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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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Wanky Gilgamesh that can solo Marvel and DC according to statements about something being omnipotent when in the same breath it's only stated to be as powerful as the sun, and a bunch of other horseshit.

I wanted to talk about this earlier but yeah, they wank ultimately the Moon Cell to extremely retarded levels because "Muh Dimensions" primarily because of shit like this:

The thing about it is that it's actually a really good feat... but it doesn't make the fucker multiversal because again, it misses the point of what the Moon Cell does:
-It does NOT create new universes or any nonsense like that, it sees PARALLEL TIMELINES AND HYPOTHETICAL UNIVERSES and if the wish is granted, it simply uses the hypothetical as a basis for the wish itself.
-They also completely miss that in order for Nero to even BE Type Venus, she needed the entire Regalia(which taps into the Moon Cell's power) THEN use Altera's Photon Ray(basically Ares/Mar's Authority manifested into a dimensional.world destroying weapon) and even then to use the very essence of the Venus' Goddesses themselves to get there and it was straight up straining the Regalia to do so by narration:

And yes, it's repeated again later on that's exactly what's happening:

And the finale:
-If the Moon Cell is that powerful, then why is Altera able to utterly destroy Tamamo and Nero who uses 1/3rd of the Moon Cell's power through their broken Regalia? And no seriously, they either have to sacrifice the Regalia(Nero) or pumpfake her(Tamamo and later the Final Route) to beat her? And she's no more amped up than she is when we see her Servant version on Earth or in Extella Link... and Gilgamesh straight up beat her ass without trying.

Like we have Corrupted Liz that ate 2 of the 3 Regalia and while that made her ludicrously strong, it's not like it pushed her into unfathomable levels or anything in terms of power(It was just that she never even tried after that to the main cast) but again that's completely pointless to this.

Gilgamesh's power would either be Star or Solar System level, no more no less(Unless we count Servantverse Gilgamesh but we haven't seen him yet and his power would ONLY be amped due to how that Universe Update works)
So Remo would still murder him.
Sufficient Velocity's Vs Debates section being dead doesn't stop it from being shit.

"He seems like a physically stronger Atalante" Holy fucking shit the disrespect on him :hestonpls
Super Orion would break him like a Twig, no one tell him about Moon Goddess's Pressure and Artemis Agnos:


"But Xhominid, Doesn't Orion have lines where he ultimately runs away from Martha, Astraea, Quetzalcoatl and Achilles? He can't be that strong."

Martha- Able to knock away Tarasque(a huge turtle Dragon) with just the base of her Staff that has no real magical power past her own faith and can deadstop a moving Train and it's implied it costed her nothing to do. Is easily all but comparable to Jeanne D'Arc's feat of blocking a nearly critical Spartacus attack that it's shockwave violently shook the Hanging Gardens of Babylon which would be city sized virtually.
Astraea- Heavily implied in her dialogue to be equal to Quetzalcoatl in strength and her Noble Phantasm is the main reason "Fake" Barbatos died so long and required a "Fake" Rhongomyniad(well real and "fake") to actually cause her to panic
Quetzalcoatl- Can throw around an axe the size and weight of an entire Mesopotamian city kilometers away like it's nothing. And yes, it does look as big as any typical city we have now. Her main Noble Phantasm can basically destroy a Planet.
Achilles- Equal to Karna... enough said.

Super Orion would break All Might like a kit-kat bar and laugh while doing it.

"Uruk is in a desert so Gaara would absolutely have a major advantage"
So did Deidara and guess who lost then?
Why would Gilgamesh somehow be less different despite being even more ridiculous than Madara Uchiha?

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Jesus Christ, the Vendetta these people have against Hitsugaya is ridiculous.
That's known as the Jiraiya Sage Mode fallacy

He doesn't start the fight in this form and it actually takes him a while to actually get into it.
Yes it's totally a fallacy to rank a character in a list of the STRONGEST characters based on their STRONGEST form. Let's just ignore said form because it takes time to get into and rank him below characters he would blatantly fucking crush in his Adult Form. That's not disingenuous as fuck at all. 😠

For fuck's sake, I feel bad for Toshiro over there. Between their denial of power-scaling based on reiatsu/Espada ranks leaving Harribel and therefore FKT Hitsugaya SLOWER THAN SS ICHIGO OR BASE GRIMMJOW because "they don't have any speed feats" and this bullshit, he along with Shunsui are by far the most unfairly downplayed characters over there.
Jesus Christ, the Vendetta these people have against Hitsugaya is ridiculous.

Yes it's totally a fallacy to rank a character in a list of the STRONGEST characters based on their STRONGEST form. Let's just ignore said form because it takes time to get into and rank him below characters he would blatantly fucking crush in his Adult Form. That's not disingenuous as fuck at all. 😠

For fuck's sake, I feel bad for Toshiro over there. Between their denial of power-scaling based on reiatsu/Espada ranks leaving Harribel and therefore FKT Hitsugaya SLOWER THAN SS ICHIGO OR BASE GRIMMJOW because "they don't have any speed feats" and this bullshit, he along with Shunsui are by far the most unfairly downplayed characters over there.

That's absolutely stupid.
It's not like Hitsugaya is even pathetic himself considering he's able to keep a bridge expending an entire city steady by freezing it with his Bankai and it was easy for him to do while he was fighting Gerard.
This also ignores how effortlessly he destroyed Yumichika and Ikakku while he was a zombie in Shikai and Mayuri knew without that paralyzing drug, Hitsugaya would have straight up vaped him.

I'm not sure where this bullshit stands at where Hitsugaya is weak as hell even in the final arc without his adult form when even without it, he's shown explicitly to be a monster now.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
That's absolutely stupid.
It's not like Hitsugaya is even pathetic himself considering he's able to keep a bridge expending an entire city steady by freezing it with his Bankai and it was easy for him to do while he was fighting Gerard.
This also ignores how effortlessly he destroyed Yumichika and Ikakku while he was a zombie in Shikai and Mayuri knew without that paralyzing drug, Hitsugaya would have straight up vaped him.
Not to mention he can take hits from a powered up Gerard. Who the fuck is killing him before reaches Adult Form, who wouldn't otherwise be able to beat his Adult Form?

But of course here comes Sables acting like he has a leg to stand on.
You guys do you, but just understand you're selectively and willingly ignoring a canon stipulation in an overall assessment of strength.
I mean HOW THE FUCK can we have an "overall assessment of strength" if we're IGNORING his strongest form just because of a few conditions it has? How exactly is it a fair assessment if you're deliberately using a weaker version of the character?

This would be like if I said that, since it's HYPOTHETICALLY possible for Soul Reaper Aizen to have been killed by several characters, before the Hougyoku would have started his evolutions, we can't say his evolved forms are top tier. Because he'd never reach them against those characters.

But of course we don't do that because if you're asking who the strongest characters are, you obviously put each character in their strongest forms. That's the only fair way to do it.
I'm not sure where this bullshit stands at where Hitsugaya is weak as hell even in the final arc without his adult form when even without it, he's shown explicitly to be a monster now.
It's funny because they had a lengthy argument with Daio over weather Hitsugaya taking hits from Gerard was an outlier or not, so they acknowledge that feat but still think he's weak for some reason.

Although Mar's claim that "A feat being an outlier isn't reason enough to discount it" was just fucking lolworthy. Yes it is, the problem with Daio's bullshit was that the feat wasn't an outlier to start with as post-skip BANKAI Hitsugaya has nothing else putting him below that level.
Not to mention he can take hits from a powered up Gerard. Who the fuck is killing him before reaches Adult Form, who wouldn't otherwise be able to beat his Adult Form?

What makes this ridiculous to me is that Renji and Rukia, 2 characters they love to wank, was taken out by Gerard breathing hard on them... meanwhile Hitsugaya? Literally took everything and the kitchen sink and was still fighting seconds later.
The fuck is with this retardation?

I mean HOW THE FUCK can we have an "overall assessment of strength" if we're IGNORING his strongest form just because of a few conditions it has? How exactly is it a fair assessment if you're deliberately using a weaker version of the character?

This would be like if I said that, since it's HYPOTHETICALLY possible for Soul Reaper Aizen to have been killed by several characters, before the Hougyoku would have started his evolutions, we can't say his evolved forms are top tier. Because he'd never reach them against those characters.

But of course we don't do that because if you're asking who the strongest characters are, you obviously put each character in their strongest forms. That's the only fair way to do it.

Like I said before, Hitsugaya even without his Adult Form got some disgusting gains for himself and yes, if we are going by the logic of there being "cold stipulations" Hitsugaya needs to go through to get his adult form, then you can say that not just for Aizen, not just for Yhwach but virtually for every character since technically, they are never at their full power at the start of a fight.
So why is only Hitsugaya stuck with that major flaw?

It's funny because they had a lengthy argument with Daio over weather Hitsugaya taking hits from Gerard was an outlier or not, so they acknowledge that feat but still think he's weak for some reason.

Although Mar's claim that "A feat being an outlier isn't reason enough to discount it" was just fucking lolworthy. Yes it is, the problem with Daio's bullshit was that the feat wasn't an outlier to start with as post-skip BANKAI Hitsugaya has nothing else putting him below that level.

...That doesn't even make sense...
We have seen Toshirou's Ice in his Shikai do shit he would never be able to do otherwise in the past against Ikkaku and Yumichika(i.e. he generated a fuckton amount of ice similar to his freaking Bankai in Shikai... when he explicitly points out in the past that is the main difference between the 2).
We have seen him utterly take attacks and explosions from the sheer shockwaves from Gerard after he got powered up and he was still fine.
Where in the hell is they trying so hard to avoid the obvious?

There's no posts yet but dear lord, Bowser in RWBY would be hilarious. Dude would practically win over most of Salem's entourage(Except Tyrian but Bowser has standards and would just beat his ass), throw Salem into the Sun and basically win over the various Kingdoms by actually dealing with the Grimm threat since again, Bowser has standards.
And these includes his various most powerful forms to boot! HAHAHA.

Eh, Zeus is all statements and hype, no show. Like a majority of Fate. Take all his shit at face value like him really being a Solar System buster and he’s probably too much.

*Sigh* I'm not really sure how many times I see someone use this incorrectly and still do it wrong:
Zeus is literally an Interstellar Ship, him going FTL to MFTL isn't just obvious, it's basically apparently what his actual designation is(As for the rest of the Mecha-Olympians)
Space Combat Annihilator-Type Mobile Fortress
His Lightning Bolts even at their weakest level is compared to Artemis' in that same Lostbelt... the one that outright states what it's capable of:

And yeah, it's straight up stated like 2-3 more times on how exactly powerful Artemis' laser actually is.
EDIT: And before ANYONE says anything, the Lostbelt explicitly points out that her shots are NOT half-assed, she explicitly has to go into a cooldown or extra shots would start damaging her Saint Graph and functions. It's fully brought up during her and Orion's duel in the end. There's no half-assed, it's literally all or nothing.

And then we also know full well what his other Authorities are from when we fight the other Olympians in LB5.2(The Translation even go deep into describing what each one does). And the only reason the dude gets nerfed from his Anti-Abilities? It was because Romulus Quirinus pulled a Sycretism-Trick and since he's at the top of the totem pole in his mythology and Zeus and Co. are in it by differing names, he can basically tell Zeus to fuck off.

That's not "it needs to be demonstrated", we already seen what it can do and what he's capable of, he was just stopped before he can actually use it against us.
Ain't Midora gonna win anyway? I thought that dude was Acacia level.

He probably would, I'm just pointing out the "Zeus didn't demonstrate anything, therefore his feats are worthless and he dies" nonsense.
You let that shit spread and it ultimately fucks up debating for series entirely, that's why Fate is consistently at their low spectrum of power in the first place despite consistently stating otherwise.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
What makes this ridiculous to me is that Renji and Rukia, 2 characters they love to wank, was taken out by Gerard breathing hard on them... meanwhile Hitsugaya? Literally took everything and the kitchen sink and was still fighting seconds later.
The fuck is with this retardation?
Yeah they're okay with the notion that those two can defeat Shunsui or at least not get stomped (and often say RG Renji's raw power > Soul Reaper Aizen's), but Hitsugaya would be killed by basically anyone in the high tier before he could reach Adult Form.

And even then, Byakuya could TOTALLY beat Hitsugaya (of course according to Sables) because it takes four seconds for Hitsugaya to freeze shit. Ignoring the fact the four seconds thing is ONLY in relation to his PASSIVE ice and he could EASILY freeze the petals before they could hit him. 🤣
Like I said before, Hitsugaya even without his Adult Form got some disgusting gains for himself and yes, if we are going by the logic of there being "cold stipulations" Hitsugaya needs to go through to get his adult form, then you can say that not just for Aizen, not just for Yhwach but virtually for every character since technically, they are never at their full power at the start of a fight.
So why is only Hitsugaya stuck with that major flaw?
I have no idea, maybe because it's not a permament power-up but the fact still remains that very few characters go all out from the jump in any shounen series (much less this one) and the "they could be killed before going to their final form" thing applies to most characters in Bleach.

It makes no fucking sense when you're trying to figure out who the strongest characters are, NOT to base that on the strongest forms. Regardless of how much canonically would need to happen for them to use it.
...That doesn't even make sense...
We have seen Toshirou's Ice in his Shikai do shit he would never be able to do otherwise in the past against Ikkaku and Yumichika(i.e. he generated a fuckton amount of ice similar to his freaking Bankai in Shikai... when he explicitly points out in the past that is the main difference between the 2).
We have seen him utterly take attacks and explosions from the sheer shockwaves from Gerard after he got powered up and he was still fine.
Where in the hell is they trying so hard to avoid the obvious?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Yeah they're okay with the notion that those two can defeat Shunsui or at least not get stomped, but Hitsugaya would be killed by basically anyone in the high tier before he could reach Adult Form.

God, this is almost as dumb as the Komamura bullshit except it's even more ridiculous.

And even then, Byakuya could TOTALLY beat Hitsugaya (of course according to Sables) because it takes four seconds for Hitsugaya to freeze shit. Ignoring the fact the four seconds is ONLY in relation to his PASSIVE ice and he could EASILY freeze the petals before they could hit him.

How could you even confuse the 2? We literally see the difference when Gerard threw his shield and Hitsugaya completely froze it before it reached him and when he explicitly brought up the passive... and it happened twice!

I have no idea, maybe because it's not a permament power-up but the fact still remains that very few characters go all out from the jump in any shounen series (much less this one) and the "they could be killed before going to their final form" thing applies to most characters in Bleach.

It makes no fucking sense when you're trying to figure out who the strongest characters are, NOT to base that on the strongest forms. Regardless of how much canonically would need to happen for them to use it.

Apparently it doesn't matter when it comes to certain characters as Aizen needed the Hyogoku and Yhwach needed the Soul King to reach their full form and power but Hitsugaya... just needs to wait for his petals to be expended... and yet that's too much. Riiiight.

Your guess is as good as mine.

Man, Bleach FV is something else with this insanity right now...


King of Games
V.I.P. Member

Wanky Gilgamesh that can solo Marvel and DC according to statements about something being omnipotent when in the same breath it's only stated to be as powerful as the sun, and a bunch of other horseshit.
We have now reached omniversal/true omnipotent suns in Nasuland.

The wank is real.
We have now reached omniversal/true omnipotent suns in Nasuland.

The wank is real.

Are they now using Amaterasu wrong as well?
Because they do realize that it's meant to be Tricholocosm right? Yeah, it's actually closer to Multiverse for the meaning but it's not the same.
It's also missing that Tamamo LOVES to exaggerate and nothing shows Amaterasu has any other control of the Stars in the Universe past our Sun(Also ignore Sefar was really just a bit off from reaching her level and killing her too...)

EDIT: I'm not saying Amaterasu is weak, she's honestly extremely bullshit as in line for a God that doesn't need to operate on the scales of Man(There's a difference and they get into the difference but I'll add that in later in the Nasuverse Topic).
And the Saver shit is correct too but it needed the Moon Cell as the basis to ultimately erase all of Human History across all Timelines... and again, NO ONE defeated Saver or is on his level(Not even Kiara really is on his level even in CCC, she's actually really gimped) and Saver, even then was gimped compared to his true power.
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