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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread


I'd agree with Poyser that Dofla's wagon is not doing a lot for me. There's next to nothing in their posts.

I do however find it a bit odd that quite a few people are feeling uneasy about Watson/Retro yet no-one is willing to join me on that wagon :hogansun
She's a slow burn type of player from my pov. I generally think she's just hard to peg down whatever alignment she plays in. I don't like the idea of shooting at the hip on her in day 1. She was a bit similar like this in the last game and had to claim her Cop role to save herself from getting potentially night vigged.

Pretty indifferent on Dofla, but your view on Magic?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Based on past history, he's an easy day 1 wagon and you've never shied from that in the past here or on NF. Last time was Craig's game but you were a late sub and game in like day 3.

as town or scum? i dont recall voting melkor day 1 for sake of it ever

when i subbed in for craigs game i didnt vote melkor. i thought poyser duelling him in day 3 was scummy for poyser



as town or scum? i dont recall voting melkor day 1 for sake of it ever

when i subbed in for craigs game i didnt vote melkor. i thought poyser duelling him in day 3 was scummy for poyser
OP game a few months back iirc and yes when you subbed in it was very apparent Melkor was town when he was immediately dueled.


She's a slow burn type of player from my pov. I generally think she's just hard to peg down whatever alignment she plays in. I don't like the idea of shooting at the hip on her in day 1. She was a bit similar like this in the last game and had to claim her Cop role to save herself from getting potentially night vigged.

Pretty indifferent on Dofla, but your view on Magic?
I know last game I disliked his entrance and I don't get the same vibes here. His usual MO is looking for as much town reads as possible early on and seems like he's doing that here, though the Retro read is a bit generous imo. But nothing that's rubbing me the wrong way, honestly.

Should be noted I was wrong on Magic last game, however lol


I'd agree with Poyser that Dofla's wagon is not doing a lot for me. There's next to nothing in their posts.

I do however find it a bit odd that quite a few people are feeling uneasy about Watson/Retro yet no-one is willing to join me on that wagon :hogansun
Ill join your wagon if you give me some thoughts on magic. Deal?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
OP game a few months back iirc and yes when you subbed in it was very apparent Melkor was town when he was immediately dueled.
so whats the point ur trying to make?

dressrosa op game i didnt vote melkor for no reason early either..i actually only did vote melkor and push melkor early in your bloodborn game when i was scum and melkor was looking like a free mislynch


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
ill leave magic to my right hand man poyser

ill handle ultra

MHW all over again


I wanna give some town points to Aurelian for going to bat for Retro somewhat. Don't think someone would stick their neck out like that if scum tbh.


I know last game I disliked his entrance and I don't get the same vibes here. His usual MO is looking for as much town reads as possible early on and seems like he's doing that here, though the Retro read is a bit generous imo. But nothing that's rubbing me the wrong way, honestly.

Should be noted I was wrong on Magic last game, however lol
Thing is I usually agree or at least can see where he's coming from/what he's thinking. He just seems to be talking absolute bollocks here. Like his orca town vibes read lol?


I wanna give some town points to Aurelian for going to bat for Retro somewhat. Don't think someone would stick their neck out like that if scum tbh.
yeah he seems town just for his willingness to confront and engage tbh


Thing is I usually agree or at least can see where he's coming from/what he's thinking. He just seems to be talking absolute bollocks here. Like his orca town vibes read lol?
I'll agree the Orca read is quite random. Calling it a push when you hadn't even entered the thread yet :biden

It's just that Magic just making random stuff up is not something he usually even does as scum though? Or am I too generous now?


I know last game I disliked his entrance and I don't get the same vibes here. His usual MO is looking for as much town reads as possible early on and seems like he's doing that here, though the Retro read is a bit generous imo. But nothing that's rubbing me the wrong way, honestly.

Should be noted I was wrong on Magic last game, however lol
Yeah and I was wrong on you in fairness too. And uh our vig last time for shooting you. Either way I want to see if she can replicate her town self all over again in this.

so whats the point ur trying to make?

dressrosa op game i didnt vote melkor for no reason early either..i actually only did vote melkor and push melkor early in your bloodborn game when i was scum and melkor was looking like a free mislynch
I'm saying basically you know Melkor is usually an easy player for you go push or pressure, so it's weird how you barely interacted with him.


I'll agree the Orca read is quite random. Calling it a push when you hadn't even entered the thread yet :biden

It's just that Magic just making random stuff up is not something he usually even does as scum though? Or am I too generous now?
He thinks hes above being accused of it though. He knows people expect him to look for town reads and he also knows that if anybody says anything then people like me or cp will come in and be like "this is how magic plays he always gives easy town reads" and he can defend himself like he usually does by going "lol dont question my reads i am better than you and my town reads are always great". Here it just feels off. Like hes doing it for the sake of it. There's a reason I almost never suspect him much on D1 and its usually cos I either agree or can at least follow where he's going