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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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King of Conquerors
Nah, the recent votes were on him just when Tweet was leading. Idk I think I'd go for Tweet over him, but maybe that's just me kek.
I'm just finishing what I started D1


Tweet-kun might be scum too, though opposing.

I haven't read this DP, so I have no info.

But since Xad is still on the table, it's a no-brainer for a no-brainer (me, since I have no brain nor thoughts, just a burning desire)


Professional Troll
Be honest, are you saying it only because you're one of them? I subbed in, didnt get any summary or anything, i read WUs and last like 30 posts before lynch and quoted ones that caught my eye. I'm not reading 100 pages to post complex reads on everyone
I think the one to me is maybe the least egregious. But also poorly thought out.

I’m not asking for complex reads or you to fully solve the game. But the thoughts you did put down, were nonsense. I’d rather you say nothing/that head empty than what you did (silly reasons for not liking things)


I feel like Xadlin is a fine lynch choice but unless he flips scum, what would it reveal information wise? Sorta of echoing Flower on this from day 1 but he's barely interacted with few if anyone in the game directly. Let me double check here...

- most recent post was him asking to sub out because of low activity
- voted Psychic
- then a post or two summarizing the current game state
- was implying he would be okay with voting on TSworder based off Ratchet's observations of him coming off as nervous
- voted TSworder in day 1

That's really about all he's done so far. What can we gleam from this? He seems to follow Ratchet with a lot of trust.


King of Conquerors
how do i remove ratting?
Once you've ratted ain't no going back.

Snitches get stictches.

Now, who is your teammates.

Might as well just spill the beans now that you've started.

Because it feels too rushed now. Also Tweet has actual interactions to analyze while Xad has nothing. He's literal lynchbait as well, for one scum team at the minimum.
This is a compelling argument, I will have to consult my consultant advisor @Black Pegged Dragon for his opinion on this matter.

What is your thought on this? Do we follow reason and logic, or our instincts?

I will listen to your insights, Lord of Black


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I mean, if he's scum, cool. But even so there's one team he's not part of at the very least and they can either just no vote or vote him and use him for content...it's horrible.


Divine Departure
Once you've ratted ain't no going back.

Snitches get stictches.

Now, who is your teammates.

Might as well just spill the beans now that you've started.

This is a compelling argument, I will have to consult my consultant advisor @Black Pegged Dragon for his opinion on this matter.

What is your thought on this? Do we follow reason and logic, or our instincts?

I will listen to your insights, Lord of Black
You're scum, aren't you :dead


K sorry y’all, I haven’t been active at all the dp. Between work and school I’ve been stretched all the way thin. I saw the whole box thing and RDK and Tweet being highly likely TAT’s mate. Which one of the two is the better one to place my vote based off vc right now?
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