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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Seriously, it's fucking amazing they cannot understand the concept of "Phantom Pain" despite it literally being a title of a Metal Gear Solid game.
There's also various other levels of pain that can happen and be felt despite the nerves themselves being non-existent or fried...
Like come the fuck on.
OMFG @Qinglong @Paxton Actually going back and looking at it, they are trying to disqualify Demeter being able to instantly heal Adele because and I quote "She still felt pain afterwards".
Despite the fact that yes, that type of shit still happens even when you are fully healed, that's how the Central Nervous System works...
The ability to feel pain is MEANT for you to realize that your body is hurting, where and to avoid further danger, instantly healing from it doesn't and shouldn't remove that pain for very, very obvious reasons.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member


All that hax and Gabriel still throws the sun at him smh.

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
i get if its Disney but its obviously going to be Legends Boba there using
147 for predator vs 30 for Boba :catskully



@OtherGalaxy I'm 100% convinced this is your dupe now. :mjpls
By the way, Kuroko is really superior to the Almighty. As she surpasses three-dimensional causality and fate. Because of which she can destroy the "inevitability of phenomena", that is, teleporters are not subject to the "fact of inevitability" of this or that event. Suppose some person is destined to die, and if you try to save him, then at the same moment a similar event will happen, just it will be in a different place, i.e. another person will die instead - you cannot break this sequence, the event will happen one way or another. This is called "the inevitability of fate. However, it does not apply to teleporters, they can interfere with such an event and destroy it, because in fact, during the process of teleportation, they tear the object from four-dimensional space-time, that is, from three-dimensional causality itself. Kuroko solo HST


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

fucking lol


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

Jesus fucking Christ. It's like these people don't understand the idea of "focusing the effect of your attack down to a smaller target".

Jesus fucking Christ. It's like these people don't understand the idea of "focusing the effect of your attack down to a smaller target".

Oh no, they understand it full well... they just apply it to certain series and not to others. The concept of not doing that is legit lost on them.


He didn't tank shit in the game, he straight up blocked the thing. Are you sure you've actually read Fate/stay night?
Go back to middle school and learn basic physics first and stop projecting cause you don't know what you're talking about.

Nigga, swatted that shit with his sword and then it exploded on impact. What the fuck do you think happened to all that energy that got released ? Do you think it got converted into dust bunnies ? No, Herk had to absorb most of that shit, which he did and he came out of it unscathed.

We're also talking about something that warps fucking space as an added bonus , so it's even more impressive .

Also, as a secondary, the sheer fact he can just straight out swat shit like that out of the air makes a discussion about his durability moot.
Don't forget Heracles' Final Strike against Excalibur Morgan in Heaven's Feel VN potentially also offset a good amount of that as well despite Excalibur being able to destroy Grail Mud in multiple occasions in all 3 routes.

And then there's the weakened Excalibur in one of the Bad Ends. Feels weird to downplay Heracles like this when he's specifically the one Nasu explicitly made broken on purpose to fit his mythos and overall being the literal reason why Herculean exists as a word.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Yeah, like Herc is a god damn monster that very few Servants can even hope to survive, let alone beat.

Downplaying him of all Servants is just peculiar.
Yeah, like Herc is a god damn monster that very few Servants can even hope to survive, let alone beat.

Downplaying him of all Servants is just peculiar.

Like I can understand jobber since he IS treated that way at times(Lostbelt Artemis is explicitly thus) but I also feel that it honestly makes more sense given the situation at large(No one in Okeanos could do dick to Heracles after they killed him once and it was a group effort, Hektor only did so due to Jason knowing Heracles would live and to kill Asterios, Heracles not instantly dying to a TNR Laeventienn from a Fenrir infused Surtr is just bonkers).

I mean Artoria took so long to actually show how monstrous she should be, that she's usually rendered more like a joke(until the Extella series fixed that) and Cu has his... meme.


King of Games
V.I.P. Member



@OtherGalaxy I'm 100% convinced this is your dupe now. :mjpls
Again with Yhwach. His almighty is basically similar with Ophelia's mystic eye with self ressurection as bonus is it not?
Don't see how special that is when extreme willpower (as Brynhildr in LB2 proves) or overwhelming firepower can bypass it


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Again with Yhwach. His almighty is basically similar with Ophelia's mystic eye with self ressurection as bonus is it not?
Don't see how special that is when extreme willpower (as Brynhildr in LB2 proves) or overwhelming firepower can bypass it
That's... basically it?

Xhominid may have a better explanation but that sounds about right.


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member

Jesus fucking Christ. It's like these people don't understand the idea of "focusing the effect of your attack down to a smaller target".

They literally don't

and kenobi shows they can

but Q99 is the same guy who claims precog > actual body movement
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