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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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Day 2 VC 3




Evans is kinda scummy in the sense that he's actually forming reads, questioning players, and having sane takes that show some level of understanding of the game state instead of death tunneling Ekko/Pein from the word go

I...agree here? There is an odd lack of Ekko/Pein fury from Evans this game.
Im down to lynch any of the reds in my list. None of the greens.
Could you explain why I am red?


Am I the only one thinking it´s strange that experienced players like Ekko and Ratchet are currently voting Rugrat, a completely inactive slot? Wasn´t the common consensus in mafia games normally to leave inactives up for the vigs instead of lynching them?


Also interesting that everyone has moved away from Vinegar, has her tracker claim really convinced you all that much?


Am I the only one thinking it´s strange that experienced players like Ekko and Ratchet are currently voting Rugrat, a completely inactive slot? Wasn´t the common consensus in mafia games normally to leave inactives up for the vigs instead of lynching them?
Not so much strange, rather a bit lazy imo.

Ekko built a case based on 1 post, I think that's a bit underwhelming.



I...agree here? There is an odd lack of Ekko/Pein fury from Evans this game.

Could you explain why I am red?
Skimmed through Evans posts and indeed, I would think Ekko and Pein have given Evans enough ammo to at least go at them a little bit.
@Evans what's up with that, buddy?


Didn't you say you wanted a Rugrat claim? If this is the only reason why you suspect him, wanting a claim seems like quite a leap, no?
I don't think it's a leap at all. In the absence of anything else to read them from, with an aside that the previous occupier of the slot was more underwhelming than I'd expect as Town, I think seeking a claim is perfectly within reason.
Hold on. I'm going for Ultra now?
This is Ekko-tier misrepresentation. If you followed the context, you would see that Ultra was saying he felt you would ordinarily be pursuing the box of him/CP/Psychic. I corrected that position, to say I felt like of the three, he would be pursuing CP at this point, not you.

You have no excuse for this. You would have seen exactly what I was quoting when you pulled this up, and it makes no sense for you them to interpret that as me suggesting you were actually going for Ultra.

In fact:

Vote: Dalton

You will explain this or die, because I see no reason for you to perform this process if you're not explicitly trying to remove context from what you're quoting in an effort to create a "gotcha".
Do you have any proper, strong scumreads? For all the debates and arguments you're getting into this game, it seems odd that you are so non-committal on having a strong direction.


For the benefit of everyone else, this is the context of the discussion that Dalton has just removed entirely from his QUOTE to question my position:
@Ratchet I've noticed you've put Dalton in your scum pile, can you tell me what you make of this post?

I think what's bothering me here (and yesterday) is that Dalton's tie-in feels completely dependent on CP being scum, but he doesn't go for CP at all.

There's a hole here as well - he doesn't have to assume I'm town off of his assumption that I wouldn't bus 2 mates. He can still conclude CP is the odd townie out after Psychic's flip. This isn't taken into consideration at all.
Independently I haven't had any major issue with Dalton's posts, he's there because I haven't seen anything that makes me think he must be town too. I see your point, but the "hole" can be reconciled by him simply having a scum read of CP entirely independent of any association with you (like he said). So yeah I don't really have a problem with the post - if I have a problem with anything it's trying to read into players distancing before grounding his scum reads on either.
It can, but then the problem is his opener is a pivot onto BPD, so that's really why I'm questioning it, because it could be possible lip service. His stated process seems ok but you would presume follow through if he has created this box of me/cp/psychic
I'd assume he'd go for CP here, yes, not you as per his stated positions. I don't love his BPD direction either.
So can anyone here explain how, reading all of this, and he would have no excuse not to do so given he is catching up and the quotes are provided in each post verbatim, Dalton comes away with the impression that I'm arguing Dalton is going for Ultra, or anything even close to resembling that?

He was grabbing quotes so he could argue them for the sake of posterity without any regard for actually parsing them, that's not town.


For the benefit of everyone else, this is the context of the discussion that Dalton has just removed entirely from his QUOTE to question my position:

So can anyone here explain how, reading all of this, and he would have no excuse not to do so given he is catching up and the quotes are provided in each post verbatim, Dalton comes away with the impression that I'm arguing Dalton is going for Ultra, or anything even close to resembling that?

He was grabbing quotes so he could argue them for the sake of posterity without any regard for actually parsing them, that's not town.
Poor post crying for attention.
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