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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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This post is crazy I town read half of it and scum read the other half

The X

What words do you believe I've twisted? You were quick to throw that accusation at me without backing it up.

Where have I refused to listen to you say and on what points?

You and I have barely had any exchanges. I caused you, which you responded to. And then we exchanged like, three more posts. So not really sure where some of these accusations are coming from.

The X

Psychic would rather cry out that everyone come after me without directly talking to me or lay out a case.

The X

You see a possible connection between BPD and Whicker?
Can´t help but that post where BPD was criticizing my obvious joke vote on Whicker did not seem like something he would point out as a townie.
How would I know what an obvious joke is? I literally just asked why you were voting for him when I saw it.

The X

RNG is a pretty big no-no on WF/WS and I don't see any way gram wouldn't put that illuminate explanation in her role PM but then give it upon request. Psychic is scum.
I'll note it is a tad late to be saying this because we already knew for quite awhile Psychic was claiming she didn't have this description.


I wouldn't say RNG is a hard no with WFers but 50% is basically an old passive that used to be in games called "Faith", has mostly been done away with for obvious reasons.

I think her coming up with a claim like this though indicates a lack of help within her scum team - something to keep in mind when profiling who her mates could be.
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