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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Man of Atom
The only thing holding the feat back is I’m guessing expanding the Moon’s size is vague.

Even the Magic being amplified on Elentir is irrelevant since the one performing the feat, Selene, is the source of that magic and was still not going all out with it.

Either really making the Moon that much bigger or dragging it closer to the planet would probably get you a silly number though
Well the mass of the moon is about 7.3459 x e22 kg.

The orbital speed of the moon is 1020 m/s.

The amount of Kinetic Energy it would take to alter the moons orbit would be calculated with the Kinetic Energy formula KE = (1/2)(m)(v2).

So, 0.5 x 7.3459x e22 x 10202 = 3.803x e28 Joules
The amount of energy needed to stop the moon and sending it crashing into the earth is about 3.7x e28 joules. You would need about half that to accelerate the moon out of earth orbit.

Now, 3.7 xe 28 is a lot of joules. That is the same energy found in:

2.3 x e20 gallons of gasoline (roughly 2/3 the volume as the world's oceans)

7 x e12 Megatons of TNT (10 billion times the energy content of the Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear warhead ever tested)

The amount of energy from sunlight received by earth in 5600 years

The total amount of energy output by the sun in about a minute
lmao even


That was the thrown version, we never had a scene where someone actually had a shield to block the Causality based one because it's too fast and Cu isn't stupid.
We have a literal explanation of how GB operates using game mechanics :

It's Target's HP + Spear Damage which is why it was credited as being able to kill people like Arc even though she's vastly superior in stats.

Obviously not gonna fall into an easy NLF trap to say that it could do anything to niggas like Jiren cause it's a moot point to begin with given the difference in stats of the people involved and how a hypothetical fight would play out , but the point is the damn thing can punch above Cu's weight to serious serious degree based on the Arc comparison of all people.

Not that i expect the likes of Paxton or the others clowns to know that.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Ah ffs. Renji obviously stomps.
Really now Daio, does he? :maybe

Remind me again which one of these two lost to Gerard's fucking BREATH, while the other could take actual attacks? :mjpls
Based on interactions with Bazz-B, one can argue Renji > Hitsugaya
Yes because it's totally fair to judge based on a fight where Hitsugaya was limited to Shikai as his Bankai was stolen, while Renji was at full power. :hestonpls

And no you can't argue that, given what came later.
Based on interactions with Gerard, one can argue Hitsugaya > Renji
You don't need to argue it, it's pretty apparent to anyone not in denial.
Base Mask is either weak as fuck or his Cheers don't stack like we thought.
OR Gerard and the Elites are simply THAT much stronger than Mask and non-Elite Nazis that Renji can absolutely murk one but can't even take the breath from the other.

Like I don't even get what's so outlandish about that idea.

Really now Daio, does he? :maybe

Remind me again which one of these two lost to Gerard's fucking BREATH, while the other could take actual attacks? :mjpls

Yes because it's totally fair to judge based on a fight where Hitsugaya was limited to Shikai as his Bankai was stolen, while Renji was at full power. :hestonpls

And no you can't argue that, given what came later.

You don't need to argue it, it's pretty apparent to anyone not in denial.

OR Gerard and the Elites are simply THAT much stronger than Mask and non-Elite Nazis that Renji can absolutely murk one but can't even take the breath from the other.

Like I don't even get what's so outlandish about that idea.

Seriously, the hatred against Hitsugaya over there is unreal. There's no way in hell you can say Renji would defeat Hitsugaya considering how quickly he and Rukia was worfed vs. Hitsugaya literally getting hit directly by Gerard and constantly hit by his splash damage and still stood the entire time alongside Byakuya after his Royal Guard training.

This is just getting pathetic.


We have a literal explanation of how GB operates using game mechanics :

It's Target's HP + Spear Damage which is why it was credited as being able to kill people like Arc even though she's vastly superior in stats.

Obviously not gonna fall into an easy NLF trap to say that it could do anything to niggas like Jiren cause it's a moot point to begin with given the difference in stats of the people involved and how a hypothetical fight would play out , but the point is the damn thing can punch above Cu's weight to serious serious degree based on the Arc comparison of all people.

Not that i expect the likes of Paxton or the others clowns to know that.
Maybe so should join the circus since I got my degree signed by @Type-Rey. Paxton, what about I. Let’s open one😂. I will deal with the investor.
Seriously, both of you guys should know better but one of you is explicitly baiting like crazy and coming off moronic in the process...

ChaosTheory made a respect thread about most of the main series of Servants and Humans, use it sometime.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Uh oh they're back on Ichigo.
It'd be close but Kensei has Ichigo beat in firepower.
That depends entirely on how you compare Quilge to Mask.

Ichigo has generally better feats otherwise.
I have FB Shikai Ichigo at R1 Ulquiorra level. I have Visoreds around the same pedigree, discounting bankai.
R1 Ulquiorra level Fullbring Shikai Ichigo? And apparently Vaizard Captains? :smh
Fullbring ichigo was compared to HM ichigo, not Fkt. BOTE cut into Orihime and saw until Ichigo fought Ulquiorra, everything ichigo did post Ulquiorra wasn’t recorded in BOTE.
Yes and that was TWO power-ups before this one.

That Ichigo, who was on par with the Ulquiorra fight version, got fucking murked 1v1 by Tsukishima and Ginjo.
Mastered Fullbring overwhelmed Tsukishima to the point he needed to use Ichigo's friends as meat shields.
Ginjo stole his Mastered Fullbring from him and STILL fucking shat himself when Fullbring Shikai Ichigo started flexing.

No version of Ichigo pre-skip (that's not H2 or Dangai) has jack shit on a version whose physical strikes alone are so strong, they produce SHOCKWAVES stronger than his previous GETSUGAS.
Fb shikai ichigo hype against his Fullbring power level scales him similarly to R1 Ulquiorra,
NOPE he scales FAR beyond that.

He's much closer to R2 Ulquiorra and the other top tier Espada (Yammy and Stark) with honestly, pretty good odds at beating them.
R1 Ulquiorra tanked mask HM ichigo Getsuga ez and demolished him, Fb shikai should be able to do that feat to his complete fullbring form.
Yeah he probably could, but that doesn't make Fullbring Shikai ONLY R1 Ulquiorra level.



Abelincoln1865 said:
No scaling to other characters for Juggernaut other than what they've performed directly against him and vice versa
(For example, treat Thor punching Juggernaut into a boxcar as that and not Thor punching him hard enough to destroy a city/country/planet)

Yeah, a VS thread with limitation so stupid just to give Gojo a chance (No, Juggs still kill him assuming this Juggs has the same power as Marco's Juggs)

'Replicates Real Life Phenomenon' does not mean 'Acts like how physics dictates the real life equivalent works' unless you think stuff like being so hateful your blood ignites in contact with air is a natural phenomenon or magical brooms flying through the air are playing along with real life drag and lift equations.

I'm fucking done with Spacebattles' hypocrisy right now and then pretending that Quirks are somehow more realistic and thus makes sense with their bullshit calcs and otherwise.
This is such a retarded use of hypocrisy, that it astounds me that no one in SB realizes how absolutely moronic this sentence is.
Oh wait, but it makes perfect sense for OPM to have the feats it does because "It shows it onscreen" despite it not making sense either in physics...



I'm fucking done with Spacebattles' hypocrisy right now and then pretending that Quirks are somehow more realistic and thus makes sense with their bullshit calcs and otherwise.
This is such a retarded use of hypocrisy, that it astounds me that no one in SB realizes how absolutely moronic this sentence is.
Oh wait, but it makes perfect sense for OPM to have the feats it does because "It shows it onscreen" despite it not making sense either in physics...
I wish I can see who're the 5 people that likes said comment. Alas, I've closed my account on said site
I wish I can see who're the 5 people that likes said comment. Alas, I've closed my account on said site

Trust me, they are no different than anyone else in that forum as it's usually MHA dicksuckers or those who hate Fate and agree with the post on principle.
It's just amazing to me that they are willing to accept Gearshift being able to cause Deku to move around freely without Inertia and another of his Quirks allows him to go 100% and somehow 120% without limit... but somehow believe that Magecraft can't replicate known phenomena... despite that being the case and discussed multiple times at length because it's Magic?

Like it's cherrypicking of the highest order and it's utterly insane SB members can't realize the hole they are digging themselves in.



I'm fucking done with Spacebattles' hypocrisy right now and then pretending that Quirks are somehow more realistic and thus makes sense with their bullshit calcs and otherwise.
This is such a retarded use of hypocrisy, that it astounds me that no one in SB realizes how absolutely moronic this sentence is.
Oh wait, but it makes perfect sense for OPM to have the feats it does because "It shows it onscreen" despite it not making sense either in physics...
Provide me which feats they use real life physics for and I will use it to wipe their hypocritical asses off.


Trust me, they are no different than anyone else in that forum as it's usually MHA dicksuckers or those who hate Fate and agree with the post on principle.
It's just amazing to me that they are willing to accept Gearshift being able to cause Deku to move around freely without Inertia and another of his Quirks allows him to go 100% and somehow 120% without limit... but somehow believe that Magecraft can't replicate known phenomena... despite that being the case and discussed multiple times at length because it's Magic?

Like it's cherrypicking of the highest order and it's utterly insane SB members can't realize the hole they are digging themselves in.
I don’t bother because
A) Not a fate debator so no clue if what they say is right or wrong
B) Not a MHA debator so I don’t know where they use real life physics to justify feats for quirk.

I tend to debate Slime and Mondaiji, but it’s a general agreement in SB that neither Demon Slayer nor MHA makes anywhere above low tier mooks in both these verse so most of the time, the thread ends in 4 to 5 replies.
Provide me which feats they use real life physics for and I will use it to wipe their hypocritical asses off.

You missed my point.
My point is that they will allow shit that completely defy physics even though they love putting themselves forward within physics... then lose their shit when an explanation for magic happens point blank across multiple media of an existing franchise.

They will allow Fa Jin and Gearshift despite them making no real sense to what they use and COMPLETELY accept it without fuss, yet fully deny Servants and Mages can do the same thing because "Insert a bunch of nonsense here that pretends that they are going against it for actual legit reasons but it's really just nonsense" here.
They will accept that Quirks regularly say fuck you to the very Laws but then bitch and moan when other series they don't like do so. Hell, they also are doing it with Demon Slayer as they don't even realize how PSI works and just assume that Tanjirou operates at the level of a Tank Shell... because he cut a Boulder in half with a technique, not his base strength.

I don’t bother because
A) Not a fate debator so no clue if what they say is right or wrong
B) Not a MHA debator so I don’t know where they use real life physics to justify feats for quirk.

I tend to debate Slime and Mondaiji, but it’s a general agreement in SB that neither Demon Slayer nor MHA makes anywhere above low tier mooks in both these verse so most of the time, the thread ends in 4 to 5 replies.

Well either way, it's not even Archer that spanks Deku but Rin, Shirou, Ryougi, Tohno, hell you would have to go through alot of named Human/Mage characters where MHA stops at before you even reach a singular Servant. It's just sheer delusion otherwise but that's what SB is known for.


You missed my point.
My point is that they will allow shit that completely defy physics even though they love putting themselves forward within physics... then lose their shit when an explanation for magic happens point blank across multiple media of an existing franchise.

They will allow Fa Jin and Gearshift despite them making no real sense to what they use and COMPLETELY accept it without fuss, yet fully deny Servants and Mages can do the same thing because "Insert a bunch of nonsense here that pretends that they are going against it for actual legit reasons but it's really just nonsense" here.
They will accept that Quirks regularly say fuck you to the very Laws but then bitch and moan when other series they don't like do so. Hell, they also are doing it with Demon Slayer as they don't even realize how PSI works and just assume that Tanjirou operates at the level of a Tank Shell... because he cut a Boulder in half with a technique, not his base strength.

Yeah, you just gave them justification to ban you for some reason.

Well either way, it's not even Archer that spanks Deku but Rin, Shirou, Ryougi, Tohno, hell you would have to go through alot of named Human/Mage characters where MHA stops at before you even reach a singular Servant. It's just sheer delusion otherwise but that's what SB is known for.
XHOM REMOVES THIS COMMENT ASAP. I still need my account to read Souls And Singularity

(Though, I have another account)


You missed my point.
My point is that they will allow shit that completely defy physics even though they love putting themselves forward within physics... then lose their shit when an explanation for magic happens point blank across multiple media of an existing franchise.

They will allow Fa Jin and Gearshift despite them making no real sense to what they use and COMPLETELY accept it without fuss, yet fully deny Servants and Mages can do the same thing because "Insert a bunch of nonsense here that pretends that they are going against it for actual legit reasons but it's really just nonsense" here.
They will accept that Quirks regularly say fuck you to the very Laws but then bitch and moan when other series they don't like do so. Hell, they also are doing it with Demon Slayer as they don't even realize how PSI works and just assume that Tanjirou operates at the level of a Tank Shell... because he cut a Boulder in half with a technique, not his base strength.

Yeah, you just gave them justification to ban you for some reason.

Well either way, it's not even Archer that spanks Deku but Rin, Shirou, Ryougi, Tohno, hell you would have to go through alot of named Human/Mage characters where MHA stops at before you even reach a singular Servant. It's just sheer delusion otherwise but that's what SB is known for.
When even Reddit dunks you over, you know you are shit. Although, Reddit is no better for using VS wiki tieribg system.
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