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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
Okay, but if you saw it as deflection, you must have thought that I was thinking that I got caught? Like what am I deflecting from exactly?
Deflecting from answering my question. I just wanted to know what the alliance was, simple as that lol.
D1 is never a crap shoot.
How many games have you nailed scum D1 in a game this large without it just coming from someone claiming Mechanical results early? Actually curious, since for me it feels extremely rare among all the games i've been in. I build my reads up over time, with that in mind.

Ew. You literally just said you enjoyed having back and forths and you're denying that chance with Poyser?
It's not mutually exclusive. I can enjoy conversations while wanting to focus on one in particular. Quality over quantity, you know?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I'm lost, where is the "slip"?
This post:

Not true.
He just doesn't wanna look bad if xenos flips town.
NAI at all
Makes me think that in his mind Pein thinks Xenos is Town, actually.

He supposedly thinks Xenos is scummy, so if Poyser thinks the same I would think it‘s a mindmeld if I was him and this would be a reason to think Poyser is rather Town than scum. So how does this post even make a bit of sense from a Town Pein pov?

The X

But xenos, from your perspective, me deflecting from your question, and you voting me, must mean you thought TSA was scummy or that I was hiding some information from you. Your instant vote on me for this supposed deflecting doesn't really seem like you were simply curious about what TSA was.

More than you think! I might not always be able to get them lynched D1, but I definitely catch them D1. It's actually curious you think D1s are so useless? Then why play them? I think you've played enough games with me to know that I take D1 serious, yeah?


The Nexus
Pegg said something like if xenos is town poyser is scum and vice versa.

We are a handful of pages in the game, so I’m a bit worried you’re setting me up for down the line with that. Way too early to rule out me and xenos being town/town

I mean, that's probably true. But my talking on definites could just be cheap bait. You worried about being lynched this game?

Poyser is a solid Town lean for me atm.

I said this to flower.

Not true.
He just doesn't wanna look bad if xenos flips town.
NAI at all

So you think Xenos will flip Town?

Flower saying I am outed for saying poyser aint confirmed town or something

The X

So used to the Hisoka Avi I didn't recognize his posting style . Guess I should've been clued in him by how he refers to scum as "wolves". That's a trademark.
This avi was provided to me by Retro, aka pelosi, who also gave me my pegged name.


Kinda interesting that xenos chose to only talk to BPD over me when he apparently didn’t even realise who BPD was. I had been operating under the assumption it was due to familiarity between them but I guess not… unless he’s lying


I suppose that's fair. I just read his response and it does make some sense though, I don't think I'd call it a "slip" at least.

Thoughts on what else I said to you? Noticed both you and Xenos no sold it.
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