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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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While I'm searching for said RWBY thread in the last Circus Thread(as I can't even fucking remember who was it about... it was that forgettable otherwise)

Here's this:

Fucking imagine downplaying Naofumi at his strongest... in the LN series...


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
While I'm searching for said RWBY thread in the last Circus Thread(as I can't even fucking remember who was it about... it was that forgettable otherwise)

Here's this:

Fucking imagine downplaying Naofumi at his strongest... in the LN series...
Overlord_Rei vs Astaro. What a fight to behold..

Here's another... dear god, the love they give to Pacific Rim is just fucking hilarious.
King Kong and all of the other creatures that leave Hollow Earth has to take the equivalent of Earth's Gravity to the face to leave it and they do so without a single injury...
"That's nothing compared to the weaponry in Pacific Rim and what the Kaijuu took"

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
You know what I find incredibly funny?

Overlord_Rei is actually a fan of Bastard

I got literal whiplash cause I thought he just liked wanking Overlord

Going back through Memory Lane is such a blast! Really shows you the absolute worst of SB, real talk.

Ah, I remember this too as this was done during the absolute worst of the current Demon Slayer wank... despite this happening in UBW Anime:

2 Superhumans who can move too fast for the human eye(to the point they are both seen as blurs) gets absolutely blitzed by a Servant going casual :skully


Man of Atom

While I'm still looking, more blast from the past and using the absolutely god awful shit of Hazel vs. Salem to pretend he can defeat Uvogin :skully
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