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Mad God Genis-Vell vs ToAru

If I remember correctly, The Marvel Universe has not only an inner layer but an outer layer for each Universe in and of itself that includes it's own various level of bullshit on top of that bullshit, each almost as big as the Universe itself is. It's not a packed Universe with other Universes within it, it's literal Universal Dimensions stacked on top with each other on top of many other shit all placed together not even counting the the actual places like the Overspace, Hyperspace and the like.

That's why the Marvel Universe, even one of them > To Aru and that's why it's more significant on how ridiculous Genis' Cosmic Awareness is as he's aware of everything within the Universe at once.

And Magus himself is a person equal to Thanos whose capable of some Universal fuckery himself and screwing with Marvel's Laws. So yeah, Genis is a monster even without us basically going with Jakk's version of Genis.


Slightly Above Average
What kinda durability do the top tiers of to aru even have. Like I said, I haven't read most of this thread so sorry if you gotta retell me stuff @Thegoldenboy2188 @Irradiance
According to Niang-Niang a MG can take an attack from another MG
“If you’re going to do it, do it quick,” said Nephthys listlessly. “I didn’t think Academy City was all that bad, so I might have second thoughts if you make me wait.”

“Okay, okay. By the way, what about the others? Y’know, like Chimera-chan.”

“They can withstand a single attack from another Magic God.”

“All okaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!”
Although that was after they were nerfed, so hard to say if that applies to their full strength versions.


Bakugou died for your lmao's
V.I.P. Member
Entropy technically is Eternity so Genis is probably at the highest degree of Universal also Cosmic awareness let's you know everything going on in the Universe at all times it why Heralds, Warlock, Quasar and the likes always show up and know a big event is coming it and the Power Cosmic as a whole are total bullshit cheat codes not saying it kills Toaru idk it at all just letting you know @Thegoldenboy2188

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
He's saying that you are literally bringing in walls of text when you can just select the feats that you want like everyone else does.
You don't need to bring in the equivalent of 7 different entire pages to point out that Othinus must be Multiversal+, just bring in that Phases are "Universal" and that she shattered them all, boom, there you go. And when someone else has issues with it, THEN bring in more snippets when you need to.
I did that cause you and everyone kept trolling, downplaying and kept going 'I can't understand phases' and when I explain phases. People still pretend they don't understand despite that.

No? We've been over that, that's why it's not being recognized no more than destroying multiple planets one after the other doesn't make you Solar System. The fact that even if we go by Phases = Universes, it's still Universes inside the sole basic Universe which is actually less impressive than you think it is.
why must i bother to reply, for chars who aren't legit universal and can put up a fight against strong comic chars?

Okay, let's break this down... again.

Touma after going through thousands of worlds where he's tortured and realizes that Othinus isn't destroying anything and instead is simply remaking shit.

He saw countless worlds and experienced countless forms of despair.

Some clearly cornered Kamijou Touma and attempted to crush him. Strange false accusations were forced onto him and a noose was put around his neck. He was stranded on a mountain with some acquaintances and he was forced to distribute his flesh to the others so they could survive until rescue arrived. He was lying unable to move on a hospital bed and was simply stuck like that all the way to his funeral. He was buried in humus and began to decompose while still alive, starting with the ends of the arms and legs. Earth was rendered unlivable and he was thrown into outer space to wander aimlessly in a capsule-like spaceship. As a puny human, he was destroyed by a giant robot or an asteroid.

The heart had no actual form, but Kamijou clearly felt his breaking. It was not being destroyed as if struck by a hammer or sliced in two by a sword. It was a quiet destruction as if termites had eaten into it and it was too late by the time the symptoms began to show.

Amid it all, he somehow managed to gather his thoughts bit by bit.

But he did not suddenly come up with a means of reversing or resolving the situation.

He was instead using his bloody hands to build a path there, piece by piece.


He spoke quietly in his hazy mind.

"You aren't actually destroying anything."

Othinus seemed surprised that he was only now realizing this.

The blonde-haired, eyepatch-wearing girl stood directly in front of the boy.


She was so close that he thought he detected a sweet aroma.

The world had become a vague marble pattern.

"There aren't thousands or millions of worlds. This is still our world. This whole time, we haven't moved anywhere."

Othinus herself states that Phases can contain physical places and what she's been doing is sticking Touma in Phases of her own creation because it's easier than destroying and creating everything.
Othinus spoke in a disinterested tone.

"Have you ever heard of phases?"


"This world was not pure and untouched to begin with. Christian, Buddhist, Celtic, Indian, Shinto, Incan, Aztec, Greek, Roman…and Norse. The various religions have placed layer after layer of various phases over the world like thin veils or filters. There is heaven, hell, the underworld, the Pure Land, Yomi, the abyss, Mount Olympus, the fairy island, Nirai Kanai, Asgard, and many others. At any rate, the world you have seen so far has been viewed through various colors of cellophane."

"You haven't destroyed any of those colored glasses."

As his vision wavered and he was unsure who he was speaking to, Kamijou managed to keep his mouth moving.

"When it comes down to it, you are a person who creates. It may be filled with malice and it may be similar to representing 'crushing a house' as 'creating a pile of rubble', but it does not change what you are. You are a person who creates."

"Call me a god. And what I have done is simple. I have created new filters and placed them over the world so the world appears to have changed. That is why the world appeared changed to you. This is a lot easier than destroying everything and building it back up every time. And your right hand contains the power to level out any foreign elements in the world, so it has difficulty functioning when I change the world itself. …Still, results are everything in the world. In the end, history will record it like this: the Magic God repeatedly destroyed the world and created new ones to make a single boy suffer as much as possible."

The Phases she sticks Touma in have stars.

The twinkling of the stars in the sky was an ominous ill omen.

Each and every one of them transformed into a sharp spear of light and poured down like rain.

Galaxies, matter, time, and fate, also exist.

Magic God Othinus could control everything. Without exaggeration, she controlled the world itself. If she wanted to, she could have galaxies collide to kill Kamijou Touma. Or she could break the bonds between the particles making up his body and cause his very existence to disperse. If she was the slightest bit dissatisfied with something, she could turn back time, re-lay the rails of fate that led to the future, and create the exact result she wanted.

And even shit like heaven and hell.

"Like I said, it seems Othinus has free control over the life and death of humans, but I think she has two distinct pieces of software, one for the living and one for the dead /return. Like a god, I guess /escape? Like a heavenly world and a human world /escape? Like heaven and hell /escape? It might be based in a religious concept I don't really understand /return."

And MG powers are explicitly painting over the world.

"I don't know the details of this whole 'phase' thing, but you have the ability to freely change the shape of the world like clay. Due to that, you completely forgot what world you originally lived in. You desperately tried to create a world based on the scenery you remembered. You added in and removed phase after phase. …And this was the work of a god. It was probably so close to perfect that no human could tell the difference. But as a god, 'close to perfect' wasn't good enough for you."

After seeing the world she had created with her own power, she had turned back without meaning to.

Given that, she must have feared her own power. If she had truly accepted it with nothing but joy, she would not have tried to turn back.

"In a later era, you wanted the lance and you wanted to alter the world. That must have been because your unease came back. You were concerned that your supposedly perfectly-made world was not so perfect after all. You wanted to work some more on the artwork you had already presented to the public. I don't know what you did to regain the power you had cast aside, but something must have happened for that know-it-all Ollerus to hate you so much. …You longed for the next world because you wanted to add another layer of paint to the canvas. That would explain your internal conflict."

And the words world, and phase are used interchangeably in Toaru.

"And you seem confused as to the scale we are talking about."

"What? Are you saying there's more?"

"Why are you talking about this on the tiny scale of Tokyo Bay? What I destroyed is not contained to just the small planet known as Earth."

Rather than just being destroyed once, the world had been remade into millions or even billions of forms to break Kamijou's mind, but it seemed their imagination had not brought them that far.

"But still," muttered fifteen centimeter Othinus. "Through all of those hundreds of billions of phases, I missed the Misaka Network that manipulated the border between life and death. Does he also contain the possibility to always show up or appear anew in every world or phase I created?"

So everything in Toaru supports that phases are universe-sized dimensions, at least the one that Othinus creates. And yet somehow that isn't actually universal. Despite how they are explicitly universe-sized and literally exactly like universes, destroying them isn't equal to destroying a universe.

Does that logic sound right in your head? I'm pretty sure there's a contradiction there. Like how does destroying something explicitly identical to a universe, not make you universal?
No? We've been over that, that's why it's not being recognized no more than destroying multiple planets one after the other doesn't make you Solar System.
And I'm gonna parrot what @Irradiance says, what?

I'm pretty sure the plus modifier means that you can casually destroy this, but can't destroy the next best thing.

Like someone whose a country buster+ is capable of casually destroying countries but not a continent.

Using your own example someone who can casually destroy planets but can't destroy a star would be planet busting+

Following this logic, someone who can casually destroy multiple universes but not an entire multiverse would be universal+.

Othinus is capable of destroying and creating billions of universe-sized dimensions that are identical to the universe, but not an entire multiverse. So she's universal+ in my definition.

So then what definition of universal+ are you using?

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member

It was over before it began

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
If I remember correctly, The Marvel Universe has not only an inner layer but an outer layer for each Universe in and of itself that includes it's own various level of bullshit on top of that bullshit, each almost as big as the Universe itself is. It's not a packed Universe with other Universes within it, it's literal Universal Dimensions stacked on top with each other on top of many other shit all placed together not even counting the the actual places like the Overspace, Hyperspace and the like.
Toaru literally has the same thing.

"Yes, the world is ultimately a straight line like the rubber string nailed onto pachinko machines. There is no infinite expanse of parallel worlds. But at the same time, the world is a rubber string. It can stretch or contract like time or space. The world we know has a surprising amount of waste. It's like using only ten frames when using sixty fps film. No one will notice if you stick some subliminal footage in using two or three of the leftover frames. This is what you wished for, isn't it? You Magic Gods wished for this even though you knew it could never come true. You checked the farthest reaches of the universe and all of the piled-up phases and you realized there was nothing new left. But if it was possible, you wished to leave behind this troublesome world and spread your wings in a new world no one else knows of."

So Marvel's applicable but Toaru's isn't?
I did that cause you and everyone kept trolling, downplaying and kept going 'I can't understand phases' and when I explain phases. People still pretend they don't understand despite that.

No because it doesn't even fit with what the author stated that there is literally just the one Universe in To Aru, that's the entire problem.

Golden, I'm going to tell you this again and this is why Blade keeps saying the same thing so I will say it here for the 3RD TIME.
It doesn't matter how many Universes Othinus destroys, that doesn't make her or any other being in To Aru Multiversal or even Universe+ because that's not how our figures work.

This is WHY we keep saying the things we have said "Destroying a trillion planets overtime doesn't make you equal to destroying the Sun" because in how we do things, Universe+ means destroying the Universe and the very space OUTSIDE of the Universe and fully fuck that up. Notice how we go about with DBS and Goku and Beerus having Universe+ isn't due to them destroying 2 Universes, it's the SPACE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSES that is counted as well.

Kamachi explicitly saying that there is only ONE universe in To Aru damned it completely because it doesn't matter even if we count Universal Phases, it's still just Universe level entirely.

Why do you think I don't do the same stuff for Fate and we keep the Nasuverse Earth at just Large Planet+(Because Earth's influence as well as Humanities extend well past Earth but not enough to where it would matter majorly) if you want me to use an example like that? It's not done for the hell it there either, it's to fit with the rules and how that series works.

That's why Blade is slagging you as you aren't actually LISTENING to us, you are basically walking around us.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

It was over before it began
I'm not even debating Genis VS Toaru anymore, as I told @Masterblack06 I've accepted that Toaru will lose. I'm just stumped by all of this shitty debating.

Like I ask @Blade hey how powerful is this Genis dude? Because I don't know comics outside of the DCEU and MCU. Especially seemingly obscure characters.

He says.

"He fought this clone of Galactus and Thanos, oh but he isn't multiversal like Galactus is but Universal+."

helped to fight for a while against omega thanosi (a being which was thanos's clone mixed galactus's dna and was stated to be in several occasions as strong as the og and in others, even stronger than galactus, we know that he ain't stronger though cuz galactus's top tiers feats are still on the at least multiversal+ range, so we go by the minimum = still casual universal+ for omega thanosi)

"And created a Big Bang that helped defeat Eternity whose universal+."

And I'm like okay, here's proof that Othinus is universal+ plus as well, how universal+ is Genis? How powerful was the big bangs

Instead of actually answering like @GregSteve did and saying he had the Power Cosmic or Ultimate Nullifier, he instead just calls me a 'Sb bot' and ignores everything I say because what? I asked for proof?

And in the middle Xhominid and me arguing.


Man of Atom
the way Phases are described sound more like dimensions. For a lot of dimensional stuff unless it's exactly stated or shown to be universes sized, we don't normally peg them as being universal iirc. Otherwise we would have universe level kaguya and shit because her dimensions had stars and gravity and time, etc.

Is there any quotes or anything explicitly calling these dimensions "universe sized" in anyway?

With marvel these are easy to find

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
the way Phases are described sound more like dimensions. For a lot of dimensional stuff unless it's exactly stated or shown to be universes sized, we don't normally peg them as being universal iirc. Otherwise we would have universe level kaguya and shit because her dimensions had stars and gravity and time, etc.

Is there any quotes or anything explicitly calling these dimensions "universe sized" in anyway?

With marvel these are easy to find

I already posted those in the first page keep up.


Man of Atom

I already posted those in the first page keep up.
You keep up I said I didn't read the thread and even apologized if you guys needed to re tell me something again.

Don't make me take back the apology

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
No because it doesn't even fit with what the author stated that there is literally just the one Universe in To Aru, that's the entire problem.

Golden, I'm going to tell you this again and this is why Blade keeps saying the same thing so I will say it here for the 3RD TIME.
It doesn't matter how many Universes Othinus destroys, that doesn't make her or any other being in To Aru Multiversal or even Universe+ because that's not how our figures work.

This is WHY we keep saying the things we have said "Destroying a trillion planets overtime doesn't make you equal to destroying the Sun" because in how we do things, Universe+ means destroying the Universe and the very space OUTSIDE of the Universe and fully fuck that up. Notice how we go about with DBS and Goku and Beerus having Universe+ isn't due to them destroying 2 Universes, it's the SPACE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSES that is counted as well.

Kamachi explicitly saying that there is only ONE universe in To Aru damned it completely because it doesn't matter even if we count Universal Phases, it's still just Universe level entirely.
Then maybe you and @Blade should've explained that? I and @Irradiance asked this question before and only now are your answering.
Then maybe you and @Blade should've explained that? I and @Irradiance asked this question before and only now are your answering.

Blade was saying that the second he responded to you, you didn't catch up on it or even said why me and Blade said the same thing from the very start.

This was literally my first rebuttal and you ignored it and I said it again in this page.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Blade was saying that the second he responded to you, you didn't catch up on it or even said why me and Blade said the same thing from the very start.
You didn't say why it wasn't universal+ just that it isn't. You never said that destroying things outside the universe is what's accepted as universal+ till now neither did Blade.