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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever


V.I.P. Member
Also he is susceptible to possession since he lacks any soul of his own.

Atreus inserting Fenrir’s spirit into Garm took over his body and permanently erased his mind into that of Fenrir’s personality too
The Force can affect spirits, like Luke and his Jedi trainees defeating Exar Kun’s spirit by using the Force. In the Old Republic era, Jedi were able to confront and banish Freedon Nadd’s spirit. Powerful Force users like the Ones and the Celestials, their existence and abilities transcend typical physical limitations. Luke had to defeat Abeloth physically, mentally and astrally in her own private dimension.
Okay cool, so does Darth Vader kill Kitty Pryde or no?
I'm fucking crying yo
Doesn't HST literally still get negged by almost any decently strong or hax verse worth a damn?

Despite whatever alleged universal wank Bleach gets?


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member


I feel like this dumbass forgot to read what is exactly said in the quote he brought up

"This is a lot easier than destroying everything and building it back up every time."


It's solely a matter of convenience for her: adding another phase to make the "world" appear destroyed has the same result as her actually destroying it and then adding a new phase after.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
They just think Elden Ring is shoe level, not that Jogo can incinerate stars or something silly (Scaling to Dagon's Domain Expansion though.. :mjpls ).

That's about it.
Why do generic battle shonen anime/manga always get wanked this badly whenever they're put against decently powerful game-verses?

Because the answer is extremely predictable and yet extremely sad at the same time:

It's a really retarded take on the "Feats > Statements" deal without understanding that video games, just like any other media, have their own limitations on getting things across and some people go full retard with it.
For instance, it's easy to see extremely flashy attacks like these:



And think it's all just meaningless fluff because if they actually can use this level of power all the time, it would "break the setting" not realizing that was supposed to be the case all the time.
This really gets egregious in the case of franchises like Final Fantasy, The Elder Scrolls and so on where it's pretty clear that the level of ability we see isn't false at all and completely fits but people want to assume otherwise because it would make no sense to them(Like Magic in FF7 works exactly as advertised and Sephiroth's Limit Break Super Nova is meant to be EXACTLY as powerful as it is but it's somehow been made "an illusion" because people can't wrap their heads around that the FF7 Planet is far stronger than an ordinary Planet due to the very Lifestream Sephiroth wants to have).

It gets worse with FFXIV where The Lifestream gives Eorzea the exact same properties and then some going with the Sources and the sheer magnitude of what the WoL faces and you still have people downplay that at points taking "WoL gets stronger or weaker depending on his opponent" too literally.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

How would it be impossible for Camp Half-Blood (alone mind you) to take over London?

Percy alone would get London to surrender in an hour simply by lifting an entire ocean above the city and threatening to drop it.

For control? Again, there superhumans, these aren't normal soldiers or insurrectionists that can be fought against with numbers. Even the weakest demigods can do shit like this

No ones gonna want to fuck with a 10-year-old Son of Hermes who can zoom around a troop of soldiers like he's on a pack of cocaine and slice all of them in half.

A few hundred of them could absolutely take control of london simply by the fact that everybody would be too scared of them.

Mind you if they need numbers? Hephaestus kids can make robot automatons, Demeter kids can ask help from nature spirits, Thalia can contact wind spirits, Nico can create an undead army, camp half blood can boost their numbers if they have too.

Mind you, this is all if Camp Half Blood decides to do an overt takeover. The mist alone would cover up there weapons and other supernatural effects, and we know demigods can learn to control the mist, Hecate kids can, Percy can, Thalia can, Hazel can straight up create a bottomless pit. They can easily do decapitation strikes to take out important government figures and no one would be the wiser.

And all that is without Piper, deus ex machina girl whose charmspeak can do basically anything, get her into london's pa system and she can have the entire city happily give up.