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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread


How are those obvious omissions?

I assume based on the Ekko wagon which I'll admit to not really having analyzed properly yet

Ratchet I've thought has been very underwhelming but asides from that I don't have any idea why you'd expect me to have a solid read on him, don't think I've ever read Ratchet well.



Hm ok

He made and attempt to appeal to Ekko's wagon gaining traction as a sign he might be town

But then he also took both his leads off the table after claim, and they weren't even terribly bulletproof, so doesn't really fit with the idea he was saving kekkers


ekko was pretty much sealed in death by the time the other two claimed though?

nibel was receptive to instruction and if ekko said to just finish him off there he wouldn't hesitate.



Wdym analyzed properly?

I didn't take you as another pencil pushing geek like me or Magic. You caught up right? That should give you something. Like 50% of the day was him getting absolutely demolished. That's kinda my gripe with you from the get go, you're treating this like something you haven't gotten around to, I don't see how you could possibly ignore it. Which leads me to thinking you're not making these connections as a conscious choice.


ekko was pretty much sealed in death by the time the other two claimed though?

nibel was receptive to instruction and if ekko said to just finish him off there he wouldn't hesitate.

Ah, but Nibel also didn't finish him off though did he? He got his CW but then just slinked back and unvoted.



What do you think I mean?

If you think I should be town reading yourself, ratchet and fang then I'm assuming it's related to Ekko and something I've not seen.

I have absolutely no idea in particular why you'd think I would have a town read on Ratchet otherwise? Please explain


[Vote lynch Orca]

Not really feel what Magic/RDK are cooking but dunno if I feel like resolving that on my own. Maybe with some backing.

Don't feel like either of you have properly addressed this knob and he's diverted from Ekko far more aggressively as well


Ah, but Nibel also didn't finish him off though did he? He got his CW but then just slinked back and unvoted.
this is actually a good point.

he just ended day off with nothing instead of leaving retro on the table or saying the vt claim makes him scum.


I don't really read Polar Bear or Orcas posts...like at all



are you asking aurelian to come push me on your behalf?


Watson is up there, she's basically vanished, would lunch

Other than that I got suspects I'd like to see more from like Polar, Lethal, maybe Belgium if he's around
I don't see Watson using a claim with low longevity. Especially not if her teammate was the other option for the day.

Her play has been poor I agree but I just don't see her as scum

The Orca

Ok ok

Do you have any scum leads on players who I'm not required to assume hard bussed
Dofla 2 - Ratchet, Melkor

Ekko 5 - Gad, Luka, Watson, Tpein, Xadlin

Watson 7 - Alco, Ekko, Tweet, Poyser, Nibel, Magic, Hime
Ratchet avoided Ekko until last possible time basically
Vote: Ekko
The hammer
Is it hammer time yet?

Should I hammer him?

[Vote lynch Ekko]

Oh is this hammer
3 people either not knowing the vote count or playing games...interesting
Of the people off Ekko...Aurelian, Ratchet, Lethal, Melkor, Nibel

People who was on Watson when she took the lead, but flipped late to Ekko or elsewhere or not involved

Poyser, Ratchet, Nibel, Magic, Hime, Lethal

Removing the suspects I've been pushing (Aurelian, Ratchet, Poyser). That leaves Nibel, Magic, Hime, Lethal

Feeling Hime and Magic good for the day...Nibel and Lethal would be the targets