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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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It's been eight years, it's already necrophilia.


Man of Atom

See how stupid this shit sounds


Man of Atom
well a single Unicron is an infinite part of the whole and can still tank the multiverse therefore I have determined true Unicron is ready to fight the first firmament :mjpls
Percy's sword is stronger than a sword that was said to be made by "god" it is from this that I can deduce that Percy is stronger than TOAA.


Man of Atom
Cosmic Ghost Rider could perceive Donny Cates, who himself is beyond all comic-bookality and fictionality. Boundless Ghost Rider confirmed.
Vector Prime has full knowledge of everything that goes on in the real world, and when asked about being a fictional character claimed we were just as fictional as he is

Hyper Meta Narrative SCP level Vector Prime :rock

Now we have entered true enlightenment


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Our multiverse is just one of an infinite number in Marvel, a multiverse the Celestial's created.

Omnipotent Arishem confirmed.
this is the same thing in transformers, and the 13 were said to have shaped that, and it was born as a side effect of Primus' creation as well :mjlol

See how stupid this shit sounds

Like I said, I can agree with Othinus and whatever the fuck her ability is making her Universal but she just has 50/50 Probability of fucking it up and needing another Universal Artifact to balance it out...
I can agree with Corozaon getting the same scaling even if it's honestly botched out and feels like it depends too much on making a weapon equivalent to Gungnir and didn't really do anything as Accelerator just stopped it...

The Magic Gods though? No... no, no, no HELL NO. They feel like legit SCP characters we are supposed to take seriously and then the author kinda just went bullshit and weakened them severely through even more nonsensical crap just so they can be "viable"... and somehow still be above the rest of the cast even then?
Not even Marvel or DC pull this shit with their characters which is a fucking feat and a half. And yes, I would do the same thing if Nasu pulled this same type of character out of his ass.

There's a difference between a character just having so much power that the same deal happens... but that's just it and it's "more power" and then there's them.


I doubt marvel and dc haven't tried that. It probably has been tried in old issues. Comics can be just as bullshit and nonsensical as anime verses.

I'm actually surprised that people just accepted Heracles would dumpster the fuck out of Shigaraki...
I expected more nonsense of Heracles somehow being too physically durable for him or somehow instant kill him through Decay...
Though it does feel more like resignation though rather acceptance :oldryoma
I doubt marvel and dc haven't tried that. It probably has been tried in old issues. Comics can be just as bullshit and nonsensical as anime verses.

I never discounted it but you think in Marvel and DC's worst time(Now), people would absolutely pull To Aru shit more and more often but that hasn't happened at all to my knowledge or recollection.

The cool thing about this thread is that you can bring up any feat for Morbius and people will believe it cause nobody watched the movie.

I have no idea if he actually transforms but I guess he does if people are talking about him.

...Shit, he has a point. :oldryoma
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