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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Romulus is maybe taking one attack with that barrier thing or whatever he used to defend against Zeus before getting folded by Garou

Even if that was all it could take, Garou still has literally 0 way to kill him given that he has Demeter's Authority iirc.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
the art just makes me wish he was drawing something more interesting

i can't really care about a series where the gag is pretty much the same thing every time

with the webcomic it works because everything about it including the art is funny, but when you present it in a more serious looking context with detailed art then you get invested in a story only for every arc to end with an OHKO

It wouldn't be...
It's hilariously ignoring what cracked Quirinus's barrier... was a literal attack by fucking CHAOS using what is a far more advanced and primal form of Helios' Authority... i.e. THE FUCKING SUN!

It's amazing how bad these people are trying to pretend Garou is on the level of fucking Lostbelt Chaos despite him capable of literally tearing through dimensions and created inter-dimensional mazes without even trying.
Like Jesus Fucking Christ, Quirinus can literally just use Aphrodite's or Artemis's Authorities and literally drive Garou to Madness or make him his slave if he wanted to. Do they not realize that Quirinus doesn't just have the Authority of Rome, he has the Authorities of the Greek/Roman Pantheon as a whole?
Stuff that would include basically reducing Garou to nothingness with Hades Authority?
Or do what Zeus did to Holmes and literally turn Garou too stupid to use his Martial Arts correctly?

Like they do realize that Quirinus is literally Lostbelt Zeus in the end right?
EDIT: Hell, considering Poseidon doesn't just control the Sea at all, but also controls borders(which is why Caenis, who has his Authority alongside his Spirit Core, Armor and Trident is able to leave the Lostbelts on her own) and even the land itself and can take down Demeter's Authority(Which gives her said Nigh-Infinite Regeneration and Immortality) to just stop Garou from regenerating into new forms... that or use Nine Lives and kill him in one shot.

There are other feats close to it so I wouldn't say it's an outlier.

No it IS hilariously an outlier and a pretty big one at that. Quit grasping at straws.

Boros kicking Saitama to the moon at near light speed.

That was NEVER calced at near Lightspeed or even Relativistic anywhere that wasn't SB. Not even ComicVine ran with that crap.

Saitama jumping from the moon to the Earth.

That's not near Lightspeed either... you don't need Lightspeed to get to the Earth to the Moon in seconds.

Geryuganshoop throwing rocks at sub-light speed.

Only if you take Murata's word and no one ever did that as it's ONE who makes OPM.

Sage Centipede extending himself to the Earth's orbit.

Earth's Atmosphere(Orbit is literally the distance from it to the SUN... I doubt it extends that far) is literally not that high up?

If anything Garou's feats just feels like the natural progression of the ones before it.

Bullshit. You have to literally wank the shit we see now to even get to the nonsense we are seeing now. Garou's "Darkness" Feat isn't even true Lightspeed, it's just Relativistic that people take to Lightspeed because they are just riding the nonsensical high of the feat. We suddenly went to Nuclear Fission to believing he's literally using Energy equivalent to a true Gamma Ray Burst... on fucking NOTHING.
To defeat a being that has taken a Helios+ Authority attack that was so fast, the FTL perceiving Servants couldn't even tell that Ares fucking VANISHED when he got hit by it, saw it easily and created a barrier to block it.
That's on top of the infinite Regen and Immortality he would have, the Authorities of the other Deities that would end his shit and him literally being the Personification of Rome and Garou would be "Rome" no matter what he says that would make Quirinus beat his ass.

There's no fucking way Garou should ever defeat Quirinus, this is like believing Saitama can defeat Quetzalcoatl, it's NEVER happening no matter how hard people wank it.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Garou wouldn't even be able to make it past base Fiamma now that I think about it.

If I recall correctly, he has a spell which is basically Presence Concealment that could even fool Othinus (for what its worth), though I'm not sure if he had that always or it was specifically in NT.
Not that he needs it.

Like SB really downplays Fate because if they literally don't do so, they realize that beings like Tiamat and the other Beasts, and the various Grands would be Star level Minimum... and that's BEFORE we get to the genuine hax that they are capable of.
This also hilariously ignores that Gods outside of Earth(That are the basis of like say... the Sun like Amaterasu) are FAR more powerful than their Earthly Divine Spirit Counterparts(which are broken as fuck which speaks volumes)

It's funny they never mention Amaterasu who has threatened and actually HAVE pulled people into her realm in the past or threatened to kill her Human Incarnation in the past just to prove a point.
Like Garou shouldn't even get past King Hassan to be real, putting him against Quirinus is just basically asking for a murder.

At this point, people are gonna put his dumbass against Ishtar Astoreth or the Servantverse MHX, MHXA and MHXX or Sodom's Beast and Goetia and pretend he can actually win. Already in that thread, you have people believe OPM's God will soon be able to defeat CHAOS, the being that could take a Galaxy level attack and WOULDN'T DIE FROM IT.
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V.I.P. Member
It’s even worse when you realize there’s barely any tension coz the bald faggit could easily one shot anyone if he wanted to….. trash is trash afterall :(
It’s even worse when you realize there’s barely any tension coz the bald faggit could easily one shot anyone if he wanted to….. trash is trash afterall :(

It's why it's so much easier to enjoy Mob Psycho 100.
Mob is "broken" in the sense that he's stronger than the average Psychic but that's never been the point at all and he surprisingly meets his match real quick and his true power is something he never wants to use under any circumstance.

The battles themselves are a means to an end, not the end themselves.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
It also helps that it's just genuinely better written than OPM.
Reigen my beloved
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