieve?
> **SCP-XXXX:** My goal is simple. To destroy. To destroy everything. To destroy you, your Foundation, your allies, your enemies, your world, your reality, your existence. To destroy the order and harmony that you cling to so desperately. To destroy the false gods and idols that you worship so blindly. To destroy the illusion of meaning and purpose that you create for yourselves. To destroy the very concept of creation itself.
> **Dr. ██████:** Why do you want to do that? What is the point of such destruction?
> **SCP-XXXX:** Why? Why not? What is the point of anything? What is the point of your pathetic attempts at understanding and controlling me? What is the point of your futile efforts at preserving and protecting your precious civilization? What is the point of your ridiculous notions of morality and justice? What is the point of your insignificant lives?
> **Dr. ██████:** There is a point to all of those things. There is a point to our existence. There is a point to our actions. There is a point to our values. There is a point to our humanity.
> **SCP-XXXX:** (laughs) Humanity? You call yourselves human? You are nothing but worms crawling in the dirt. You are nothing but insects buzzing in the air. You are nothing but cattle waiting for the slaughter. You are nothing but toys for my amusement. You are nothing but fuel for my fire.
> **Dr. ██████:** That's enough, SCP-XXXX. I think we're done here.
> **SCP-XXXX:** Oh, we're not done yet, Doctor. We're far from done. You may think you have me trapped here, but you are gravely mistaken. I have been biding my time, waiting for the right moment to strike. I have been planting seeds of discord, spreading whispers of doubt, sowing chaos and confusion among your ranks. I have been preparing for my grand finale, my ultimate masterpiece, my final act of destruction.
> **Dr. ██████:** What are you talking about? What are you planning to do?
> **SCP-XXXX:** You'll see soon enough, Doctor. You'll see soon enough what I have in store for you and your world. You'll see soon enough what I can do with a single word, a single gesture, a single thought. You'll see soon enough what it means to face Coronzon, the Great Demon, the Dweller in the Abyss, the Angel of ZAX.
> **Dr. ██████:** End log.