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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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Man of Atom

>big rigs thread
>party poopers come in and try to ruin it
Why cant SB have any kind of fun


King of Games
V.I.P. Member

>big rigs thread
>party poopers come in and try to ruin it
Why cant SB have any kind of fun
They're antifun but they want everyone to be as miserable as they are. Well, I say nay.

>big rigs thread
>party poopers come in and try to ruin it
Why cant SB have any kind of fun

Because to have any fun, they wouldn't be on SB in the first place...

Well, with that mentioned... I think Orochimaru wins. He can, by all means, keep Lancer away as he whittles the man down, and he should be able to outlast him. While very energy conservative for a Servant, I doubt Kirei would have enough to offer to really keep up with the sannin for hours.

Cu literally fought Gilgamesh for half a day(12 Hours) before Gilgamesh ultimately killed him. Servants not being able to fight for hours is a fucking meme unless they are spamming their Noble Phantasms like crazy and certain Servants who do that sort of gameplay usually has an ace that allows them to basically do so without problems(usually Galvanism)

An unreasonable amount of abilities, his army of blade vomiting snakes, body shedding and clones... Orochimaru is unlikely to be really caught in a pinch, even if Lancer would be able to evade and endure most of what he has to offer.

Most of Orochimaru's moveset is fucking projectiles or can be stated to be equivalent to Projectiles, he can't do shit with those with Cu. And his Snakes are nothing compared to Nasuverse Hydras and Cu can slaughter those too.
And again, Gae Bolg would kill Orochimaru dead unless he can explicitly resurrect... which he can't.

For the first part, what do you mean? Orochimaru doesn't have many heads (the Orochi transformation is temporary), he is made of any, smaller snakes

Wasn't that shit a Genjutsu? Which was ultimately why Sasuke was able to override his control with the Sharingan? And even if he wasn't, Cu can still destroy them and stop them from regenerating. Dude his exceptionally fast for Servants and extremely quick in terms of attacks.

For the second, no? To begin with, when does Cú ever interact with Chaos? The WoG specifically refers to those who (only) excel in sheer physical fortitude rather than hax.

He meant that if Nasu stated that if Cu attacked Arcuied with Gae Bolg, she would be dead too and she's even more overpowered than Orochimaru in terms of her healing.

He can fight for that long, and protection from arrows wouldn't really come into effect here. And there's no way he'd get to draw four runes to make the arena without Orochimaru stopping it. Plus, it would mean that Cú Chulainn has to fight everything that sees the runes one at a time, and Orochimaru has an insane amount of snakes.

... Do people not realize how fast it is for Servants to make Runes? Does he also not know that Cu DOES carry Rune Stones around which can activate pretty quickly?

And Orochimaru is no Shadow to deal with this thing easily. And again, it's not like Cu really needs it either, the dude isn't Arcuied, a TNR Gae Bolg will kill him dead if it can kill her.

>Accelerator vs. Naofumi
>People are actually arguing Accelerator at his best will make Naofumi unable to do anything at his best
>Naofumi at the absolute end of his journey in the Webcomics is literally invincible and redirected a timeline spanning, FTL Existence Erasure back at the Evil God who basically created the entire multiverse and erased her from existence so entirely, she will NEVER appear in any adaptation.
Yeah sure, somebody won't be doing anything... but it isn't Naofumi :oldryoma
Holy shit, that is some of the funniest chuuni tier writing I’ve ever seen.

Anyway, if we take this zero attack or infinite nonsense, than we take Coronzon’s feat that Accel blocked effortlessly.

Furthermore, isn’t even WB Shield Hero stuff just planet level stuff?

Says this while legit defending Magical Index like it literally isn't just those with autism and a love of math made a series showing just how awesome it is to ultimately stretch both to their absolute limit...

It's also hilarious considering he only "wants" to consider it if he gets his way and another feat for Accelerator gets accepted, despite the fact that even if it was accepted, Naofumi blocked WORSE and Accelerator would still be dead.
The way SB debates index has got to be some of the worst shit I've ever seen
its on the same level as contessa or exalted

Basically. It honestly gets me every time I see them constantly point out the nonsense of "Accelerator blocked Infinite Speed attacks" and other crap like that but then if you really bother to look at it, none of that actually happened or there's some circumstance behind it that leaves it pointless.
It doesn't help that seriously overestimate Vector Manipulation and think it can do anything "Because it can do things in Index" and I'm like "NO SHIT! Because that's the Universe it comes from", that doesn't mean it will be 1:1 with other series either.
If a character can fuck with the Laws of Physics and I actually mean fuck with the Laws of Physics, not that random bullshit in Index where it's somehow is and not isn't in Accelerator's purview", the dude is fucked plain and simple.
You screw with his head? He's fucked. You have attacks that work instantly? He's fucked. Even attacks that can straight up redirect or be completely conceptual should be able to kill him because Vectors are not conceptual shit themselves. That's the whole point of what Vectors are.

"This simultaneously severs every dimension at the coordinates whether they are higher dimensions or lower dimensions. It seems the only cross section objects created that we can perceive are the ones that can appear in a 3 dimensional world."


Kamijou was completely dumbfounded.

If what she was saying was true, that sword was a monstrous weapon that could cut right through dimensions which did exist but were more of a concept than anything. No matter how much steel someone used to protect his body, Curtana Original could cut right through the dimension to cleave him in two.

Even so, Kamijou did not feel any fear. The scale was simply too great. Apparently the universe was constantly expanding due to the big bang, but no one could concretely feel the universe expanding with their 5 senses. Second Princess Carissa was using a power on that level.

Carissa held up her sword that could slice through not just a manmade nuclear shelter but the earth and the universe itself.
:oldryoma :hestonpls :dumbpepe
Like seriously, let's get away from the fact that it the story doesn't even back up the words at all, let's actually gleam this for a second:
1. What makes Touma's words to believe this is true better than anyone else's? Isn't this exactly what they do to shit on LN's they don't like and say they don't know any better? Touma is no genius so why would we ever fathom that the Curtana Original can do this? And to that exact scale?

2. Is this even remotely ever used even remotely in that capacity? I mean for example, Fate dabbles in Dimensional Barriers at times(I even posted a video about it) but I would never pretend it can basically cut through the entire goddamned Universe if someone can do so. Kamachi is literally going at himself hardcore which is why it's so fucking hard to take anything from Index seriously.

They really keep pushing the Moon Kick as if it's some extremely ridiculous feat when Boros regardless would defeat Garou due to WoG.

Dear lord, Shield Hero has some odd as hell writing.

Although it is a WN so I guess saying infinitely faster than infinite speed or something is to be expected.

Regardless, Accelerator drop kicks Shield hero’s soul out and goes back into prison.

I'm going to say this and I'm going to say this without no filter:
You guys watching this need to make an account of your life if you think this is a personal attack on you because it's not.
What I AM saying is that some of you guys seriously need to stop pretending To Aru is some masterstroke of genius when it's just diarrhea spewed out on the page and somehow doesn't have "odd as hell writing" on it as well.

And yes, someone here actually IS reading these posts because they basically PM'd me on SB without even bothering to make an account here and actually come to me man to man over an LN for pete sake.

We HAD a To Aru discussion thread and no one popped up except for the hen's the keep roosting in it, actually step the fuck up and debate your damn series rather than hide and try and mug people through other places if you want to put your money where your mouth is.

Naofumi at full power would make Accelerator his bitch and no amount of trying to throw shit to the wind otherwise would say differently to it.

this thread hurts me

Like honestly everything in that thread hurts my soul.
Omnidroid has defeated beings that can screw with the atomic structure? Nah, Voldemort can just transmute it despite no Wizard has shown to be able to transmute something of that size and magnitude.
Omnidroid is able to keep up with fucking Dash? Nah, Voldemort will somehow get off an attack first despite HP characters aren't even in subsonic level while Dash can move faster than a frame of a video camera can keep up.
Omnidroid can fly? Somehow is not able to actually fly in combat despite the fact that it would have obviously fought Supers that can fly.
Omnidroid actually has adaptive AI and can even learn about it's main weakness of the remote? Again, somehow Voldemort will end it in seconds.

And so on and so forth.
This level of downplay is like legit hitting Fate/Star Wars levels of absolutely ridiculous bullshit.
But guys? You don't understand how strong Voldemort is...
He's capable of using Fiendfyre which states it can burn ANYTHING! We should immediately take that into consideration and believe he can just one shot LEGOs or be able to react to them before they can punch him because spells could move at FTL speeds based on just guessing at how one spell works... :hestonpls

Like... I'm honestly flabbergasted that anyone would use this as a comparison tool.


It's consistently animated like this, where there's a relatively more localised clash in one frame before it explodes into multiple swings covering multiple metres (further than they should realistically reach really). This is how it's animated constantly. Even counting fairly conservatively I count eight swings in the above clash, which seemingly takes place in a single frame (though this is the highest number of slashes between frames that I could quickly identify). Given how Tengen has only one hand, that would mean each arm could swing 192 times a second. These are on relatively wide arcs as well. If you were to take this rush entirely literally as presented, each one of these slashes was covering multiple metres and he was swinging his sword faster than the speed of sound. Ignoring the stylisation that has the streaks of light appear far from the actual clash itself, you could still potentially get supersonic results.

You could potentially argue that both frames here are supposed to be read as part of the same movement, in which case Tengen is "only" performing 96 slashes a second in this movement. That's still multiple times as fast as Jugo, even ignoring the larger area he's portrayed as covering.

No one EVER counts how many attacks happened based on fucking frames, that never fucking works since animators are never fucking consistent with that sort of deal(Especially with the further animation flubs that can happen during it).
People only ever use frames to see how fast animators mean to make something happen onscreen to make it really fast(like Lasers or Lightning), this truly does just come off as ludicrously absurd to ever use for a debate of any kind.

Like... I'm honestly flabbergasted that anyone would use this as a comparison tool.

No one EVER counts how many attacks happened based on fucking frames, that never fucking works since animators are never fucking consistent with that sort of deal(Especially with the further animation flubs that can happen during it).
People only ever use frames to see how fast animators mean to make something happen onscreen to make it really fast(like Lasers or Lightning), this truly does just come off as ludicrously absurd to ever use for a debate of any kind.
SB are a bunch of clowns



Man of Atom

Like... I'm honestly flabbergasted that anyone would use this as a comparison tool.

No one EVER counts how many attacks happened based on fucking frames, that never fucking works since animators are never fucking consistent with that sort of deal(Especially with the further animation flubs that can happen during it).
People only ever use frames to see how fast animators mean to make something happen onscreen to make it really fast(like Lasers or Lightning), this truly does just come off as ludicrously absurd to ever use for a debate of any kind.
Why are they using the anime anyway? Use the source material
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