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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

Talion’s speed might scale to the Balrogs due to fighting Sauron. Balrogs traveled from Angband to Lammoth in a relatively short period of time via Mach 2.83 - 28.27)

Sauron is superior to Balrogs. Sauron can destroy entire hills and create large explosions. Can govern storms and creating significant natural disasters. Being stronger than the likes Saruman and Gandalf. Saruman can boil the Isen River and Gandalf destroyed parts of a mountain in his fight against a Balrog.



'There upon Celebdil was a lonely window in the snow, and before it lay a narrow space, a dizzy eyrie above the mists of the world. The sun shone fiercely there, but all below was wrapped in cloud. Out he sprang, and even as I came behind, he burst into new flame. There was none to see, or perhaps in after ages songs would still be sung of the Battle of the Peak.' Suddenly Gandalf laughed. 'But what would they say in song? Those that looked up from afar thought that the mountain was crowned with storm. Thunder they heard, and lightning, they said, smote upon Celebdil, and leaped back broken into tongues of fire. Is not that enough? A great smoke rose about us, vapour and steam. Ice fell like rain. I threw down my enemy, and he fell from the high place and broke the mountain-side where he smote it in his ruin. Then darkness took me; and I strayed out of thought and time, and I wandered far on roads that I will not tell.'
Source: Two Towers Book
If someone better at math wants to plug in the numbers/access to chatgpt wants to, cocytus freezing feat was freezing 57 lizardmen by projecting his aura in a 25 meter area, he had to restrict it not to freeze the entire village/hit the villagers farther back and he only activated it for an instant before disabling it (He also reduced it's damage to not kill the lizardmen cheifs as killing them all with his aura wouldn't give him a fight). The lizardmen on average are 6'3 and weight 220 pounds.

Thus, he unleashed his aura.
It was a skill derived from the Knight of Niflheim class — [Frost Aura]. This special ability damaged and slowed the foe through the use of extreme cold temperatures. At full power, it could even engulf the Lizardmen spectating from the sides.So he had to suppress its power.

He had to narrow its radius and reduce its damage.

“This ought to do it…”A wave of freezing cold expanded from Cocytus, instantly filling a radius of twenty-five meters across. The temperature plummeted upon exposure to the intense cold, and the very air seemed to groan.

“…Hm. That. Ought. To. Do.”He drew back his aura

.The momentary exposure meant that the savage, blizzard like snap-frost had vanished like it had never been. However, it was no illusion or trick of the senses. The best proof of that was the fifty-seven Lizardman corpses that covered the marsh.
Apparently small building level according to ChatGPT.
To calculate the energy required for Cocytus's freezing feat, we'll need to determine the amount of heat removed from the lizardmen and the surrounding area to drop the temperature to freezing levels instantly.

### Step-by-Step Calculation:

1. Assumptions and Given Data:
- Number of lizardmen: 57
- Average height of a lizardman: 6'3" (1.905 meters)
- Average weight of a lizardman: 220 pounds (99.79 kg)
- Area affected: 25-meter radius circle
- Assume initial body temperature: 37°C (310.15 K)
- Final body temperature: 0°C (273.15 K)
- Specific heat capacity of the human body (approximation for lizardmen): 3.5 kJ/(kg·K)

2. Heat Removed from Lizardmen:
- Heat removed (Q) is calculated by the formula:
\[ Q = mc\Delta T \]
- \( m \) = mass of one lizardman × number of lizardmen
- \( c \) = specific heat capacity
- \( \Delta T \) = change in temperature (37°C to 0°C = 37 K)

\[ m = 99.79 \, \text{kg} \times 57 \approx 5688.03 \, \text{kg} \]
\[ Q = 5688.03 \, \text{kg} \times 3.5 \, \text{kJ/kg·K} \times 37 \, \text{K} \]
\[ Q \approx 737935.905 \, \text{kJ} \]

3. Heat Removed from Surrounding Area:
- Assuming the volume of air affected (for simplicity, let's assume the same height as a lizardman, i.e., 1.905 meters):
- Volume of a cylinder \( V = \pi r^2 h \)

\[ V = \pi \times (25 \, \text{m})^2 \times 1.905 \, \text{m} \]
\[ V \approx 3736.35 \, \text{m}^3 \]

- Density of air at 0°C: 1.275 kg/m³
- Mass of air \( m = \text{Density} \times \text{Volume} \)
\[ m = 1.275 \, \text{kg/m}^3 \times 3736.35 \, \text{m}^3 \approx 4762.45 \, \text{kg} \]

- Specific heat capacity of air: 1.005 kJ/(kg·K)
- Temperature drop: let's assume from 20°C to 0°C = 20 K

\[ Q = 4762.45 \, \text{kg} \times 1.005 \, \text{kJ/kg·K} \times 20 \, \text{K} \]
\[ Q \approx 95649.045 \, \text{kJ} \]

4. Total Heat Removed:
\[ Q_{\text{total}} = 737935.905 \, \text{kJ} + 95649.045 \, \text{kJ} \]
\[ Q_{\text{total}} \approx 833584.95 \, \text{kJ} \]

5. Convert to Tons of TNT:
- 1 ton of TNT is approximately 4.184 × 10^6 kJ

\[ \text{Energy in tons of TNT} = \frac{833584.95 \, \text{kJ}}{4.184 \times 10^6 \, \text{kJ/ton}} \]
\[ \text{Energy in tons of TNT} \approx 0.199 \, \text{tons of TNT} \]

### Summary:

Cocytus's freezing feat, as described, would require approximately 0.199 tons of TNT worth of energy to instantly freeze 57 lizardmen and the surrounding 25-meter radius area. This demonstrates a significant amount of energy, showcasing the immense power of his frost aura.

Crimson Dragoon

Paces are variable, and literally dependent on whatever a person feels like. Bella is also a short-stack on top of that. There are no actual static paces attributable to any person, and that was just a non-common measurement derived from an average. Which they applied to every possible step ever. When, again, they're variable and dependent on a person's mood. Everyone has control over their own gait.

Still subsonic.
Like I said before, Kenshin blitzes them :mjlol
It is weird as hell to use freaking pacing as a measure of speed when pacing is literally the distance you normally move... which would depend on multiple factors and isn't the same for everyone else...

And would ultimately result in extremely terrible speeds unless you are already massive levels of Mach.


Talion’s speed might scale to the Balrogs due to fighting Sauron. Balrogs traveled from Angband to Lammoth in a relatively short period of time via Mach 2.83 - 28.27)
I feel like at this point theres a bit of vagueness, how big were the hills/how much of the mountain? Were the balrogs mach 2 or mach 28? Assuming the low to mid end calcs shalltear should still be able to keep up. Though I suppose thats just a consequence of tolkien not writing a power fantasy where numbers are the most important thing in all the lands.

Funnily enough overlord wouldn't have trouble with recreating the weather feats, ainz actually has to be careful about his feelings about the weather because his subordinates will not hesitate to change it to suit his mood. Which has lead to some...concerns...Though farmers are pretty happy with more sunny days/rain on demand. (Then again they're also quite pleased with the tireless undead work force doing all the normally menial and back breaking labor...)

I do wonder if they could recreate the boiling feat using creation though. As its whole point was to change the nature of the terrain, Much as they froze the lake assumedly you could push it to the other extreme and make thing blazing hot. Though the nature of magic in there world would make me question if the water would even boil regardless of heat...The author doesn't care much for physics/logic.


And for a contrast:
Seriously why fucking twilight? Im a fan of some niche things but fucking bringing twilight into everything....
Wait then how did talion get 13.4 tons? Did I miss something in that calc? I used cocytuses feat because it seemed rather similar.
I asked ChatGPT the difference and here is what it said.
The primary difference between Talion and Cocytus's feats lies in the scale and energy required for their freezing effects:

### Talion:
  • Affected Area: Talion's AOE freeze affects a volume of 154.34 cubic meters.
  • Energy: Calculated to be approximately 13.34 tons of TNT.
  • Assumptions: Large area, significant energy required to freeze multiple targets instantly.

### Cocytus:
  • Affected Area: Cocytus's frost aura covers a 25-meter radius, primarily impacting 57 lizardmen.
  • Energy: Calculated to be approximately 0.199 tons of TNT.
  • Assumptions: More localized, less energy required due to a focused and instantaneous effect.

In summary, Talion's feat involves a larger area and greater energy output, while Cocytus's feat is more focused and requires less energy.


I asked ChatGPT the difference and here is what it said.
Wait where is he getting that cubic meters measure from, he notes it covers an area of about three meters around talion. so how is he calculating the cubic area? Cause talions aoe with that ability is much smaller then 25 meters in game so I assume the big numbers are a result of the cubic measurement.
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Wait if it's the high level archers hitting from a kilometer out I do owe an apology. I had it wrong...High level archers can easily hit from over two kilometers out.

Peroroncino the archer ― who was the most specialized in ranged combat within the guild Ainz Ooal Gown ― would probably be able to hurt Ainz very badly. That man could easily attack from even two kilometers out. His favorite tactic was concealing himself and then sniping his opponent ― albeit with a bow.
ChatGPT basically got the same result from Talion’s arrow.

To calculate the speed of an arrow shot by a high-level archer from Overlord, hitting a target 2 kilometers away, we need to make a few assumptions and use the given distance. Here are the steps:

### Assumptions:
1. Distance: 2 kilometers (2000 meters).
2. Time: Assume it takes about 2 seconds for the arrow to reach the target. This is a reasonable estimate for high-speed arrows used by skilled archers.

### Calculation:
1. Speed Calculation:
- Velocity (v) is distance divided by time (t).

\[ v = \frac{\text{Distance}}{\text{Time}} \]

\[ v = \frac{2000 \, \text{meters}}{2 \, \text{seconds}} \]

\[ v = 1000 \, \text{meters/second} \]

2. Convert to Mach:
- Speed of sound in air at sea level is approximately 343 meters per second.

\[ \text{Mach Speed} = \frac{\text{Speed in meters/second}}{\text{Speed of sound in meters/second}} \]

\[ \text{Mach Speed} = \frac{1000 \, \text{m/s}}{343 \, \text{m/s}} \]

\[ \text{Mach Speed} \approx 2.92 \]

### Summary:

An arrow shot by a high-level archer in Overlord, traveling 2 kilometers in approximately 2 seconds, would have a speed of around 1000 meters per second, which translates to approximately Mach 2.92. This indicates an incredibly high-speed arrow, far surpassing typical real-world archery capabilities.
Wait where is he getting that cubic meters measure from, he notes it covers an area of about three meters around talion. so how is he calculating the cubic area? Cause talions aoe with that ability is much smaller then 25 meters in game so I assume the big numbers are a result of the cubic measurement.
Here is what it responds with.
Let's re-examine the volume calculation to clarify how the cubic meters were determined and ensure the correct approach is used:

### Steps:

1. Area of Effect:
- Talion's freezing AOE covers a radius of about 3.3276 meters around him.

2. Assuming a Cylinder:
- To calculate the volume, we'll assume the effect is a cylinder with a radius of 3.3276 meters and a height equal to Talion's height (1.98 meters).

3. Volume Calculation:
- Volume (V) of a cylinder:
\[ V = \pi r^2 h \]
\[ V = \pi \times (3.3276 \, \text{m})^2 \times 1.98 \, \text{m} \]
\[ V \approx \pi \times 11.0737 \, \text{m}^2 \times 1.98 \, \text{m} \]
\[ V \approx 69.1 \, \text{m}^3 \]

### Revised Calculation:

Using the revised volume:

1. Ratio and Energy Calculation:
- Human volume: \( 0.062 \, \text{m}^3 \)
- Ratio:
\[ \text{Ratio} = \frac{69.1 \, \text{m}^3}{0.062 \, \text{m}^3} \approx 1114.52 \]

2. Energy Calculation:
\[ Q = 22,428,035 \, \text{J} \times 1114.52 \approx 24,997,066,722 \, \text{J} \]

3. Convert to Tons of TNT:
\[ \text{Energy in tons of TNT} = \frac{24,997,066,722 \, \text{J}}{4.184 \times 10^9 \, \text{J/ton}} \approx 5.98 \, \text{tons of TNT} \]

### Summary:

The corrected volume calculation results in approximately 5.98 tons of TNT for Talion's freezing feat, considering a cylinder with a radius of 3.3276 meters and a height of 1.98 meters. This indicates that the previous larger volume assumption led to the higher initial estimate.


K now what if we plug in Cocytus's numbers? He's 8'2 (or 2.5 meters) since it uses the height to assume the top of the aura. And his aura covered twenty five meters around him.... From my understanding this should let us get cubic meters and make a calc.

Sorry to be asking all this of you Ive never touched chat gpt!
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