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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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I don't know, that's even worse. Look at Doctor Strange or the many, MANY characters that was normal people before:



Okay Calamity Adell is cheating a bit but you get the point.
Presentation still matters. Othinus can be a grown woman still showing skin(That's what Marvel's Umar is) but it's more HOW it looks and how unthreatening she is that's the problem alongside the other Magic Gods.






Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

Yeah no, I directly remember Mori was using Gendoowun when he traveled to Ilypo during the fight against the king.

Also I'm pretty sure the time thing was just how long Mori kicked the sun's light out, not the corona I could be wrong though.


Bakugou died for your lmao's
V.I.P. Member
I know Doom is ridiculous and all, but is he really THAT bullshit even with no prep?
And Aleister himself has a day of prep.

I thought there'd at least be a fight :hm
Doom is always prepped he has everything built in his armor now too so he doesn't hold a big clunky dumbass looking cannon the Doom prep thing is non existent Thor jumped him in Latveria one time and hit him hard and Doom got up find and the Sentry has straight speared the man Goldberg style and he held up man's a tank

It is a massive outlier.

Now, instead of being annoyed that this is being argued with any degree of seriousness and not as a practical joke, let's run with the inconsistency idea. Sure. Works for me.

Why does OPM get scot-free from this bullshit that Chaos already pointed out, and I myself could likely find a good couple dozen more examples if I wanted to waste hours?

Let's go in a completely different direction. When the hell has anyone leaning towards this "idea" produced even the smallest modicum of proof that I should assume Superman is an idiot that I should scale so low Garou's fission punch just kills him? Am I exaggerating? Sure, okay. Where the hell is the proof that Superman is so low that he won't past Garou in the first second of the encounter by sheer power difference?

Comics have been around for years, do you really think this dumb "inconsistency" subject is a whole new one? Now, I would actually like to hear a convincing reason a superman that dies to an explosion a few miles wide is the one I should accept instead of the Superman taking the equivalent of 50 supernovas? I'll even give you a freebie and assume there's no context that you haven't mentioned about these super cool feats that are totally not impressive and prove how not strong he is.

Go on, am waiting.

Why does it take these 2 posts to completely demolish this thread?

When even plenty of SB users realize Superman would murder the shit out of Garou but selectively picking Superman's worst feats doesn't somehow erase he still has many better ones... but then ignore Garou doing that exact same problem(Including the Continental Chop being removed entirely) multiple times?

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

Yo, I got a question what's going on in this chapter? https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/the-god-of-high-school/ep-291/viewer?title_no=66&episode_no=293

I could never understand it. So Satan pulls the corona together to shoot the eyebeam, which Jin cut's through with a Jin Hwechook. After that, he borrows Hui's power and does something that causes the sun to light up which causes the sun's light to disappear a bit.

So what is he doing there? Is he kicking the sun again or is he doing something else.

Q.: Berserker took no damage from Archer's A-rank Noble Phantasm "Broken Phantasm" (Caladbolg), is it ineffective due to Berserk's Noble Phantasm, or was he simply able to withstand it naturally? <Not Mr. Shanoa>

Nasu: Oh, that. In the original work it was like "Even though up until then none of the attacks had been worth dodging, this one would have been fatal, so Berserker counters → the resulting explosion from the Noble Phantasm is devastating." Yet in the anime version it was handled as "Berserker could not respond to it due to a severe injury from Saber → losing one of his lives, and regenerates," which may be something to think about. In all he lost 2 lives because of it.
Takeuchi: Oh, so that's why God Hand in the anime version needed 3 days to recover!"

Especially in Hrunting's case, which was able to be blocked by Fuyuki Saber.

1. That was Caladbolg II which hit Heracles dead on and it was Broken Phantasm effect at that while he already died once from Saber
2. Hrunting was explicitly getting stronger with each time he used it which is also why it gained more and more charge every time he fired it. None of that devalues Caladbolg II or somehow any of the Servants being able to mollywhop the Danmachi Adventurers.

Literally what the fuck does this have to do with anything?

The fact that Heracles was literally made to protect Illya? He was forced into a Berserker and then the Einzberns further enhanced his Madness Enhancement and know full well how to tap into his TRUE Madness Enhancement given to him by Hera. It's all but stated completely that the Einzberns wanted no chance of failure this HGW as this was their last shot.

Irrelevant advantage. Prove Archer knew about PfA. And that still doesn't prevent him from firing a Broken Phantasm at Lancer, because explosives go through PfA.

No, it HAS to be an explosion point blank, something that hits and causes an explosion still counts from PFA as doesn't start as one.

I think you're confusing Archer's stupidity with being at a disadvantage here. Because we can just as easily assume that Lancer outmatched Archer so hard that Archer didn't have a chance to use his bow.

No, EMIYA explicitly was able to fuck with him just fine in the VN even at full power and took advantage of his blood lust, it was just the Thrown Gae Bolg that basically fucked EMIYA up.

Either way not my point. Lancer outstats Archer so hard he cannot perceive his movements. Now replace Lancer with a superior Berserker who is far more skilled, and can face tank and parry every attack Archer throws at him, now how long do you think Archer lasts without relying on offscreen miracle plot armor?

>Superior Berserker
>So gimped he can't even use Nine Lives or basic martial arts outside of the Anime(even FGO doesn't give him anything as complex as Ufotable did)
>Compared to Lancer
>Who would be equal to him and Artoria in Ireland
>Who still has access to his skills, intelligence and versatility
>Who only fails at God Hand because of how bullshit God Hand is and can still use Runes to bypass it once.



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
This talk of designs for cosmic character designs reminds me that SB can't think abstract for shit. They still think beings like Cthulhu, Pennywise and Mehrunes Dagon need to attack with animu lasers, or the fact that they don't do animu explosions makes them less impressive.
"But Cthulhu died to a boat so he's boat level"

I know, I'm pretty sure just one is already enough to stomp the servants.

Actually, the little I heard, the Gods of Danmachi are HILARIOUSLY unimpressive compared to Servants. Again, this feels like it's overblowing how strong they are in their own series and pretending that it matters to other series(Like RWBY and it's Gods vs. The rest of the setting).


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

Actually, the little I heard, the Gods of Danmachi are HILARIOUSLY unimpressive compared to Servants. Again, this feels like it's overblowing how strong they are in their own series and pretending that it matters to other series(Like RWBY and it's Gods vs. The rest of the setting).
Absolutely. From what I've seen of Danmachi, even Nasu Mages should be enough, let alone Servants.

Sort of a common theme with a lot of series on SB now that I think about it..
This talk of designs for cosmic character designs reminds me that SB can't think abstract for shit. They still think beings like Cthulhu, Pennywise and Mehrunes Dagon need to attack with animu lasers, or the fact that they don't do animu explosions makes them less impressive.

Yeah, that's something I noticed too. It's weird how they come across Cosmic Characters and then think they are "weak" because of "how they don't do enough" like all of them need to shoot cosmic lasers and slap planets out of existence to show how nonsense they are.

Something like "literally not being able to see the creature without your mind breaking" is usually lost on them real quick.
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