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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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King of 🌽

Overlord fans be on that crack cocaine though as their choices are way too damn high for where Overlord actually is lol.

I like how you still have people having no goddamned idea what they are talking about trying to pretend the universe is more passive than it is...

1. There's a difference between "The Counter Force/Gaia won't do shit if there are other people who can solve the problem first THEN go in hot" and "The Counter Force/Gaia won't do shit even if a literal mob of monsters from a whole ass different universe try and camp take over Humanity on their own and do widespread slaughter". Of course, Nazarick wouldn't be able to get that far without getting jumped to shit by everyone else but sure.

2. Tell that to the Dead Apostle Ancestor who stupidly tried to recruit ORT as a pet... oh wait, he got eaten by ORT! The same shit is going to happen to Nazarick, especially if the Mages are sadistic enough to go tell them about it just to kill them off "discretely"

Tell that to the ones that can literally become elements...

Get this wanking ass dude out of here, Vlov would solo all of Overlord on his own even with his gimped ass.

He does know that there are still plenty of supernatural creatures that end up on the World of Man through various means? There's a whole ass episode of Fae and Fae like creatures that appear in Case Files. Just because they aren't numerous, doesn't mean they can never show up.

He may be right about that with The Wandering Sea(as they tend to be in their own Singularity that's literally in the past), Atlas DOES care and it's explicitly just as much of a threat as the Clock Tower. Hell, that's the entire POINT of Atlas's existence is to find the myriad ways Humanity dies and create countermeasures!
:breh overlord can't even destroy a city,Rin will turn overlord into shit


People on 9gag reee-ing that Android 17 and 18 are relevant in DBS, calling the author a hack and whining about how powerlevels are bullshit.
Some of them really think that 17 and 18 aren't capable of growing stronger. Also the crowds of "she's an android" and "she's a human now" arguing.
17 and 18 being more Super-Soldiers than Cyborgs is something you get from the sourcebooks.
But it's stated in the anime that Krilin's wish was to remove the bombs the androids had in their bodies.

Also, 17 and 18 can't get stronger because reasons.
People on 9gag reee-ing that Android 17 and 18 are relevant in DBS, calling the author a hack and whining about how powerlevels are bullshit.
Some of them really think that 17 and 18 aren't capable of growing stronger. Also the crowds of "she's an android" and "she's a human now" arguing.
17 and 18 being more Super-Soldiers than Cyborgs is something you get from the sourcebooks.
But it's stated in the anime that Krilin's wish was to remove the bombs the androids had in their bodies.

Also, 17 and 18 can't get stronger because reasons.

It was outright stated by Toriyama well before they regained relevance is that 17 and 18's main Cyborg parts are actually biological in nature including even their Perpetual Generator.
That's why they are capable of getting stronger if they choose to do so. They also miss the point of 17's rambling as it's not that neither he nor 18 are human or not but that due to how Gero modified them, 17 and 18 had issues with getting to feel emotions, something 18 got over but 17 still has issues with. That's what 17 and 18 was talking about by 18 being "human"(Which makes sense as even in the Buu Saga, 18 was still pretty monotone and lifeless compared to DBS).

So again, it just shows that for all of the "author not understanding shit", all they ever prove is they don't know a damn thing of what they are talking about.


Eh Im a big fan of dbz and even enjoyed some of dragon ball but super doesn't make much sense. The main cast for the tournament of power feels like fan service rather then a logical choice of who would actually be considered the strongest.

Heck Im still annoyed Tori competely undermines the idea of godly ki by the next movie when he introduces golden freeza who managed to train hard enough to "Get good" and totally surpass goku and vegetas godly ki (he explicitly would have won if he just trained stamina a bit longer) ...

Which was supposed to be the big deal that is part of what made beerus so strong comparatively. Now it seems like there's little if any difference between god ki and mortal ki, just train harder/longer and you'll be on even footing/surpass it. No need for weird ass rituals of sayians to unlock greater power. All goku needed was a stint in the hyperbolic time chamber or a few near death experience to boost himself and he'd have been able to give beerus the fight he wanted anyway.
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As for nazarick gettting thrown to new worlds where they'd be on the back foot, I actually think there are a lot of worlds where they'd lose any direct confrontation but would simply be impossible for the residents of the world to permanently dislodge due to how out of context they are.

Like it seems unlikely to me most verses not using similar mechanics would start hunting for a random tomb after they slaughter a group of demons torturing civilians. And the next day after the demons back up on it's feet no worse for wear having resummoned it's army (Because the invasion of restize in volume 4 was literally just a group of demiurges daily summons) that's going to be a pain in the ass. Add on the fact nazarick has the world class item to block divination, on top of illusions/other protections and a lot of settings that could slaughter them if they found them would struggle to actually remove the thorn from the world.
I can understand shit like that but when you have fuckers acting like "The Nasuverse would have issues dealing with Nazarick", I'm just sitting here and being like:

No? It feels like with other places that primarily downplay, they only ever watch the UFOTable Anime or explicitly search for the easiest downplay arguments on Reddit only(Which is a quagmire of people who make Respect Threads and abandon them immediately and use questionable as shit translations) and never look at anything else.
Like Mages and Executors would deal with Nazarick by itself and considering how Magecraft works, they would absolutely deal with Ainz's shit immediately even if he tries to cloak himself, never mind that despite the "memes", The Human Order nor Earth would tolerate literal aliens walking in and trying to take over the place.

Like I can understand series like JJK having general impossibilities dealing with them or MHA having no idea lodging the place out but the Nasuverse is not one of them.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Well, duh. Also, I'm confused why you're asking. I was arguing base Kenpachi > Shikai Yamamoto ages ago.

Logically speaking, this would leave room for Shikai Kenpachi to be >> Royd and ≥ Yhwach himself.

But I didn't feel like getting into it, I prefer being vacant.
Shikai Kenpachi > Literally ANY version of Mustache. :heston

Kenpachi needs Bankai to beat Royd, just the same as Yamamoto did, he's not beating Mustache AT ALL, full fucking stop.
Also, I never believed Yhwach was this insurmountable pillar of strength to his Elite Guard.
Yes that would be because you're a fucking idiot.
It's just that he's the anti-Quincy, so they could never hope to face him and win.
Yeah just ignore him stating NO other Nazi could control Yamamoto's bankai, clearly illustrating he is above them in more than just having the ability to drain their power.
God Size Gerard easily has the best feats of any Quincy in physicality.
Mustache is able to survive in CQC with Ichibei for any length of time, nothing Gerard does is anywhere fucking close to that.


He never would have won regardless

Golden Freeza was only slightly stronger than SSB. Even if trained his stamina, he’s still getting murdered 2 vs 1. Whis flat out said this
yes this disproves my point about godly ki being worthless, he could only beat one god.... My point was not that freiza was infintetly stronger but that he could have beaten a god with slightly more training making the whole idea of godhood/godly ki worthless after the last movie made a huge deal out of unlocking god ki for goku.

Like what point are you trying ot make because I feel like you've fundamentally missed my entire point of criticism


V.I.P. Member
yes this disproves my point about godly ki being worthless, he could only beat one god.... My point was not that freiza was infintetly stronger but that he could have beaten a god with slightly more training making the whole idea of godhood/godly ki worthless after the last movie made a huge deal out of unlocking god ki for goku.
I didn’t say anything about your point, I just corrected you about Freeza 🤷‍♂️


I didn’t say anything about your point, I just corrected you about Freeza 🤷‍♂️
Fair I did misremember, just felt like it doesn't change anything about my complaint. Which was fundamentally that god ki holds zero weight exactly one movie after it was introduced and from what little Ive seen of super it doesn't seem to get any less worthless. (People seem like they can just sense godly ki now...despite that being the one other aspect of godly ki)
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I thought this would be Naruto vs Deku but some people decided to make this about downplaying Naruto characters.

These are the kind of people that ruin threads. Since when was Naruto characters being supersonic a debate? Characters break the sound barrier all the time, and while techniques like Body Flicker look like literal teleportation to observers, it's literally highspeed movement. We also have characters reacting to actual real life lightning.

And some feats like Haku to get outright disregarded for being outliers but considering how other verses (like Dragon Ball and JJK) use outliers to inflate the verse, it is easy to inflate early Naruto to Lightspeed if we just ignore all the antifeats that follow after. (Bridge arc was early Naruto where even some characters used guns so obviously Kishimoto dropped a lot of stuff from back then but both the manga & databooks support Lightspeed Haku when he is using the mirror).

Outliers get ignored and that is fine but that doesn't mean we have to go the other way around and start downplaying everything. This is a verse where child Kakashi literally cut natural cloud to ground lightning. The anime makes it look slow but not one who is subsonic is cutting cloud to ground lightning. It doesn't even matter if you have precog cause without high enough speed, you won't even be able to move your arms to intersect with the lightning bolt.

Anyway, you don't need to downplay Naruto to make arguments for Deku.

Kinda reminds me of back in the day when people used Kamino to downplay All Might's to subsonic and hence the entire verse.

I legit have no idea at this point how many times this will be repeated and yet Spacebattles(And plenty of other Reddit sites and otherwise) will choose to never heed this lesson when it comes to VS. Debates:

There's a reason while Feats > Statements, we cannot throw the baby out of the bathwater and pretend feats matter so much because without any real scaling or taking statements at their word, everyone will look absolutely worse than they should because that's how fiction works. You can easily make Goku be Supersonic and barely City Tier if you only take his feats into account, you can make Bakugo look pathetic as shit if you don't scale him properly to All For One, you can make Artoria Pendragon Wall level and Touma weaker than that without any actual legit scaling.

This is why you have the constant shit where people love downplay Naruto speeds because that's ALL they are doing and all they are ever going to do and that's trying to put Naruto's speed feats without any proper scaling(i.e. No one is taking into account Naruto characters are superhuman into account or the fact that they can cross whole countries in days, Lee's Gated Speed was achievable without using Gates and everyone surpassed that speed including Lee himself later on and so on and so forth). Like he mentioned himself, you can easily and effortlessly do the same shit with MHA because it suffers the same damn issue and it's funnier when people use the anime version of fights as if it's not the same damn problem you see in shit like any other animation where there are ultimately different varieties of animation and cinematography for certain purposes and why just like manga, it can be hard to scale anime feats properly.


Tbf, with the exception of 1 guy, most agree that MUTO stomps.

Though said guy has this gem
IE. I don't think the MUTO's would be any more resistant to an instant death effect like the Ava Kedavara than an Elephant would be to a claymore. And even if we ignore the AK, their are other spells like Vanishment charms, Shrinking spells or even the exponentially growing magical hegemonizing swarms that is Fiendfyre or Protego Diabolica, which would utterly cripple the MUTOs.

If those spell that potent, why doesn't Mcgonagall and Hogwarts defender doesn't use them when Voldy's Giant attacks.
And protego diabolica basically only Grindelwald can use them, and 1 guy isn't enough
Tbf, with the exception of 1 guy, most agree that MUTO stomps.

Though said guy has this gem

If those spell that potent, why doesn't Mcgonagall and Hogwarts defender doesn't use them when Voldy's Giant attacks.
And protego diabolica basically only Grindelwald can use them, and 1 guy isn't enough

Because most people, especially Spacebattles, tends to forget that Harry Potter Mages... are hilariously inept as shit. It's a literal plot point that the Ministry is utterly incapable of making even decent defense spells and had to rely on Ron's Twin Brothers because they was able to genuinely make Protection Spells reliably and at dirt cheap prices.
It's also been shown that Harry Potter Wizards are as arrogant as they are retarded about anything that comes from Humans to the point they think Guns are Wands and have no idea how Airplanes work.

It's basically the hilarious inverse Spacebattles loves to do with Nasuverse Mages and Harry Potter Wizards where they think that Hogwarts is far less fucked up than The Clock Tower and Mages are absolute bastards compared to the Wizards... when if anyone actually genuinely read the books, it's literally the other way around on all aspects and Harry Potter Wizards are some of the most xenophobic and ignorant motherfuckers I've seen :risigif

By comparison, Mages just tend to not give a shit about Human Inventions because Magecraft as a whole is just superior to it but that doesn't mean at all that they don't care about it(That's the whole point of Fate/Extra's Universe and Chaldea in it's many versions) and their "xenophobia" only ever shows up for Witches and that's more of admiration unless they screw it up which then they get treated as dirt.
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