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OBD Convo #36: The Orca Scrolls Academia

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Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
Couldn't even make it through one minute of that cancer. Shit went straight to Ironwood bashing after assassinating his character and wanking off Ruby the retard. That's about all I can stomach from Winter's single braincell-having ass.

Seriously, either just cancel this show, or have those who oppose RWBY win and kill off them and their supporters.

I won't call those who oppose these idiots villains. Nah. After all that's happened, an absolute sweep in their favour would be the only good ending for this rotten-ass show, and make them the protagonists in my mind, even if they're complete ass too.

#TeamSalemSweepFTW. :heston
Shit like this just keep showing you no matter if u suck at writing you suck as much as RWBY writers


V.I.P. Member


V.I.P. Member

man what the fuck is this
Horikoshi trying to write about a nuanced topic, but not really having the writing chops to deliver?

I'm going to be seeing "deviant" patients like Himiko Toga that, instead of finding a way to integrate them into the system, they were never given some kind of validation or aid to not push them in a direction where they become everyone else's problem out of despair/alienation/etc.

A criminal that has harmed others will still be a criminal that has harmed others, but it's still going to be my job to help them if I'm working in a detention center (which sounds like my initial direction if I wanna not be in crippling student loan debt~). You're not "born" evil, there's no "evil" gene, short of someone lacking the cognitive capacity for empathy (and you can still frame shit in a utilitarian way to try and reach them instead if that's lacking) there's a non-zero chance my job can succeed in some capacity or another. You don't forgive or forget what the "deviant" did for whatever crime they committed, but helping them better themselves has the potential to at least curb the chance for a repeat offense.

Like, let's be real, this can be written with grace. Fucking Vegeta was reformed and he spent most of his formative years as a genocidal monster. And this is Akira Toriyama, famed and renowned character writer and planner :maybe
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