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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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I'm hearing all bark and no bite here.

Anyway tempted to put a town/scum/null vibes list out and let that sit as a barometer for the future rounds in the game:

Me: Town
BPD: Null/Town lean
Dr_Prof: Null
Flower: Town lean
Gadmin: Null
Hans Tweetenberg: Town lean
Hayumi: Null/soft Town lean
Hime: Null/slight scum
John Wayne: Null
Juliet: Null
Kobe: Scum lean
Lord Melkor: Null
Magic: Null
Mango: Null/slight indie vibe
Natalija: Null/slight scum lean
One Last Username: Null/indie vibe
Poison: Null
Psychic:: Null
Ratchet: Town lean
RDK: Null
RÆM: Null
Ruffles: Null
TAT: Town lean (lesbian)
T-Pein: Null/Town lean
TSworder: Scum lean
Xadlin: No idea/null
Updating/Fixing: Magic as Null/Indie lean

People have mentioned in past games playing with him he can blend in well as scum and his play style doesn't much change as indie or town. I will revisit these reads (assuming survival) and update them as the game progresses but these are my first impressions and general thoughts.

I don't really have much to work with or have seen with Gadamin, Juliet, Psychic, Raem, Ruffles, or Xadlin. Others I will revisit and go over in depth when I ISO what they have put in.

Town will win this time.

The X

You've basically answered your own question so what solving do you think you're going to get done with a post like this?

Wow that's awfully leading

Ratchet has said somethings that I agree and some I haven't, Tsworder seems a weaker player and Ratchet taking advantage by being more aggressive but I agree with this direction
I like to just throw shit out there and see what reactions I can get.

The X

Am I the only one vibing on Magic power wolfing here and hunting the other team? I'm definitely leaning that way over townie at this moment.

The X

Discussing your own scum style

Asking someone to comit to a read on you is pretty weird.

Lol this post. This looks kinda performative in how you're spending this much effort on an aside.

A bit arrogant no?

These points are true, except the final one assumes we're dealing with multiple inexperienced scum.

Why is Town Ratchet this invested in painting his scum self as being perfect at imitating his town self hmmmm
Do you think wolf Ratchet is hunting wolves are just trying to fit his town self?


what's my agenda tat? and if you feel like i have an agenda why have you not voted for me.

it might with a scum lynch!

so far all you've done is multi-quote catchups. while you have addressed some posts as the game has been going, for a large part youve been detached from the active discussion, i.e. it makes it very easy for you to blend in.

to add to that your outright dismissal of the chance i could be scum in our earlier exchange seems sloppy. again it would be something you consider a risk. tweet outright said it isn't worth giving me a town read as ive done nothing that i wouldn't be capable of doing as scum. you, on the other hand, felt like it doesn't matter if im town or scum because ill still drive content that's useful for town. the obvious drawback is i use that content to lynch townies. i might get "caught" out for this but the damage would already be done and put town at a deficit. again the possibility you didnt seem to care about.

lastly you just bailed when i started pressing you. could be for real life reasons, but you might also just not want to deal with me pushing you and want me to get distracted into something else.

I don't think it was outright dismissal at all hence why I think you have an agenda somewhat, you like to come up with a lot of conclusions that you do a lot of reaching for. like because I didn't call you scum I'm outright dismissing it? not the best analysis there.

while you can drive content as scum the obvious town defence to that would be to make up our own minds and not listen to you if the case is not there. you're selling town pretty short

and yeah I did bail, wasn't much to respond to tbh

The X

Gonna say the "this Sworder wagon seems too easy" argument seems silly to me when the wagon at the time of people saying stuff like that is 6 or 7/26
Also town has been burnt way too many times in this site not just going after scummy play. Tsword didn't look good under pressure and definitely looked worse for his susses. I do think he's struggling for content and to fit in.


Am I the only one vibing on Magic power wolfing here and hunting the other team? I'm definitely leaning that way over townie at this moment.


Updating/Fixing: Magic as Null/Indie lean

People have mentioned in past games playing with him he can blend in well as scum and his play style doesn't much change as indie or town. I will revisit these reads (assuming survival) and update them as the game progresses but these are my first impressions and general thoughts.

I don't really have much to work with or have seen with Gadamin, Juliet, Psychic, Raem, Ruffles, or Xadlin. Others I will revisit and go over in depth when I ISO what they have put in.

Town will win this time.

im confused, who are you referencing. also i can blend in well as scum so im indy? why not just scum, i dont get it.

The X

no i mean they talked about a town tell when she says she's 100% town that she's always town.
Oh yeah, her 'truth tell'. Honestly, fuck her truth tell. I don't really know the history of it, but apparently there's a few of them that do truth tells in games that means they're town, no questions asked. It's so lame and this is now the second game I've seen Flower do it in. Prof also did it in that game and the last game here, and he burned it as wolf here. So I wouldn't put it past Flower that she's burning it her. At the very best, that shit is NAI and I'm not letting her slide as town because of a truth tell. Fuck that.


im confused, who are you referencing. also i can blend in well as scum so im indy? why not just scum, i dont get it.
The game is multi-ball.

Scum Team A (Empire or whatever)
Scum Team B (Alliance or whateveR)

Hans Tweetenberg

I'm pretty indifferent to the claim. Setup spec will be the death of town in this game, but I'm open to exploring other options rather than sitting on one.

[vote dr. prof]

im not really sure i liked the transition of admitting to lurking, saying he will continue to lurk and be back day 1 while flower tells everyone else to vote him, then him sticking around and actually providing things. as ratchet brought up earlier, him so openly admitting to playing out his scum meta is somewhat jarring if he was scum, but then he went back on it and started providing stuff immediately, which seems like he's appeasing the crowd.
Don't hate this but also Prof didn't vibe scummy to me during those posts he made. It's not something I can really explain, pure gut read.


Therefore the potential there are serial killers, hostile Indies, multiple scummies in disguise can't really be neglected as a concept.

The X

It's actually more of an "honor" code. Specifially, when she says "I am town. 100% honesty" she is always Town. X tends to dismiss this stuff out of hand so I don't have issue with him ignoring it. X = Black Pegged Dragon.
I bet her watching Prof burn it has inspired her.


I don't think it was outright dismissal at all hence why I think you have an agenda somewhat, you like to come up with a lot of conclusions that you do a lot of reaching for. like because I didn't call you scum I'm outright dismissing it? not the best analysis there.

while you can drive content as scum the obvious town defence to that would be to make up our own minds and not listen to you if the case is not there. you're selling town pretty short

and yeah I did bail, wasn't much to respond to tbh

you said i have an agenda after i called you after for dismissing myself being a threat as scum. that was you fixing what i called you out for. what agenda do you see?

i didn't say anything about you needing me to call me scum. i said you didn't even concern yourself with the possibility. you went straight to buddying me talking about how i could teach people here things and i asked you what if im scum in which you responded with "well it doesn't matter because town will catch you eventually in a wash". there's no history of that with people familiar with me, which i pointed out, so the fact you think it would go better with unfamiliar people makes no sense unless you're apart of one of the teams that can then take me out without worry.

town hasn't won a game on this site and you were literally asking me to teach people things on here both in this game and the discord but youre saying im selling town short? there's no consistency there.
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