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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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A Mook literally explaining how the thread was done wrong and RWBY can absolutely defeat Naruto characters because "lolteamwork"(Let's ignore the main thing he uses, when Mercury, Emerald and Cinder Fall defeated the Fall Maiden or heavily weakened her, it was due to Emerald's bullshit catching her off guard and Cinder basically going insane with Dust(To the point her clothes was more Dust than clothes lol) to match her in the first place.

And it's not like Maidens are impressive in the slightest to any Akatsuki member, let alone the high grade ones.

This is the biggest load of fucking wank I've seen...
Ninja Tools can handle shit like Hidan's Scythes and the Black Poles that came from the Jyubi and that can be augmented further with Elemental Jutsu to be even tougher or sharper.
And now we are supposed to pretend that Fiona's Semblance can just suck up all of Konan's paper into her Dimension? When she has to TAP the object to get it in there in the first place? And it only gets what it's attached to?

Same damn dude... I think he has something against Asta and just wants to vent...

Rimuru wank continues to unfold...

Flowering Knight

V.I.P. Member
Man I don't know what's with me right now but I thought you were saying that a random mook could defeat team RWBY.
Man I don't know what's with me right now but I thought you were saying that a random mook could defeat team RWBY.
At this point, a random mook probably could do it.

I wasn't gonna put these here and deal with it myself but at this point, it's too shit for me to not bring this up here...
Believing that Shiki Ryougi is Servant tier normally because "She can one shot Nvrsqr" ignoring that's due to the bullshit of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception than any real skill or power from her end and Nvrsqr is beyond most Servants in terms of power(when the problem is actually his absurd "Discount Primordial Sea" durability, nothing checks out he's canonically above any Servant worth a piss in speed or power otherwise).
Believes that Void can take down anything but only doesn't because "she's limited in a Servant body" despite agreeing that a true Beast would virtually murder them all, her included, throws that theory right on out.
And fucking depending on R/CharacterRant of all places for why Servants can't be FTL(when their reasoning is literally depending on fucking Fate/Stay Night cherrypicking(and terribly done ones at that) for why that can't be true...

The worst part is that this is supposed to be a fucking RESPECT THREAD and I actually tried contributing earlier with one of her feats at KnK at that. The girl is bullshit but Nasu isn't fucking wrong, especially when her fight at Extra can easily be stated to be non-canon at best even compared to Arcuied's battle in the same game.
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"Quit cherrypicking low ends for Servants, you are making Ryougi look bad! Look at this panel of Tsukihime and see how outstripped Servants are"

>Sees Arcuied throw down a Moon... that only destroys the top of a Mountain.
Arcuied literally has more bullshit feats in the Remake and even in the original than that one sole pic...
And this type of shit is why I honestly hate how badly VS. Debating has devolved. Apparently High End and Low End Feats suddenly doesn't exist anymore, it's literally just Low Ends are the end all, be all until there are far more High Ends than Low Ends except if it's a series I like more.

This is literally equivalent to basically saying Superman and The Flash can't be basically ludicrously fast because look at how Superman can't catch bullets or The Flash consistently just doesn't end battles ASAP.
I even pointed it out that it's hilarious that they want to argue this to me... in a fucking Respect Thread that is usually is all about showing the Highest Ends a character can do, it's never about fucking consistency in the first place unless it legit doesn't fit with what the story shows.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

This is what no Talos does to a motherfucker

Okay seriously, the quality control of the ODC is just sad at this point...

>Soul King against the HST is explicitly against the rules, do it anyway and no one says shit till Rey had to remind them on the 2nd page
>Believing Part 1 Naruto in anyway can defeat Meruem... despite him being one of the other most known characters to be debated in the past OBD
>Believing that Goten and Trunks can defeat Perfect Cell or even inconvenience him... because #18 appeared scared after a loan Ki Blast of theirs caused a massive explosion(Ignoring the fact she was surprised as she thought she was fighting a normal Human, not 2 Super Saiyans and was still able to adapt despite that fact throughout the entire fight).

He can literally see multiple futures, he can literally see the truths you keep hidden, he was able to tell that Artoria wasn't a virgin after she and Shirou did the dirty and how many Projections Shirou had left before even Shirou knew how many he could do left.


Meet Francios Prelati, a person whose Magecraft is so potent, he can literally fool the World itself temporarily to believe it's real... and Gilgamesh still saw through it.
And this isn't even unique to him, Merlin literally does the same shit constantly with his Magecraft to the point he does in Babylonia just to fuck with Kingu who figured it out after he fell for it:
But yeah, Izanami FTW apparently...

Not even due to the topic itself(mostly), but the wank that is going to keep getting piled up by SB with this shit.
Really decent fight and shit, somehow being seen as FTL is way too much.

Yeah, I really don't even need to read to guess the outcome, it's SB after all.

This dude is so mad because one guy wanked Fate against the JL and he couldn't debunk it.
That's fucking sad to be frank, especially since SB loves to make Fate and the Nasuverse come off as absolutely pathetic outside of the "big names"(Which honestly baffles me for real).

Which means what exactly? What counts as "attacks smaller than the galaxy"? And is that the official translation?

What's the most powerful thing which has failed to hurt them because of this mechanic?

It's honestly amazing how badly SB'ers cannot grasp the most basic concept of a character being bigger/have more mass than their volume suggest.
Space Ishtar is the avatar of a literal Galaxy, what exactly would a Galaxy have in it? A fuck ton of empty fucking space because that's what she is. It's literally Envy all over again.

Flowering Knight

V.I.P. Member
Never understood the Fate downplay tbh. Doesn't help that there's shit just as crazy in the original myths so you can't even use that as an excuse.
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