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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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Here is a simple explanation for a woodin cardinal:



Show the feats

Downstreamers created the multiverse, they experiment and observe them. Said multiverse composes every mathematical logical formalism possible, with any mathematically possible universe. Said mathematics include the woodin cardinality, which is basically unquantifiable and hard to even describe because there's so many things between it and what can be described as even megaversal+.

The stuff they experiment and fuck with is so large in scope, their reality-warping/mathematics manipulation/spatio-temporal manipulation would be absurdly impressive.

Dead Lock

Banned Member
Said multiverse composes every mathematical logical formalism possible, with any mathematically possible universe.
Your second scan doesn't say this, and even if it did, hypothetical mathematical equations =/= feats of creating a multiverse with actual infinite levels of existence/universes. Which is what we know they actually did from that scan.

Unless you are willing to say that Eternity's avatars are megaversal+, and Marvel Kronos is also megaversal+, i wouldn't mind that, tbh.

It's beginning to get hilarious that people really are trying to treat Makima like she's a major deal to Servants when outside of her Finger Guns and one Reaction feat against Gun, she would lose to virtually all of them, even with the other abilities from the other Demons.

Dead Lock

Banned Member
To be honest, I wouldn't mind that either, given the kind of "macroverse" bullshit that tends to go on in comic book land.
We already know Marvel contains fictional versions of people from our world, and from a certain Doctor Strange scan we also know that includes the likes of Georg Cantor, Einstein, Newton, Henri Poincare, "And the list could go on". You'd have to prove that the guy who created the Wooden Bird Cardinal also doesn't exist in Marvel, which you can't, which is only made harder when there's more evidence supporting that he does.

He even said those mathematical theories are the concepts that make up the multiverse.

You know what means?

Megaversal+ base Galactus he did throw hands with the Scrier after all.

And Omniversal fractions of Oblivion, Mikaboshi almost ate all of the multiverse after all.

Stars and stripes wins more often than not. She wins round 1 and 3 (high-diff), with 2 a potential loss depending on how quickly Sieg decides to turn into Fafnir.

Believing Sieg needs fucking Fafnir to defeat Star and Stripe and Siegfried would somehow lose despite Karna throwing this type of attack out there on the typical basis:

And Sieg basically took it like it's nothing

Not at all. Sieg was just as powerful as Siegfried. The novel repetedly emphasised it. He just lacked the heroic will to go plus ultra (lol).

Let's ignore the anime which it explicitly states no he couldn't, what does the Tie-In Material to the Novel state?
Fate/Apocrypha material - Encyclopedia: Dragon Revelation Command Spells [Others], p.176 [T]

No... no he couldn't, that's why he became Fafnir in the end, he explicitly CAN'T withstand Siegfried's power nor the Dragonblood running through his heart.

Siegfried ain't surviving if any of her hits hit him directly. Sieg was only survive BK after he "equalled" it with 2 Balmungs. AoF isn't tough enough to survive her attacks without Balmung softening them up.

Karna literally throws around attacks that make whatever SnS does look like a firecracker, the fuck is he talking about?

That's not even a Noble Phantasm, it just something he threw out and that's basically the attack that would have killed Shigaraki if he didn't dig underground and SnS needed help with that. And Sieg literally no sold that shit as if it was just some random ass attack thrown at him

Dead Lock

Banned Member
I don't get the obsession with that bitch, she's not even good waifu material. she's like a 1.4 on the muscle girl scale.

The Question solos her with harsh truths.

That's the truth, btw.

It's funny because Chaos brought up a very good point:
Normal Boy Sieg wouldn't even need Siegfried's form to kick her ass as he was able to tussle with a Servant in the first place and has the bullshit Galvanism on top of that(aka literally take in anything that uses energy as energy to either fuel himself or heal himself):

Meaning that the wrong move from SnS... will just heal Sieg and make his next hit even worse than the last LMFAO.
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