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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
@Fujishiro this^ is also for you. I thought I just misread it or sth, but Gram did state this in the Sign Ups. So I have zero reason to believe Psychic doesn't know what Illuminate does.

Hans Tweetenberg

Cuz she just slipped? You are aware Gram said people would be informed in their chats about the glossary and stuff? So Psychic 100% knows what it does.
I struggle to hang my hat on exactly this being the case but I think we have plenty of time left so ykno, maybe she'll come around to telling us what it does

If not then I'm fine getting rid of her


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
The only logical answer is she does know, but it's scummy or harmful af and she just doesn't wanna say.


Lonely at the top
@Fujishiro this^ is also for you. I thought I just misread it or sth, but Gram did state this in the Sign Ups. So I have zero reason to believe Psychic doesn't know what Illuminate does.
State what again? Sorry at the beach atm so cant find what you are referring to reading the OP.

Hans Tweetenberg

A glossary of game concepts will be provided below - as you uncover more of the mysteries you face, and become more attuned to your task, this glossary will expand and serve as a reference point so that all players can easily locate mechanical information needed


Fair, I suppose she's very likely to know what it does then. Still I wonder, if she's scum and it's not something we're supposed to know about, why mention it at all?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
And that's what Illumination does according to the wiki:

In order for this skill to be used, the Vestal would need to be positioned at ranks 2-4, and the enemy team must have a Dodge or Stealth token active. Upon using it on the enemy, it removes the Dodge or Stealth token, allowing your team to attack the enemy when it's their turn. Upon mastery, not only will it remove the buffs, but the enemy hit with this skill cannot gain Dodge for the next turn.

Sounds more like a debuff/defense removal and a harmful ability.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
A glossary of game concepts will be provided below - as you uncover more of the mysteries you face, and become more attuned to your task, this glossary will expand and serve as a reference point so that all players can easily locate mechanical information needed


Fair, I suppose she's very likely to know what it does then. Still I wonder, if she's scum and it's not something we're supposed to know about, why mention it at all?
Cuz it's a slip.

Also when you have a glossary in your scum chat you are less likely to read what's actually in the thread. Alternatively she just never read the glossary and only realized it's harmful after already claimed.

The X

I don't think Gram would fix his team though- he is heavily against that stuff.
Then I pity the fool if that's the wolf team.

google commute GIF

The X

That doesn't make any sense imo. If part of her role is so scummy she doesn't wanna explain how it works, why even mention that part of it in the first place?
Disagree. She could have just read out her role or fake claim without thinking too much about it. How does it make sense to just leave us like this knowing what it'll do?

Hans Tweetenberg

Knowing my luck, Psychic is actually scum here and me asking about this slip that in 99% of cases isn't a slip is gonna make me look omega bad so ima just stop


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
That's what stress does acc to the wiki:

The stress bar is a gauge from 0 to 200, with a threshold at 100 stress points: once this level of stress is reached, the hero will either gain an affliction, or (small chance) will become virtuous instead. A hero with 100 or more stress must be either Virtuous or Afflicted; if something would cause their stress to exceed 100, their resolve is immediately tested.

Which works exactly like in this game, so Psychic's illuminate is highly likely harmful.
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