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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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So he's actually at that level consistently?
Because this is reminding me of Magneto apparently blocking an energy beam of Power Cosmic from Galactus (though it was a starving one iirc).

Yes, Doom is at that level consistently. Remember, Reed Richards, the only person smarter than him but only JUST, was able to build a machine to go straight to Heaven to get Ben Grimm back when he died once.

Doctor Doom, meanwhile, is capable of becoming the SORCEROR SUPREME on top of his 2nd to Reed Tier Smarts. The same shit that Doctor Strange can fuck with the Multiverse as a byproduct of creating a new spell to save the day...


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Yes, Doom is at that level consistently. Remember, Reed Richards, the only person smarter than him but only JUST, was able to build a machine to go straight to Heaven to get Ben Grimm back when he died once.

Doctor Doom, meanwhile, is capable of becoming the SORCEROR SUPREME on top of his 2nd to Reed Tier Smarts. The same shit that Doctor Strange can fuck with the Multiverse as a byproduct of creating a new spell to save the day...
ok but Misaka just fries his armor gg


Man of Atom
What would you say is the "average" portrayal for the durability for his forcefields?
No idea since he has his science shields and his magical ones and they are all over the place depending on what the fucks going on and whether doom has prepped or not. Galactus yeeting him off his ship didn't kill him and getting backhanded with the infinity gauntlet didn't kill him. his shields have taken blows from the Thing and withstood blasts from celestials for a time.

Bro that art for the Magic Gods looks like ass. there's no way that's final art


Man of Atom
ok but Misaka just frys his armor gg


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
No idea since he has his science shields and his magical ones and they are all over the place depending on what the fucks going on and whether doom has prepped or not. Galactus yeeting him off his ship didn't kill him and getting backhanded with the infinity gauntlet didn't kill him. his shields have taken blows from the Thing and withstood blasts from celestials for a time.

Bro that art for the Magic Gods looks like ass. there's no way that's final art
You'd be right, that's concept art iirc.
That's the PSP game art (iirc), to be fair.

Nah, they still look pretty shit in the Manga and the LN...
Like I'll be real, Othinus does NOT look threatening at all and the other 2 Magic Gods are clearly just fanservice based. The Old Man is just BARELY passable but when you expect beings that are outside space and time and infinitely powerful, people would expect shit like this:



They just don't pass the mustard is all I'm saying.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
tbh almost unfair to use Kaneko designs

that dude is far away one of the greatest character/creature designers of all time

but yeah something....a little closer to that, is what I would expect from the way the magic gods were hyped up

those niggas look like theyre part of a seasonal comedy anime everyone forgets about after one season bro :kobeha
tbh almost unfair to use Kaneko designs

that dude is far away one of the greatest character/creature designers of all time

but yeah something....a little closer to that, is what I would expect from the way the magic gods were hyped up

those niggas look like theyre part of a seasonal comedy anime everyone forgets about after one season bro :kobeha

Don't get me wrong, I'm not bullying Paxton here with showing absolute greatness, it's just the problem is presentation. And for all of the insane power and hype the Magic Gods got, virtual Great Old Ones/Outer God Tier bullshit:

They look like they came from an gag series.

She literally reminds me of Megumin in every aspect, including just being an edgy tryhard. Like this isn't me shitting on Magical Index to be funny, more like "Why give them such a meh design to show how truly godlike they are".


V.I.P. Member
Nah, they still look pretty shit in the Manga and the LN...
Like I'll be real, Othinus does NOT look threatening at all and the other 2 Magic Gods are clearly just fanservice based. The Old Man is just BARELY passable but when you expect beings that are outside space and time and infinitely powerful, people would expect shit like this:



They just don't pass the mustard is all I'm saying.
Honestly when it comes to a purely visual medium like comics or manga a character's design, regardless of how good or bad the art is, can carry it to being popular with people even if the writing does not hold up. It's why so many of those generic Herem or isekai MCs get such huge flak because they are about as generic as possible for self inserting which just makes them forgettable and even the ones that might do some changes are still forgotten about because you can only do so much with a dull design.
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