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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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Believe me when I say I agree with the sentiment, I discussed this topic with Prof a week ago. His burning it was a product of that discussion (you can see with my post around then to encourage him to lean into it). That being said, I don't really see Flower burning it by herself like this. I mean, jeez, I've been blocked on every forum apparently because I told her that I felt she was unbalanced with her criticism of games (which she took to mean I thought she should never be happy in games or something, it was silly). Someone that sensitive is very very unlikely to willfully tank their one get out of jail card they have for the sake of getting a single free ride as scum. If she were to quit Mafia, I'd more easily drop the angle, I'd love to, but she isn't, so it would require me to believe she would invite future pressure when she really doesn't need to.

Q.E.D She's likely town and I absolutely would put it past her to burn it here.

The X

Alright I'm all caught up after a 85% effort read through. Don't really have any contributions right now, but I definitely have thoughts.


Gonna say the "this Sworder wagon seems too easy" argument seems silly to me when the wagon at the time of people saying stuff like that is 6 or 7/26
With the rate the wagon formed, it was very much coming across as easy given how early it started happening.

Especially considering the ration, only like half the players had posted by that same time, and the only person being universally named as a legit scum read from essentially everyone was T Sword. Seemed like a lot of players were putting too much focus there and going for potential low hanging fruit.

The X

I get it Ratchet, I do, but I think this is one that we just won't see eye to eye on. I will give her the benefit of the doubt for now, but I'm worried she'll become a distraction or just follow votes blindly like last game. I won't trust that slot.

The X

Give me some reads!


Hey, I'm down to catch all the pelts together as you want, my wolf friend. As long as those wolves keep flipping, you and me have zero issues.

you have no idea how badly i want to win. a scum win means nothing on this site, scum win every time. but a town win? i love rubbing salt in the wounds and there's so many of WS friends here to do that to!
who would you call out specifically for that?


I get it Ratchet, I do, but I think this is one that we just won't see eye to eye on. I will give her the benefit of the doubt for now, but I'm worried she'll become a distraction or just follow votes blindly like last game. I won't trust that slot.
Believe me when I say I want to be on board with what you're saying, I really do think it goes against the spirit of the game and should have no place here, but I just can't ignore it. As far as the rest of her play is - well I'm far from impressed, and I suspect her actual reason for using it straight away is to enable putting in as little effort into defence as possible.



do you know what a policy lynch is? y'all should have started policy lynching.


Give me some reads!
I’m not in the mood to give explanations but I’ll give you a taste of my reads,

Town Leans:

Scum Leans:

T Sword

The people I’m missing haven’t been relevant or notable enough for me to have specific thoughts about.


Off the top of my head, Xadlin’s vote was suspect but that was already mentioned. I think the push on T sword in general was a bit much as mentioned earlier, but I’m going to look back on the people that voted him specifically.



if you agree that tat is a scum lean do you mind joining the wagon!

and if you do join the wagon can you provide a reason for that scum lean.


Add flower to that neutral/null list

Hans Tweetenberg

Hans wondered if sword was town last game
Juliet saw some player have town reads, said they are town hunters but got no town reads
Aurelian seems a consensus to be town
has sword even responded to the wagon?

ratcher says sworder dont seem relaxed and nitpicking
magic says hayumi and poison are town based on 2/25
rarchet votes for sworder
dragon votes sworder
poison when town fluffs and when scum less shitposty
Ratchet likes hayumi
Okay looks like a classic case of recollection without any actual input, this slot can go



In connection with the earlier post of you leading TSworder to perceive Ratchet as scum, I think you're encouraging suspicion for the sake of suspicion

Anyway there seems to be more competent players than the precious 2 games I played, whatever wagons you go for and interactions you have with flipped scum, Hayumi has said some good stuff, Aurelian has challenged you already

Town is fundamentally flawed as a whole but it's better for them to have content than to not have it, whether you as scum think you can twist it your way, cool, that's what the game is about!


if you agree that tat is a scum lean do you mind joining the wagon!

and if you do join the wagon can you provide a reason for that scum lean.
I prefer my Kobe vote atm. They’re at the bottom of my list focus with only a slight scum lean.
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