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MCU discussion thread: The beginning of the Endgame edition.

Dead Lock

Banned Member
All transformers are lame as fuck.

The only transformer I know of is Nitro Zeus.

That's the problem when we speak in broad generalizations.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
I really enjoyed this movie. More than I did Spiderman anyways.

I really hope they keep John as Mr. Fantastic. God is would really fucking lame if they casted another actor.


Also the hate that MS Marvel show is getting right now :mjlol :russ

People still angry that they removed her comic powers and her being an Inhuman and just gave her cheap Quantum Bands


V.I.P. Member
I really enjoyed this movie. More than I did Spiderman anyways.

I really hope they keep John as Mr. Fantastic. God is would really fucking lame if they casted another actor.
They’re either keeping him or replacing him with someone they actually want to give the role too (John was just to appease the fans so they can stop hassling them about it)


V.I.P. Member

people only wanted John if Emily Blunt (his wifey) played Invisible Woman, and she made it clear she’s not gonna do it because she hates superhero movies

it’s why she turned down the offer of being Black Widow and then they gave the role to Scarlet Johansson instead


people only wanted John if Emily Blunt (his wifey) played Invisible Woman, and she made it clear she’s not gonna do it because she hates superhero movies

I need to see that good chemistry between Reed and Sue in live-action

I just beg that F4 will be amazing

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
I get he did the role to appease but there is really no good actor to be better for that role than him imho.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
[laughs] Okay, understood. So my question is if there is the one “Sacred Timeline” of the Marvel Universe that the TVA has been protecting for some significant stretch of time, then how can there also be so many alternate timelines and variants as well?

Okay, The best I can explain it is our approach with time travel was the philosophy basically that time is always happening. So there are infinite instances of time always occurring at once. So you and I are having this conversation right now. There’s another instance of us having this conversation 10 seconds ago. There’s another instance of time of us having this conversation 10 seconds in the future. Generally, those three instances — you could literally say they’re all different universes in a way different timelines — are all the same. There are minute little fluctuations in each instance of time. So in you and I’s conversation, five times out of ten, I pick up and I say, “Hello.” And four times out of ten, I say, “Hey, nice to meet you.” And then maybe one time out of ten, I’d say, “Hey man, f— you. I don’t want to do this interview.”

[laughs] Right.

And that’s just how time works. There’s always like different permutations and instances happening. The TVA has their own barometer, their own gauge of what constitutes a deviation from the baseline, the way it’s supposed to go. The way it went that produced He Who Remains. That is their baseline. And so they are constantly calculating, “Okay, we see how time has always...” If you zoomed in on the timeline, it wouldn’t necessarily look like a straight line. It might look like almost the intertwined strands of a rope fluctuating and spiking here and there. When it becomes a problem for the TVA is when, according to their own rules, when could something branch off in a way that it could actually produce a new timeline that could produce a new version of He Who Remains? That is the practical thing that they’re guarding against. Does that answer your question?
So the Sacred Timeline is actually a bunch of identical universes rather than just one universe. Which is still incredibly stupid and doesn't fix much, but it is at least slightly better than it was before.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
the more movies they add the more they're having a hard time fitting any of it into their project

even if shang-chi and black widow had not sucked their premises of secret societies controlling everything had already been done in winter soldier
how many of these am I supposed to believe exists?


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
New Thor trailer is out

Gorr honestly looks better in motion (especially that one shot showing his fangs and black blood seeping from his mouth) than he did in the concept art posted here earlier.