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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Again with Yhwach. His almighty is basically similar with Ophelia's mystic eye with self ressurection as bonus is it not?
Don't see how special that is when extreme willpower (as Brynhildr in LB2 proves) or overwhelming firepower can bypass it
As much as i despise Lawlmighy for the wanks it gets ...

Ophelia's shit is more limited and Bryn bypassing it is strictly a feat for Bryn and an example of its limitations that cannot be extrapolated to the nonsense that is Lawlmighty.

The problem with her abilities is that she can see multiple possibilities but can pin only one in place , whilst anything else can happen.

So for an hypothetical scenario, imagine that she's fighting someone who has the ability to kill her.

She sees the the posibility where the attacker kills her with their first attack. She uses the eye to stop that from happening , but her eye won't automatically stop the possibility of a second attack that kills her

So basically she can prevent the future of the first attack but she can't prevent the future of a second one.

Or to put it in even more general terms : She can prevent the worst scenario, but not the second worst scenario.
At least that's how i understand it.

Lawlmighty isn't as limited, but that's partly because of bad writing that's open to being abused but also mechanically.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member

A lot of writers (and readers) have no idea how fast lightning actually is and they have characters react to lightning and move faster than it because it looks cool and then the rest of the series doesn't hold up to that kind of reaction time and movement speed. It's an outlier, often an absurd one. Lightning moves at 270,000 mph or about Mach 351.89. The fastest bullet in the world moves at Mach 4. The fastest jet Mach 3.3. If you can't see how silly lightning timing feats are for most fiction, then I don't know what to tell you.

Edit: To drive in how silly this is, 270,000 mph is 4500 miles per minute. From the east coast of the United States to the west coast is 3,000 miles. A lightning timer would be running across the entirety of the US in less than a minute.

"Most writers don't know how fast Lightning is and that's why it's bunk"
...Someone tell this dumbass that by this logic, a typical Human Body isn't capable of releasing energy equivalent to a nuke within their fists without that and most of their arm exploding at best.
Fiction is fucking FICTION, it ignores the laws of physics(it's not possible for a human to dodge a bullet anymore than we can deflect one) on both ends or authors do know but they just don't CARE because that's the world they want to make.

While I agree that lightning timing feats can often be suspect, it’s worth noting that dodging or blocking something does not require being anywhere near as fast as that thing. A “lightning timer” can be thousands of times slower than lightning, as long as the character begins moving right as the lightning bolt starts coming down from the clouds. The lightning needs to cross kilometers. The character only needs to move several meters. That being said, a lot of lightning timing feats happen with the character in the same shot as the lightning, which is usually much closer than kilometers.

Atleast dude shows some common sense with the last part as most fiction never has the character move well in advance for Lightning Bolts, hell, it's never done that way for bullets or other stupid fast projectiles either.

Lightning as a weather phenomenon can only come from the sky. Anything else is not the same thing.

Not all electricity moves at the speed of lightning. In fact, electricity can move slower than arrows in some cases.

Therefore, there is no inherent reason why random blasts of electricity fired from characters’ hands, weapons, etc. should be assumed to move at the speed of lightning generated in the clouds. It needs to be directly stated or shown that specific electrical bolts are comparable in speed to lightning.

It's funny people agreeing with this dude when he ultimately shits on Mook's entire point as well as the dude above him. He basically presented Lightning Feats as they should be taken from any type of source that makes it as fast as Lightning itself... but the problem is that most levels of fiction usually goes for that anyway, it's usually never clarified or it's obviously should be assumed it's Lightning.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member

"Most writers don't know how fast Lightning is and that's why it's bunk"
...Someone tell this dumbass that by this logic, a typical Human Body isn't capable of releasing energy equivalent to a nuke within their fists without that and most of their arm exploding at best.
Fiction is fucking FICTION, it ignores the laws of physics(it's not possible for a human to dodge a bullet anymore than we can deflect one) on both ends or authors do know but they just don't CARE because that's the world they want to make.
sb seems to have trouble understanding that fiction does not exist
sb seems to have trouble understanding that fiction does not exist

It really is amazing how they don't understand something so simple and obvious.
Fiction doesn't ever follow real world rules unless it's explicitly told it does. Yes, Willing Suspension of Disbelief would have us believe the most obvious things(Needing to breath, Gravity exists, the 3 Laws and Physics have some level of effect) but everything else?

Doesn't matter unless it's explicitly stated as such. Gundams shouldn't exist at all in any form and fashion due to how impractical they are outside of cool statues yet Mobile Suit shows us otherwise. No human can move at Cheetah level speeds let alone being able to dodge and outpace bullets or even faster but we see that constantly in many shows. Being able to use Fire abilities should also mean you can use Ice because Heat and Cold is ultimately just doing one or the other(Meaning Endeavor shouldn't even NEED to do what he did because he really should be capable of using both) but fiction usually doesn't count that for obvious reasons.

Like it's seriously fucking ridiculous how you continue to have people like this not realize that this is how fiction works.
- Can convert anything, or at least any physical matter, into magical energy through an unspecified process. It was going to do this to turn 35% of Earth into magical energy. (Seems to take a bit to get going so probably not fight-relevant, but it does mean it's unlikely to run out of energy once it gets going.)

It didn't take a bit to get going, it was actually going to start it right then and there before it got sealed away. And it's not limited by 35% for it's functions, it's limited that way by it's programming following intergalactic laws.

- Can fire laser beams that are some degree of FTL and disintegrate (or some equivalent where they just disappear) machine gods on contact. Machine gods require roughly island-busting firepower to inflict any real damage to.

:giogio :grimgio
Sweet fucking jesus, the downplay can't stop even when it's not remotely true.
>Some degree of FTL
Ares is literally fucking deleted despite being a fuckoff huge ship covering Chaldeas and no one knew he died until after Quirinus told them he died... despite everyone here being able to see into LS-FTL movement.

>Requires Roughly Island Busting Firepower to do any real damage to.
I can't even say how wrong that is considering Divine Constructs is what is stated to do any real damage to Lostbelt Artemis:


"Island busting" my fucking ass.
Which speaks more volumes that the blast that killed Ares so quickly and so fast was even stronger than that.

- Is defended by a dimensional maze that turns what would be a three minutes trip into a 62 hours (distance) times 672 (attempts) journey even with something that normally allows impossible calculations for traveling purposes.

No Siriel, Holmes even stated even if they had a million years, they wouldn't be able to get to Chaos at all.

- It can break into other universes, but this apparently drains its resources massively.

Wouldn't need to worry about that in this VS. battle.

Even when Siriel defends FGO, he still nerfs it down for little reason.


Pretty goddamned sure that Composite Superman would still bend To Aru over his knee, hell Superboy-Prime can do that after the Dark Metal finale.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

smh Superboy-Prime retcons Noaru, and Nasu at the same time.
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