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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread


He's done more as town in other games but that's generally as the game moves on. I'm comparing his play here to other games in which he's been scum not other games he's been town as the latter is much more likely to result in a false lead than the former

What do you think of Ratchet being hung up on my first post of the game/vote on luka

Xaldin has a habit of doing literally nothing at times due to inactivity, tkok-esque.
But you've just confirmed then that he's not being proactive in relativity to himself lol, so where does the town read come from? I get not reading him scum because of what you said, I don't read him scum either. I just don't see where a town read comes at all

As for Xadlin, kinda sounds like that's not alignment indicative then?


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Can you think of a game where she, as scum, has come under pressure early and stayed calm?
No, but that's partly on me. My memory's shit. My best memory of her play is the last one as town. Her panicking was obvious there and it feels nothing like what she's acting like this game.


Yeah I dont really have an issue with any of Ratchet's posts. I agree with his post about you calling Luka's excitement faux excitement because I got the same impression (that it was real). I don't really see him getting caught up on it, just trying to see how you got there


But you've just confirmed then that he's not being proactive in relativity to himself lol, so where does the town read come from? I get not reading him scum because of what you said, I don't read him scum either. I just don't see where a town read comes at all

As for Xadlin, kinda sounds like that's not alignment indicative then?
I literally confirmed the opposite. Relative to his scum games this is being more proactive.

Idk how you don't see a town read in someone that often does nothing then breaking that meta by being interested in doing a lot. That's town actions 9 times out of 10.

Why are you so concerned with trying to disspell my town reads? There is no benefit here to that.


No, but that's partly on me. My memory's shit. My best memory of her play is the last one as town. Her panicking was obvious there and it feels nothing like what she's acting like this game.
:pogba1:so how does what she's doing here translate to a town read then exactly?


I literally confirmed the opposite. Relative to his scum games this is being more proactive.

Idk how you don't see a town read in someone that often does nothing then breaking that meta by being interested in doing a lot. That's town actions 9 times out of 10.

Why are you so concerned with trying to disspell my town reads? There is no benefit here to that.
He's not interested in doing a lot though???


Yeah I dont really have an issue with any of Ratchet's posts. I agree with his post about you calling Luka's excitement faux excitement because I got the same impression (that it was real). I don't really see him getting caught up on it, just trying to see how you got there
So despite years of experience with me you found that to be a genuine and real read on post 3?


Also that's so transparent magic :bosque1: Im not dissuading your town reads at all, Im suspecting you. There's a pretty big difference


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
I have to say, something felt off about Magic's town reads this time and I can't for the life of me explain why so...

I'll shut up for now


Magic you seem really defensive right now m8. Aside from Luka and you saying Craig is the hardest player for you to read, you've just double downed on defending Orca more than necessary for a day 1 kickoff.


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
:pogba1:so how does what she's doing here translate to a town read then exactly?
Lemme rephrase this for you. I saw her panic. This game was not it. Aka, I don't think the "Retro was panicking" angle is accurate.

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
I'm currently reading the 10 pages that I didn't already read. Luka, please stop. Can you stop posting for one hour or two?


hes the only t1 thats actually cooking and i vibe with
Ah, I see. Forget I asked.
I didn't check my.mentions the first time. It was for pressure seeing as it was for the first post of the game. Not exactly sure why you're so hung up on that singular post and read. Pray tell.
I wouldn't say I'm hung up on it, I had the exact opposite impression because it didn't feel fake at all. You don't strike me as the type to make up a reason that you don't believe in at least a little bit either to qualify a read, so am I to take this as a concession that you did?