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OBD Convo #14: Mammoth Space Gods

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Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
I can agree with that.

Well to be fair, MJF did walk out the Meet and Greet and I'm certain that most of that crowd is smarks to the max so...

You should talk to True G about that, not me.
I will never get over how much of an oxymoron the term 'smark' is. We're literally calling a dipshit who believes wrestling is real, and not a work, smart. :mjlol I don't care if its being used ironically, it has to be one of the dumbest terms that exists. This shit is the equivalent of calling the retard at the backend of the short-bus clever.:russ

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

Hm, you know I gotta know, are freelance animators paid more than studio animators? Like non-Japanese animators working on anime isn’t uncommon. I know there’s that foreign dude that animated the aura’s in One Piece.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
You know I’m not even mad, I’m just disappointed and sad. Joe is clearly not mentally able to handle the duties of being the POTUS if he’s acting like this, wouldn’t be surprised if it was dementia.

Man should be at home, or at a nursing home, not here.
You know I’m not even mad, I’m just disappointed and sad. Joe is clearly not mentally able to handle the duties of being the POTUS if he’s acting like this, wouldn’t be surprised if it was dementia.

Man should be at home, or at a nursing home, not here.

Blame the people who forced him into that position and still allow him to be in despite very clearly not of being of sound mind at all.

TrueG 37

Vigilantes takes place around 5 years before Izuku meets All Might In the main series. It's why All Might is injured, Aizawa isn't a teacher etc.

Sure. @TrueG 37

The fuck Stain, I know stain's one of the cooler villain in the MHA... But seriously dude looks fucking cooler in Vigilante. Like with his look in MHA.

Like a wiped tissue paper in comparison to laminated paper.

dude went from this


to this

Knuckleduster punched the cool out of him leaving only edginess. Huh that is kinda what happened now that I think about it :skully . All I can say is that after Knuckleduster literally caved his face in and punched through his mask, breaking his nose and shit he devoted himself to more training, cut his nose and somewhat changed his philosophy toward killing false heroes rather than indiscriminately killing villains and Vigilantes. I'd assume the training is why he has things like spikes on his shoes so he can draw blood for his quirk better.
Why is Mr. Celebrity not in MHA and MHA got a female version of All might for the top american hero, that got killed uselessly.

Like that's some dumb decision, Seriously.
As if Hori of all nibbas could create a good character like Captain Celebrity :mjlol. Pretty funny since I remember not liking him much, it helped that nobody else including Koichi liked him either but he ends up being a standout character later on thanks to the main cast.

I guess there wouldn't be anything he could do to the stronger villains like High end or Ashyraki. His feats pale in comparison to end of series Koichi and they show why Koichi isn't allowed in Japan again. The whole international heroes thing is honestly the biggest showcase of Horikoshi's pathetic world building. People will defend Star by saying it shows what global heroes are capable of when it kinda does the opposite. America supposedly has some of the strongest heroes and the guys who run the global agencies force other heroes to sit back since they can't do anything to Afo or his villains, as if we needed to waste our time with this arc to figure out that Japan is all that matters in the series :mjlol.

Dead Lock

Banned Member

I like to imagine that this is where the legacy of ROM the Space Knight ended. That after having finally regained his long-lost humanity, after having finally cleansed the universe of the threat of the Dire-Wraith's forever. He retired his space-knight armor in a mural in deep-space. Leaving it behind along with the memories of loss and destruction it holds. While he begins life anew with the love of his life, Brandy Clark, rebuilding Galador where he can finally love her as a man, and not a cold, unfeeling instrument of war.

Gentle is his nature, painful was his reality.
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