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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever


Pf. Everything is much simpler.



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

"You're joking right. Holy Right has a limit. Sure it gains strength on the opposition but it isn't that strong under normal circumstances ((that was why he needed Index knowledge and Touma's arm) and seeing as he lost to a really nerfed MG who in the same book had his skin peeled out by an attack that sent him to outerspace space, a non-boosted Aliester, and considers Ollerus his superior... I don't think he's gonna do much much (ahem I mean he's not gonna do anything except tickle) someone who wrecks a planet with a love tap."

Yeah this guy has no idea how the Holy Right works lol
Pf. Everything is much simpler.

Believe it or not, they legit deny those entirely as "they are just trailers" despite being made precisely with the intentions of what happens in the them as a whole(They especially tried that with the Cosmos In The Lostbelt Part 2 OP which yeah, the fight never actually happens but the team explicitly still wanted it to be something you can see happen and enjoy which means they made it in the sense that yeah, shit IS happening and can be an intepretation of what will happen.)


V.I.P. Member
Fiamma didn’t get any boost in knowing Index’s grimoires besides being able to use all her spells she knows.

All it did was allow him unlimited use of the Holy Right


V.I.P. Member
Gotta say. This cringelord Vtorx nerd can give even Starsight a run for her money in trash takes

I really can't think of how Muigino can win this if characters like Hamazura can evade Muigino attack twice and it's not like it's an instant attack. First it forms and then fires, that enough time for Bakugo to speedblitz her hell and back.

Please dork, name the following:

1) When has Hamazura ever avoided a Meltdowner shot that wasn’t an obvious misfire

2) Please name when ever has a wasted clown like Bakugo demonstrated anything that implies he can speed blitz someone who can casually react to Misaka’s lightning.

I’d love to go on SB and personally clown you myself but those shit-licking fuckheads that make up the SB mod staff that had to bend their own rules just to have me banned can each go fuck themselves with a cactus.

Sign up on here Vtorx and I’ll teach you.
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

can fight Misaka and react to her attacks (albeit while she's pretty exhausted)
doesn't scale to her


Why yes, this does make sense.


V.I.P. Member
Citation needed that Misaka or Mugino can “sense electrons” and that apparent Spider Sense to electrons allowed them dodge the other attacks over their own simple reaction speed

Spoiler alert: Neither have any such power nor was that ever stated in the fight, just that they can control electrons to control the attacks of the other.

The amount of dipshits that make up this “electron sense” headcanon being at work for that fight is staggering.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I'm pretty sure they do but that doesn't explain the obvious fact that they're not aim dodging each others attacks


V.I.P. Member
I'm pretty sure they do but that doesn't explain the obvious fact that they're not aim dodging each others attacks
They don’t. Misaka has a radar that comes from constant EM wave emissions from her body that bounce back to her from anything they touch, giving her 360 degrees awareness of her surrounding and no possible blind spots to exploit.

Mugino explicitly does not have this power because she does not produce EM waves like Misaka does with her power over electrons only controlling electrons themselves.

Mugino has nothing but her natural 5 senses to be aware of her surroundings with. It’s why she’s fallen to sneak attacks from behind that wouldn’t work on Misaka



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member


V.I.P. Member
Very much a thing actually



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Not seeing any brute force there.

It's a specific conceptual parameter of Gungnir that allows it to be unavoidable by those in human territory.

The Holy Right = Michael = /= Fiamma himself


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Why do you think it's described as an auto win button with overwhelming "power"?

The word "power" repeatedly being in quotation marks.

It's reality warping/conceptual manipulation, much like Terra's Execution of Light.


V.I.P. Member
Because you need to be at the level of a god to stand up to Othinus’ attack. I.e enough power to match it basically


V.I.P. Member
Why do you think it's described as an auto win button with overwhelming "power"?

The word "power" repeatedly being in quotation marks.

It's reality warping/conceptual manipulation, much like Terra's Execution of Light.
Simple, because Fiamma isn’t the most powerful in the verse. If you drop the hyperbolic writing and go with some scaling to things like Curtana or even White Queen, then Fiamma goes plenty far in Dragon Ball anyway