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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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@Cubey if u trust me, please shoot one of nibel or rdk tonight
i might be lynched today and u will probs die the next phase as we cant protect u but please carry this out

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Still, he seems to be the counter wagon

Unless there's a bigger brain play like killing Ultra, scum would not risk bussing two mates in the same day this late in the phase

Or they're nuts and like to experiment for funsies


So your excuse here is you jazzed your shots out nights 1 and 2 with no strategy that you might being hampering the vig or protecting scum? Sounds like a Chuck problem if your telling the truth.
i'll just stop talking to you for now, i'm just repeating the same words

Dr. Watson

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Okay NVM I'm less okay with Ratchet being part of the equation, too much motive here to proceed to get a wagon on him going right now

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Jesus :heston

In cold blood
Btw how do you feel about Aurelian's scum potential

Only damning thing that there is would be his voting pattern, but that isn't substantial enough to go on obviously and he clearly reads as town for me


i trust in cubey
if i am lynched today, he will see that im town anyway and shoot at u 2
You trust the guy that killed magic and a guy that killed a guy on my never lynch list

Hime I know you respect my town game

Why would you trust someone that directly disobeyed it


You trust the guy that killed magic and a guy that killed a guy on my never lynch list

Hime I know you respect my town game

Why would you trust someone that directly disobeyed it
this isnt ur town game


Just for everyone that needs help.

Ultra asked for hime protection

Ultra died

Regardless of himes shots available

Scum wasn't scared of hime

Because hime is scum
i mean, it somewhat makes sense if Ultra asked for bus drive again last DP

if hime wasn't asked to do that then not really
bc it was u and u r not scared of making big kills and risks like that as scum bc ur ballsy like that
that sounds like omgus tbh .-.
If you bus drove Nibel to Cubey, my ability would've failed to redirect Flower who was targeting Nibel in the first place.
What does Nibel-Cubey BD has to do with you targetting Flower? Flower wasn't the one being BD'd


I think the safest bet today is either Ratchet or Chuck. Ratchet's flip if town dooms RDK. If he isn't town it cements Hime as scum.
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