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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I'm gonna need this pile to start playing

Hans Tweetenberg
Also, this is a post that pinged me as part of his town play

He doesn't try to shade any of them, he's just trying to press for more posts from each of these posters

Strikes me as trying to genuinely analyze these slots to get more data vs the reverse psychology reads list he can easily use as a way to shade/derail as scum
For the latter, as town, he does this too but I can't determine if his reads list is reaction testing and baiting/inviting players to bite to see if his scum leans will give him something to feed on and actually hunt

But this is the only post thus far that 'townpings' me which isn't particularly substantial


There‘s also equity between Hime and Magic fwiw. She also gave Pein an unwarranted Town read in MHW, just like here for Magic. Pein, at that point, has done nothing either.

Eh I think if she's scum she might have actually TMI'd him there, the question then is who would be the odd man out of her town reads. Probably Retro.

@Ultra @CraigPelton

How do you read Flower and why

Obvious town = out of range
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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Discouraging strong players from making strong reads is bad play and serves only to benefit scum.
Where am I discouraging that, even? All I say is he should give his thoughts on actual pressing matters instead of random reads he can also give later.

Tf even.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I presume that if he is town, me being in the highest order on his scum list is him not being sure how to garnish my reactions because he literally just got out of a game with me where I diligently analyzed player reactions/what to do with what they said/how to spark debates among town to interfere with consensus
He RUDELY got in the way of this masterplan by dragging his ass smh

Tl;dr like Ratchet and Ultra's past reads when they were town, they were more comfortable with putting a null read/scum read on me and didn't feel comfortable just overlooking my slot because I'm a wild card

Not sure if it's hesitancy or foreshadowing a way to get a mislynch on me in later stages of the game which his mates WOULD PROVIDE A PUSH FOR HIM while he doesn't HAVE TO WORK HIS FURRY ASS OFF for

Okay I'm done


well, you're the one who entered the game saying "let's lynch xyz because of what they did in other game", no?
No. My vote on aurelian had nothing to do with him being a twat in the last game. It was because there was zero bite in his play and he wasn't solving. Then he flipped a switch and started to look more towny and as I mentioned it seemed a bit unnatural but I'm monitoring it.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
mostly sheeping fang atm
Okay but you understand that all the reasonings you've provided are not substantial and have little to go off of aside from you questioning why X player does Y

Why are you sleeping Aurelian in particular? What about his read on a slot makes you feel comfortable with that lynch?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Eh I think if she's scum she might have actually TMI'd him there, the question then is who would be the odd man out of her town reads. Probably Retro.

Obvious town = out of range
Idk Magic just seems weird this game. Usually I would have a read on him by now at that point, but I don‘t yet.
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