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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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There's a difference?

In a sense as there's also the Servants Koyanskaya who while still having her nonsense is more separated between the two.
But to basically get to the nitty gritty:

Beast IV: L Koyanskaya can:
- Generate a Reality Marble of various echosystems and can cause them all to self-destruct

- Can create facisimiles of any creature she kills that is atleast close to 1:1 for most of them(I say this because in Tunguska, she was able to create Lostbelt Ivan The Terrible and his Mammoth and Surtr but as "Weapon Counterparts", Ivan as the Tsar Bomba and Surtr as the Russian ICBM which makes it hard to know if she created the real McCoys or damn near close enough... but considering how overpowered Beasts are...) and can spawn them as many times as she wants

- Can also create horrific hodgepodge Gun creatures(seriously it's weird)

- Can generate up to 1000 Guns at once, each filled with "Karmic Backlash" that will explicitly inflict maximum damage on any Human it hits(basically her version of Gate of Babylon... except if you can count against being entirely human, you have a chance to survive... barely)

- Can created amped up Tunguska Meteors at will

- Should still be Solar System+ Minimum as is for every Beast we've seen.

- Can withstand Cernnunos' Curses for a given amount of time(It'll still fuck her up but taking a massive amount of Large Planet killing curses AT ALL is pretty insane.

- Can generate an incomplete version of Beast IV at will.

She should also have some access to Tamamo's skillset due to her obvious connection to Amaterasu.

So yeah, Overlord should be fucked even if they aren't Humans(Because she's basically a War Machine herself ironically.)

Man if only he could stop time and erase them or something...

Like I said before "Spacebattles Competence" runs the show... even when they bitch that it's not.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

"dubious FTL scaling"



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Othinus never destroyed the universe
This is a flat out lie.

I know I joked about some other guy that I can't recall the name of as being the Siriel equivalent for To Aru, but this just takes the cake.

Edit: nevermind, the guy isn't even a fan like Siriel is. He's just salty as fuck towards the series :mjlol

Heaven Ascension Dio Brando is massively faster and has massively superior broken powers than Othinus. He takes this 10/10. Heaven Ascension Dio can no sell fucking Golden Experience Requiem, for fuck's sake. Against that, Othinus doesn't even come close.
And of COURSE Tonathan is in that thread as well.

Dumbasses are actually using Touma as an anti-feat despite the slew of issues with doing that.
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

SB moment.

Literally stonewalling.

SB moment.

Literally stonewalling.

It's all they can do. They wank the everliving piss out of Chibaku Tensei despite the fact it was ultimately destroyed by far weaker techniques than what Shirou or Rin can do. Hell, they ignore that Rin used a Gravitational Gem against HERACLES that WORKED FOR A GOOD NUMBER OF SECONDS.

They don't have an actual reason why Pain is somehow considered "High Tier for a Servant" despite the Mid Tiers are casual Island+ in terms of their physicals and the High Tiers are much, much higher. They refuse to fathom that the Jeweled Sword of Zelretch that Shirou helped create, by the by, is compared to EXCALIBUR by Dark Sakura herself who is Saber Alter's MASTER multiple times. The movie even has Rin destroy Grail Mud with it which would help substantiate that claim.

Again, SB loves their explosions so much they literally will ignore anything else, especially if it's a series they don't like... but expect the exact opposite treatment when it comes to something they like(Trying to hold RWBY to the fire like this will have everyone coming across the woodwork to tell you how terrible and pathetic you are being and RWBY "somehow has feats that makes it better". Same with shit like Xelee, OPM and others).

Suuuuure Garbs. 🙄

Again, wanking MHA while downplaying Fate, changing around simple basic reading comprehension for their needs and pretending that nothing stacks up for Shirou but it does for Deku...

Here, Shirou's already had to endure being struck by Grail Mud tendrils. Here, seems like Shirou took an attack to his back? Here, any part of Shirou's body that had been covered by mud has been numbed. Here, Shirou trips, it seems he tripped because his ankle became unbelieveably blackened. Here, Kotomine decides to torture Shirou, having Shirou strung up with Grail Mud tendril chains. Here, the blood in his right ankle is clotted, the ankle itself has been filled with Grail Mud, if he forces it to move with magical energy the muscles in it will tear. Here, Shirou forces himself to move, the magical energy he pushes into his ankle causes it to tear.

Here, Kotomine prepares a curse from the Grail so strong to attack Shirou with that it is visible. Here, the same curse that did Kiritsugu Emiya in, Kotomine attacks Shirou with Angra Mainyu. Here, the curse of Angra Mainyu is the ultimate black light. Here, Gilgamesh offers exposition on the Curse of Angra Mainyu. Here, Artoria can feel Shirou is weak, but still alive, after being hit by Angra Mainyu. Here, Artoria offers exposition on the curse Shirou was just hit by. Here, Shirou's experience inside the curse of Angra Mainyu. Here, remembering this curse is what killed Kiritsugu renews Shirou's strength to resist. Here, the power of love/friendship reminds him to resist even further. Here, Shirou is able to escape the ultimate curse of the Holy Grail.

Here, Shirou endures a strike from some hammer Noble Phantasm from Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon (Gilgamesh was not trying to kill Shirou).

Here, Shirou begins to overclock his magical energy in order to get back into the fight. Here, Shirou's body reinforces itself through UBW swords stitching back together. Here, Shirou's overclocked body is now patched up enough to stand back up to fight. Here, Gilgamesh attacks with Merodach/Gram's version of the attack Caliburn used to kill Herakles, Shirou's Caliburn goes to clash with it, Caliburn breaks on impact. Here, Shirou's body was split from left shoulder to waist by Merodach/Gram's version of Caliburn's attack. Here, Shirou's body was reinforced by UBW swords stitching it together enough that he was praised by Gilgamesh for his durability (as he was able to keep his body from being blown apart by Merodach/Gram's version of Caliburn's attack like Gilgamesh was expecting to happen)

I just picked these 2 moments from the Fate Route to show that no, Deku ain't doing shit to Shirou if a TNR Merodach/Gram couldn't do it.


Man of Atom

the answer for weakest chef who anything is always Komatsu
Wow , just look at this 🤡

Sorry for the multiple posts but yeah, you can hilariously say the same thing about Shaltear because there's nothing showing "She can fight for over 100 years" either, it's just guesswork that can happen at all.

It's worse when you look at someone Yu Meiren can compare to in Case Files II and the Xian there was able to call in a massively localized Thunderstorm on everyone's head with a snap of his fingers... and she stacks with him.
They really do vastly underestimate how stupid strong Terminals/Fairies are in the Nasuverse do they? Because True Ancestors and Arcuied are only slightly stronger than them on average and... you can see the Tsukihime Remake for how bullshit they made Arcuied now even moreso than she was in the original.


Man of Atom
deku > shirou

reason? his multi quirks are potent enough for dozens of future deku time traveler youtube theories videos, good game
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