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Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member

what did I just watch

only reply to that video


Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Like don't get me wrong, it's impressive that people find all these skips but seriously, what is the point of even playing the game if you're gonna skip most of it?

This sort of shit's why I actually gave props to the Hogwarts Legacy devs specifically taking steps to make sure speedrunners COULDN'T do this to their game.


Man of Atom
Gotta be the first to get the WR fam. Cant have someone else get that WR before me



Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
I gotta be honest. There's something truly entertaining and fascinating watching some of these guys literally break the game in half with exploits to get it finished as fast as they can. Also, it isn't like none of the dudes who do this don't play the game casually too, as plenty of them do. Matter of fact, a lot of them do casual playthroughs first, experiencing the game as intended, before they go into speed-running strats, where they get their other form of fun, in seeing just how far they can break the game, to finish quick.

There's also the competition involved in it all, which is also entertaining to watch, at least for me. If you don't find that entertaining like I do, well, more power to you. Different strokes for different folks, at the end of the day.


V.I.P. Member
So I pinged this girl I met last month (I might've mentioned her) inviting her to a party I'm planning in two weeks. It turned into a long text convo where she mentioned telling a friend of hers about me and how I approached her.

At that point it's flashing in front of my face like a neon sign: "You are so fucking in."


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
I tried this on my highschool when I barely have time to play games.
i just speed run through games just to play as many as I can with the limited time I was allowed to play. Well college became a different story because I can do my own shit at that point.

I honestly love watching Speedrunners find the craziest ways to break games by doing some real insane shit.
I remember seeing a Speedrunner find out how to fuck with the code of Super Mario World so hard, he literally turned the game into Flappy Birds:

And yes, this does have something to do with Speedruns:

This is why I'm in love with this stuff.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
bout to show yall some shit right quick

i know its kinda small and hard to read but
bruh i literally used this as a joke example to @Xhominid The Apex the other day to put in perspective how goofy the genis wank was this dude better not be serious


V.I.P. Member
“Power from/in another dimension” is just a term used in DB to refer to massive battle power

Piccolo used it refer to Supreme Kai being stronger than himself and Tien used it when referring to SSJ Goku’s power
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