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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
By the way, I agree 100% people should think over the slot - I'll go as far to say we should have last game.

It's that she herself drives so much ire and fatigue that when a wagon like hers deviates from people's positions previously intrigues me. It's a major change for a lot of people here.

Or alot of you are just unbearably horny for an Ultra lynch.

I'm kind of split on Ultra. He's more in line with town meta. He seemingly can't please the crowd this game because if he's not aggressive enough he's scum, and if he's too passive he's scum. He's in a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't situation here. It implies that there's some agenda pressing. Some are trying to bait him into being more dominant, some are trying to determine whether his lack of domination over the thread means he's taking a step back and allowing his mates to carry.

I don't get that kind of vibe from the latter scenario, but I could be wrong.
The portrayal of what town Ultra is/would be is causing the hangup. I think people like you scumreading him, for instance, is simply a way to protect themselves from being pocketed. I understand the motive for voting because of that.

Or I'm just really, really disappointed if he and Polar are being lazy and there's actually scum equity between them after all which is leading me to grasp shit out of thin air.


Leprous Monarch
Hot take here.

Oh cool

Slip how?

Why is no one else reading this shit as super scummy? All I sense from this post is cockiness

I don't like this. You were debating Ultra, and then suddenly you go back to this older RDK post and use it as a spring to go for Hime? It makes the whole thing with Ultra look fake. Not sure what that means but you're not looking that good to me rn.

Amazing movie yeah?

I've given up on Nipples reads

This is not an answer c'mon

I really understand why there's a wagon on you. It's been post after post of postponing anything

Do I look that incapable of making my own reads and reaching conclusions? 😭
I possess the rare gift of being able to change my mind


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Did you pushback on the Penguin wagon?

Here's the issue, if there's players that you (and everyone else) gives more lenience to that's different from a player that is notoriously known to cause havoc because of previous interactions that have muddied the waters with most players vs someone like Aurelian who people are more willing to allow the slot to self-resolve.

Basically, if you didn't find whatever dude's wagon you diverted and encouraged others to think over more, it implies you don't have any longstanding issues with the player. With the user base, no one here usually tends to care about resolving a slot like hers. Everyone is usually happy to lynch Penguin compared to someone like Fang (where there's pushback.)

There's longstanding issues with Penguin in particular and controversies trying to dissect her play.

Do you believe that in the future most here would view her as NAI, then? Did something evolve here like you've evolved by trying to be more logical and holding back your frustration (you're doing a good job and sticking to it, I'm proud)?

Do you think it's that scum doesn't want to go for an easy lynch and be held accountable for a town mislynch or do you think there's a reason her wagon has a harder time gaining traction this game? What would be that reason?

Let's do a thought exercise.

Would it ring alarm bells for you if RDK went out of his way to express a Penguin lynch is a bad move (in a bizarro world) he'd give a slot like this a chance to live?
First thing I only really started pushing back today when I ISO‘d Hime in different games and arrived at the conclusion she could be scum here which turned the Hime vs Ultra argument into a way more pressing matter for me that it originally was. Which made me think that flipping either her or Ultra today would be the more optimal move. I only really had her scum game from MHW in my memory in which Ultra and Magic coached tf out of her and she was way more timid, but her scum game has evolved since then.

That leads to me thinking that lynching Penguin is kinda even more whack because why aren‘t we gonna clear the above up.

About RDK he‘s actually more rational about it as well since he‘s naming an actual reason why he moved his vote back to Penguin instead of sticking to Hime or just giving a policy excuse.

I think, if she‘s scum and her mates aren‘t exactly Polar or Orca they‘re more willing to push for the wagon than not. That there‘s a bit of resistance is actually not a bad sign for me.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I also moved Ultra to null because he‘s demonstrated willingness to push the Hime wagon through today instead of getting cold feet which is what I was testing.


I also moved Ultra to null because he‘s demonstrated willingness to push the Hime wagon through today instead of getting cold feet which is what I was testing.
Don't act like you were testing anything lmfao

It literally took me telling you to give it a chance for you to relax


I also moved Ultra to null because he‘s demonstrated willingness to push the Hime wagon through today instead of getting cold feet which is what I was testing.

not sure what do you mean by that

when you're defending hime, ultra backed off and he pushed her again after you turned on her


Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
if you want a claim - i dont mind giving one. at this stage i feel some last minutes LHF and low posters will rush to lynch me
That's what I'm trying to understand

I feel like a lynch on you doesn't even have to gain traction, and no offense, it's way easier to lynch you regardless for most here because most find it pointless to deal with determining whether your slot should stay to avoid dwindling down town numbers vs genuine scumreads on you

The latter is kind of too early to tell and there's some grasping at straws and trying to think what your inactivity is actually indicative of

I really think that most wouldn't even wait to lynch you, perhaps it really is just a "bigger fish to fry"

Unless you give more content and interactions, of course, which you're doing now

Which means for me day 1 lynch priorities is a spectrum of

Untouchable slots for now:
Frinck is not on the table
Aurelian is not on the table
Flower was never on the table

Ultra is 50/50
Hime is 50/50
Polar is 50/50
Nibels is 50/50
Orca is 50/50

50/50 slots are coin flips I don't mind going at and lynching for today and the rest I don't know how to handle for now

I do feel that Ultra v Hime have a higher likelihood of just being T v T interactions, but I also haven't witnessed them as mates or have observed what would count as performative from Hime so I could be dead wrong, wish I didn't lack those details myself


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
There‘s also equity between Hime and Magic fwiw. She also gave Pein an unwarranted Town read in MHW, just like here for Magic. Pein, at that point, has done nothing either.
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