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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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Let her answer.

I´m unsure about her claim, Flower has good points about it either being a fake claim or her not wanting to describe what Illumination does because it may be something that would indicate a scum ability.

By rest of her threadplay I have to say that I can relate to some point to her because tbh as a townie I have the habit to also scumread the people that are voting for me. And in lot of cases there was scum among the people that were pushing me for lynch when I was town or tried to make a case on me for weak reasons, so it´s not unnatural to do what´s called OMGUS in international mafia.


@Grammaton what does illuminate mean?
@Psychic What´s your wincon?
I win when all threats to the Hamlet are eliminated.

Gram said illuminate meant that I would have a 50% chance of knowing who targeted me. I’m not going to reveal any further about my role. If you want to lynch me that’s fine, just please get BPD next, he is scum, I’m sure of it. Also Whicker. That is my legacy.

I like to again point out how manipulative BPD has been all game. Just iso his posts and you will see how he twists my words around and refuses to listen to anything I said all game.


@Grammaton what does illuminate mean?

I win when all threats to the Hamlet are eliminated.

Gram said illuminate meant that I would have a 50% chance of knowing who targeted me. I’m not going to reveal any further about my role. If you want to lynch me that’s fine, just please get BPD next, he is scum, I’m sure of it. Also Whicker. That is my legacy.

I like to again point out how manipulative BPD has been all game. Just iso his posts and you will see how he twists my words around and refuses to listen to anything I said all game.

You see a possible connection between BPD and Whicker?
Can´t help but that post where BPD was criticizing my obvious joke vote on Whicker did not seem like something he would point out as a townie.


@Grammaton what does illuminate mean?

I win when all threats to the Hamlet are eliminated.

Gram said illuminate meant that I would have a 50% chance of knowing who targeted me. I’m not going to reveal any further about my role. If you want to lynch me that’s fine, just please get BPD next, he is scum, I’m sure of it. Also Whicker. That is my legacy.

I like to again point out how manipulative BPD has been all game. Just iso his posts and you will see how he twists my words around and refuses to listen to anything I said all game.
Why would that illuminate thing not be in your pm :pogba


Leprous Monarch
RNG is a pretty big no-no on WF/WS and I don't see any way gram wouldn't put that illuminate explanation in her role PM but then give it upon request. Psychic is scum.


Leprous Monarch
we can do whatever with time remaining but should 100% be lynching that slot

doing other stuff with my evening, bbl
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